I just got off the phone with Susan’s daughter Darcy. Susan was feeling nauseous and had chest pains last night so Darcy took her to the hospital. They ran some tests and said her heart looked fine and she had not had a heart attack. But they kept her overnight for observation. She is probably going to be staying overnight again tonight as they run some more tests. Darcy says she is bored and wants to get back to blogging.
Darcy is bringing her a laptop later today, but we don’t know if there is any wifi connection. At worst, she can play solitaire or something. Beats watching television.
Hopefully, I’ll have a chance to talk to her once Darcy arrives with her cell phone. I’ll be sure to give her all your well wishes.
We’ll all be thinking about you.
Oh, dear — please add my voice to the chorus of those sending well wishes!! Thanks for keeping us posted.
Thanks Boonam, I hope you will continue to give us updates. I know she knows we all are wishing her a speedy recovery to what ever it is wrong with her. Thanks again….
Thanks, Boo! And I thank whatever powers still listen to me that she has decent health coverage and doesn’t have the added stress of financial worries hanging over her head.
All good energies I have on tap headed Susan and Darcy’s way!
And we will be praying, meditating or wishing really hard (take your pick) for her earliest return to health.
Hope everything is okay and we have her here again soon.
That’s not good. Get well soon.
Susan, you know we left-coasters have you in our thoughts!
Dear Susan,
Wishing you a speedy return to blogging. You’re the best!
Susan, do take care of yourself – whatever it takes. I wish you all the best for a peaceful, speedy recovery, and please know that you’re in our hearts and surrounded by a great deal of cyber love/caring.
It’s comforting to know that Darcy is with you for support and care. Bless you both.
Geez Louise!! Susan: take it easy, damnit! If you’re bored, just play with the hospital jello or something. See how much will stick to the ceiling when noone’s looking.
I think you just have such a big heart full of so much love that it felt the need to burst (or something). I’m not a doctor but I play one on the internet. So, take it easy. Rest. Drink plenty of fluids – no beer. They don’t like really drunk people in the hospital. Take whatever they give you but leave the linen – it’s usually really cheap stuff anyway. Flirt with the good looking male staff for me (I’ll e-mail you my phone number). Tell your son to keep us informed – or else. And make sure he waits on you hand and foot – or else. Enjoy the flowers but don’t eat them. Use that nurse buzzer as much as possible. I hear they like the exercise during the slow times. Pretend your Zsa Zsa and be really demanding. I have a red feather boa I bought at a garage sale yesterday for my granddaughter that you can borrow. Just get well! We miss you!! huge hugs
[[[ if I could send here a floral arrangement I would and here is how it would look]]]
In an old-fashioned bedpan, the metal kind, I would arrange a cactus arrangement of all kinds of cactus and have a big red bow of actual ribbon on it and saying have a good flush on it…speedy recovery too…:o) accompaning it would be a new roll of toilet paper, and some of those hemmorrhoidial suppositories, too..what u think???:o) I have actualaly seen them and given them…but nowadays they use the plastic kind of bedpans…
Susan, would that help brighten your day, just a little???????? :o)
How creative of you! You should market those.
I am also an internet doctor, a colleague, and I recommend a portable CD player. It can block out noise and lull one to sleep. It also helps if one happens to get a Nurse Ratchet. I pray that Susan doesn’t get one.
(The best recommendation I ever got to bring to the hospital is mouth wash.)
I am very happy to hear that it wasn’t a heart attack! I hope all the tests come back clear and it was just stress or something. Best wishes and thoughts… get well soon, Susan.
Having had two heart attacks and three angioplasty’s in the last two years, I can promise you the only, repeat, ONLY way they can tell if she’s really ok is if they do an angio-gram and examine her arteries in the cath lab. It’s not a dangerous procedure and isn’t painful.
Or nearly as good is a nuke stress scan. Angio-gram is much better. If all they did was an electro-cardiogram and enzme screen…have she and her daughter scream bloody murder and demand the rest. Do it Booman…pass the word.
She’s having heavy early warning signs. I know.
Been there….and she doesn’t want to go any more down that road! It’s a rough one.
I know she had the ECG, but I don’t know what-all tests she is getting. Obviously she is getting more tests, which is why she is staying an extra day. Hopefully, she’ll be able to read this thread soon and share your concerns with her doctor.
Yikes! I hope you’re better soon, Susan! We will miss your voice until you’re back–and we look forward to hearing about your adventures with the medical system.
OK, you better be OK and back posting and editing. It better be gas..just bad heart burn..nothing serious. If Rove poisoned you that’s it, off come the gloves! hurry back to the pond
My best wishes to you Susan, I tried to call yo yestereday and I am relieved to know you are well.
When you get home take it easier…..please….we all miss you and I am sending big hugs and good vibrations straight out to you.
Susan, you’re in my thoughts and prayers as well. Take it easy girl! We need you to help us with the frogmarching.
Susan, I guess this is as good an opportunity as any to tell you that I regularly enjoy your FP posts even if I don’t usually comment to say so. (I’m chronically ill and disabled so my blog participation is often sporadic or passive.) Thanks for all the hard work you do here and I hope you get to feeling better soonest.
Blessings and wishes for a speedy and full recovery from the mountains… I will hold you in my thoughts.
Peace be with you and Darcy
And take care of yourself … relax. Pamper yourself when you get out. We need your voice and words for the long haul, and we need you to take care of yourself to do it.
All best wishes winging your way.
Susan, take care of yourself and relax as best you can. I know that is difficult in a hospital setting, but try your hardest.
Make sure you do not leave the hospital without a definitive answer as to what is causing your illness.
I’ll be thinking of you.
I agree. I hope the doctors explore all the possibilities of what could have caused this and do enough testing for a definitive answer.
That said, I’m hoping you’re doing well and that this turns out to be nothing very serious. Also hoping your family is doing well with the stress of an unexpected health scare like this.
Oh yeah, one other thing, goddammit this just fucken sucks. Hope to ‘see’ you here soon susan.
Be well.
Best wishes. And take care of yourself.
Hurry and get better, OK?
Get Well Soon!
Susan, you need to relax and get better! I hope you’re okay and out of that boring hospital soon!
Definitely better safe than sorry. So try to enjoy being bored! Play solitaire! Get ’em to wait on ya!
Most of all: Take care of yourself.
Our prayers are with you. I assume many others who don’t post will agree with me.
Sending healing thoughts…
Be well. So sorry to hear that you are ill in hospital. Hope they are taking good care of you and that you get well soon.
I’m sending you a bouquet of African Daisies from the streets of Victoria, BC Canada.

“Take one of these and call me in the morning”

We love you! Will be keeping you very close to our hearts. Take care!
Get well real soon Susan. And thank you for plugging my blog a few times – you’re much appreciated in my book.
recovery, Susan. You are a true gift to humanity, get yourself right so that you can continue to give to us all that you do.
What usually helps ME (selfish, ain’t I?) through these health struggles is to accept the advances in medical technology in just the last 10 years. I am very hopeful that you are receiving the best medical treatment in the best facilities with the best doctors (catnip will be checking with you re:hunkiness later) and NURSES that are possible.
Get well soon!
Take it easy, Susan, don’t feel any pressure to get back in your blogging chair. We miss you, of course, but I’d rather wait until you’re truly recovered.
I remember one of the first diaries you posted one evening at dKos and how it scrolled off the diary list so fast it made my head spin. We had a more or less private chat at the end of its meager comment thread in which I advised you to add some more content and re-post it in the morning.
Sure enough, it made the Recommended List the next day and you became a recognized voice in the blogosphere. The point being, it gives me great pleasure to know I was among the first to recognize your power and I’m willing to lose you short-term if I know you’ll be speaking for me in the long-term. So take your recovery slowly and come back even stronger than before.
I’m beaming a green healing ray right atcha. Feel the virtual hug I’m sending you with all my heart.
Susan: all your friends and supporters at http://www.howieinseattle.com and http://www.seattlefordean.com are with you. -Howie
Your work is very important, so please don’t wear yourself down, or worry about things that you have done plenty to change.
So he has brought you
this mouse…
Awww! At least it’s just a toy. One of my cats brought in 2 mice this past week. I like presents but hey…
They’re just showing you the looove, Catnip! Because they feel bad that you can’t catch your own mice!
Just avoid thinking about George Bush and Republicans for 72 hours, and all will be well.
sending healing vibes!! get well soon!!
oh dear, Susan ,take care and let me know if you need any help!
and she hopes you are home soon and being the queen of the castle once again. There’s nothing like being in your own cozy house.
I’m probably too late, but my thoughts will go to Susan tonight. I adore you, Susan. You and BooMan make a remarkable team. Come back soon and hugs.
get well. err on the side of caution and just rest.
He’s just under the china cabinet…
It’s painful when really good people have to spend a night in a hospital bed… Just enjoy the jello and know we’re sending love.
your way…hope all is well and you do get to get back to your family and us…we miss you. take thinks slow and be well my friend…You are loved.
and I also hope it was just stress and nothing else. Please let us know when you get that confirmation.
Looking forward to reading your work again soon!
Susan, get well and stay well.
And take lots of care of yourself.
Geez, you mention me on the front page then get stuck in the hospital…it’s enough to give a girl paranoid complexes or something…
The spouse and I are sending you lots of healing energy, though since we’re in LA instead of Silly Con Valley it might take a little longer to get there. 🙂
Blessings, peace, and lots of love and hugs to you!
I signed on today (Sunday) and noticed a lack of posts by Susan. Then I found this. Susan, please be well. I’m sending good vibes and healing thoughts your way. Hugs. Hope you’re feeling better soon… we miss you.