Reading the diaries today, like this one on emergency contraception and the comments in this one referring to the hostile right-wing supporters, and pretty much everything about Republicans, it became very clear:

The Republicans are scared.

No, not just that Cindy will break through the media wall of silence on the failed War in Iraq.  Not just that Santorum may lose to Casey in 2006, or how badly Pirro will lose to Clinton, or how close the special election in OH-2 was recently.

The Republicans are scared — of everything.

Its their mantra, really…
War on Terrorism?  scared of Islamic people

Pro-Life?  scared of letting women make decisions without the Federal Govt telling them how to act

Emergency Contraceptions? afraid their children won’t adopt their morals without the Federal Government there to enforce them

Name the hot-button issue, and you can describe it as the Republicans being afraid.

We all agree they use fear to win elections.  But for some reason our politicians have been baffled as to how to deal with it.

American hates weakness.  That’s how we counter it.

We’re a strong, brave people.  We don’t celebrate self-preservation, we celebrate self-sacrifice.  Every victim of 9/11 is a “hero”.  Every victim of the war in Iraq is a “hero”.

The truth is our so-called “tough leaders” are the biggest cowards of their generation.  But its not enough to discredit them.  That comes across as partisan rancor, no matter how grounded in truth it is.

So what can we do?

Attack the policy.  We all know Republican policies are as anti-American as they get.  But why do respond to that by attacking them for their hypocrisy?  Why not call a spade a spade and “let the people decide”.

Are the American People on the side of the scared Republicans — afraid of the world, afraid of freedom, afraid of our children, afraid of America?

No.  Of course not.

Given a choice between a party that is afraid, and believes only the Federal Government can protect us, and a party that believes in the power of ordinary Americans to do what is right and the power of freedom — who will they choose?

They were loud and clear in 1994.  Its been 12 years, and I bet they can be just as loud and clear now that the tables have turned.




Afraid of the people.

Turning to the government to protect them from anyone and everything.

The New Republican Party.

Do you think that’s something we can campaign on?

What else are the Republicans scared about?  What anti-American things have they done in response to their fears?