[From the diaries by susanhu. What a story. We must compile all of your Crawford stories and preserve them.] My dear friends, I have returned from a journey I will never forget. There is so much to tell it will not be possible to do so in one diary.
Arriving in Austin, with directions in hand, I made my way to Brinnainne’s house. On an earlier thread someone said we should give this phenomenal woman’s house a name. Seeing her nickname is Cat, well my wicked sense of humour said Cat House but that just sounds so bad, Cat’s Peace Connection might be more appropriate.
I was welcomed with hugs and love and what can I get you? Sitting in a recliner dozing was a young man. Cat explained Scott had just flown in from Montana and she had picked him up from the airport. Scott is a 33 year old Iraqi Vet and was there to join The Iraqi Veterans Against the War group and needed a ride to Crawford. It was my honor to provide that ride. More on Scott’s painful story later.
Cat made sure I had everything I would need, camping gear, cooler with ice bottles, wet rags for the heat, raingear, directions. Janet and Adastra arrived shortly thereafter to welcome me and take pictures. A big thank you to both for the pics as my camera (I realized the second day) was not working…ugh! We chatted for awhile and took pictures and laughed and cried together. And yes Booman, I DID have those wonderful t-shirts in my bag and they each got one. They helped load my rental car and Scott and I hit the road.
Scott and I stopped first to pick up a couple of cases of water to donate, ice and a soda for the road. Scott was a little dazed and overwhelmed by the generosity of others. I told him I had many questions about Iraq but would not ask them if he did not want to talk about it. Oh he wanted to talk about it alright but said he never knows where to start and would prefer I asked away. He needed to talk about it. I will tell you an abbreviated version of this two hour story.
Scott was National Guard, an Apache Helicopter mechanic and spent 15 months in Iraq just north of Bahgdad at the base where the mess tent was bombed. In those fifteen months his base was attacked/bombed 800 times! He told me he was a prisoner there. The command was very rigid, the heat was unbearable, they were not allowed to even take off their comouflage shirts to work on the helicopters. Iraqis were hired to do what he called grunt work because there are not enough troops to do it. Some Iraqis had to wear “red tags” and guarded at all times as they were suspect. Scot said guarding them was a joke. One time they found a bomb in the media center. It could have been disasterous had it exploded.
While he was there, his wife of ten years sent him divorce papers, sold their house and cleaned out their bank accounts.His heart was broken. He had to use his only leave of 14 days to try and work things out. To this he commented “While I am putting my ass on the line for my country I get 14 days for R&R and Bush takes five weeks off in the middle of this cluster fuck he got us into”. He was discharged in February. Before he left for Iraq, he was told by his employer(he was a web designer)his job would be waiting for him. When he arrived back, they had a job for him alright as a customer rep at half the pay. He applied for a job at Border’s Bookstore and was told he was not qualified to make an espresso. He said it took everything he had not to slap the ignorant woman. “I repaired GD helicopters in a warzone and she didn’t think I was qualified to make a fucking espresso”, he said. Scott decided he should go back to school for his masters in English. He also new that he was so angry at what this illegal war had done to his life that he needed therapy. He went to the Veteran’s Center. He was told he did not qualify for ANY benefits, education or medical because he needed to have served two years in Iraq to qualify. WTF? How can they force our young men and women to serve and not take care of them when they return? We talk about loss of life and limb but this is another story of loss.Now, think about how often this story will be repeated as these kids come home! You can find information on the Iraqi Vet’s Against the war here
One Women in a Ditch?Part II Arriving In Crawford tomorrow.
Add it to the mounting hill of lies or is more like mountains of lies now?
Call it Patriot’s House – for all heroes spending time in the ditch. Vets like Scott get a raw deal, very similar to all Vets who have put their lives on the line. You name it – Vietnam War, Gulf War, Iraq War and the Afghan campaign.
Thanks for the info and coverage Alohaleezy – looking forward to your reporting.
Excellent name my friend!
Oh, Oui, that poem gave me goosebumps. Thank you for that beautiful sentiment. It is my humble honor to serve in this way — and I want you ALL to know that my house is always open to any of you, any time, for any reason.
Having Scott be able to relax enough in my house to take a nap in our recliner gave me a sense of peace and fulfillment that I have not known in a very long time — he is a very special person, who has been wrongly used. I would like to write about him too — ‘leezy, do you think he’d be ok with it?
Absolutely Bri! He is opening up now and he asked me at the rally Saturday if he should consent to interviews. I told him he had a story to tell and a public that needs to hear it. Just don’t use his last name for his safety’s sake.
I would never use his last name unless he specifically told me too — and thanks to reading this this morning, I remembered to call and leave a message for him to make sure that he had a ride back to Austin and all — I believe his plane leaves tomorrow — hopefully I will hear from him soon.
I didn’t think you would Bri, but thought it best to mention it. I truly did not mean to offend in any way. I am sorry if I did.
And you couldn’t offend me even if you tried your best — NO worries at all!! k?
That happened to be me that mentioned on a different diary about naming your house and I’m glad it was picked up on. I couldn’t think of any good names off hand except for Camp Brinn but hoping others might throw out some good suggestions. Oui’s suggestion is very good.
I think what you’re doing is invaluable.
Scott’s and our Commander-In-Chief ::
“I’m not meeting with that goddamned bitch,” Bush screamed at aides who suggested he meet with Cindy Sheehan, the war-protesting mother whose son died in Iraq. “She can go to hell as far as I’m concerned!”
President Bush flashes the bird,
aides say he does a lot of these days.
Source :: CMAQ – Quebec
Wow. The tendency to see this war in generalities (perpetuated by the media) ignores the stories like these that are happening every day. I wish the media would cover how this war affects the individuals forced to participate in it more closely.
Great diary, looking forward to Part II.
We can no longer depend on the media to report the truth I am afraid. Upon reading several articles last night, I found several misquotes and/or taken out of context quotes from speeches at the rally on Saturday. More about that in another diary.
Thank you for the compliment. It means alot to me coming from you Paul.
Sounds like the military operates like all those really bad companies we’ve all worked for. The decisions are made by people who don’t have any idea how the place operates because they won’t take the time to find out, which makes following the rules and making the thing work impossible to do simultaneously. Which means that rules have to be broken regularly; the only people who get in trouble for breaking them are the ones who, out of duty and a desire to change things for the better, call attention to it. If you just shut up and do what you have to do, no matter how illogical, you’ll get along better. You’re required to pinch pennies while great sums are burned as waste. Meanwhile, you watch the higher-ups get the perks for doing a monumentally shitty job.
Except for the death and destruction, it sounds like it’s managed like the city department I work for.
I don’t often cry anymore these days. I suppose I have been able to heal a lot with you guys. You guys have been my therapy and Crawford has been my therapy. I have sought out a therapist before blogging here, our country since 9/11 is really in a pickle and our therapists themselves are working through the aftermath and the lies and the war, most can’t help people like me so close the flame….they are working on their own stuff right now and maybe in a few years there will be some workshops and then those of us who got really burnt can get some real help from therapists. The place where my husband went is one of the few places unafraid to test and express and face CURRENT social issues and abuse in our society. So Booman is my therapy and it has worked just as well as actual therapy would have thus far. I express emotions and I get validation and I have been over the top angry and it has been pointed out usually very gently and I have been understood and motivated to bodily take action against the abuse and heal. I cried about Scott though. God, I wish it wasn’t the same old fucking story over and over and over again. He is part of my family too, he is an Apache mechanic and my husband and I have relied on him daily for years for our safety and welfare. Ten year marriage down the tubes because when your husband leaves for a clusterfuck war like Iraq you’re not sure if he is going to come home alive……that uncertainty and the inability to tell anybody how scared and alone you are because it is UNPATRIOTIC has caused a lot of this spousal abandonment that we are witnessing take place. Usually all the funds are plundered and squandered too in the process, seems to be how the spouse expresses the anger and hurt and pain and they have nobody to beat up other than the soldier…..don’t try to tell America what America is doing to you because you will pay. Beating the proverbial shit though out of your soldier spouse is really self destruction, they have turned on themselves. The soldiers fight for their very lives over there every single day, the spouses fight for their sanity and usually lose because they don’t have anywhere to EXPRESS. I had my Aunt and Uncle and they saw me through it, and now my Uncle is dead though! If a Vietnam Vet wouldn’t have held my hand through it I would have lost it too. If I wouldn’t have had you guys, I would have lost it when I lost my Vet!
the feeling is absolutely mutual. Your willingness to express and to share has been inclredibly healing for me as well. I learn so much from you and I know that I will continue to — I love you, sister, with everything that I am.
We cannot WAIT to see you next month and to meet Josh and Matt (will Bren be coming?)
Took a moment of silence and tears. I think Bren will stay and continue on with school. So hard to take off when you’re in high school. She misses everything fun though in San Antonio, but who knows – maybe my house is party central when I’m gone. Just as long as nobody dies or does anything too stupid. You have to have a little fun in life and God knows half of being a teenager is collecting all the stories you get to tell your parents one day just to see if they’ll pass out.
You are an inclredible mom, a beautiful woman and an inspirational, strong person — never forget any of that.
[[huge hugs]]]
And you have been a catalyist, like Cindy has, for so many of us here to join the fight to get our country back and make this administration accountable for their lies and crimes against humanity.
Lee, I feel the same way about Tracy. She inspired me to go just as much or more than Cindy did.
I feel as Scott did though when people put me up for the night and donated things to take out there, it is shocking at first to find out that people care and that some folks managed to not get too damn crazy in all of this. We all feel so alone that we are sure that we are, we carry the pain within positive that nobody wants to hear it and certain that we will be attacked. Through you we are beginning to heal our distrust of our own people and our own nation. You guys are a bridge back to humanity again for us. To be able to look into someone’s eyes and have them look back at you and without having to have to go through all of it and become as damaged as we are and still know how wrong it all was and it all is gives us a way to begin to trust our fellow man again and make repairs within. I have reentered society proud of who I am again because I have friends, and it all wasn’t my imagination that it hurt terribly and still hurts as Iraq continues daily.
All I can say is Sweet Jesus, what has our country become? To give you an example of the total cognitive dissonance I’m feeling, here is what I read right before reading this. It’s a comment from a diary at Huffington Post:
I wish Scott could meet with all of these people who hold such misguided views. They sure aren’t going to listen to any of us.
I decided to crosspost at Dkos. First time I have posted a diary there and it is rapidly rolling off the recent list. Oh well, it’s here at my bloghome. That’s what counts! I have never pimped a diary before but sure would appreciate any recommends over there if you are a poater.
Thanks to Susan for front paging this. I am so humbled and honored.
Thanks Oui…it has already slid of the recent list. Everyone is worried about this hurricane and understably so.
PS The front page list of diaries is extended to 50 entries :: approx. 3 hours in time.
Your diary did well with number of recommends and comments.
Katrina takes all of everyone’s attention – natural-ly disaster.
Maybe add Crawford to the title for further installments – “One Woman in a Crawford Ditch” – it might catch peoples attention better.
Thanks in advance for this series alohaleezy. Scott’s story, and those of others like him, illustrate the personal tragedies that make up our national tragedy. I’m eagerly awaiting your further diaries.
Assholeville, but you know me!
Excellent input Chinook and thank you for your compliments. These stories MUST be told. I encouraged Scott to talk to reporters. He was very hesitant.I told him he had a story to tell and the public needs to hear the truth. Now if only the media will print the truth without taking things out of context.
Read a story at AP I believe this morning that likened the prayer vigil at Camp Casey Sunday to a “tent revival”. Also they mentioned that at least 2,000 Bush supporters were there but nothing about the estimated 4,000 on our side. They are so f’ing complicit in all this crap it totally disgusts me.
Know what the difference is between here and there?
Here your diary was read and recommended… but more importantly it was anticipated. We were waiting to see what you had to share. We knew you were there. We worried and celebrated along with you this entire time. o
It was a wanted and awaited story that is interconnected to all the other ones here.
all was still well here, and it is just rain. She said that Booman has provided an amazing space for this Iraq thing, and he really has and he has allowed a family to be born here and pathway to healing from this Iraq mess. It is true! There is an incredible connectedness on here pertaining to the pain and suffering that this ?War? brings our country and the country of Iraq also.
Yes, yes, you are so right Janet. Now I am crying again. The folks here, the spirit of compassion, of unity is so unreal. I took each of you with me and believe me many there asked what Booman Tribune was when they saw my shirt. This is home and I honestly don’t care how it does at Dkos. That quite a few read and commented before it disappeared is great. Whomever should see this story will. Scott was dropped out of the Universe and into my life for a reason. I truly believe. Maybe just to tell his story.
Hey there alohaleezy… I haven’t been around much lately to let you all know how much you are in my heart and thoughts as I’ve been working a ton, but you are. Each and every day. I am so lucky to know you all and so happy you are on this planet and standing on principles… and acting on those principles.
Really, really lucky.
I haven’t been posting but I have been lurking now and then and wish to Confucious I could be there with you and Janet and Brinnaine and Tracy… and Scott. Thank you for telling this story and for being open and caring enough that he felt safe to share with you.
… okay, enough, I can’t stand it, it’s been like, 2 paragraphs and I haven’t snarked at all… damn… what is this world coming to… I feel so unpatriotic… 🙂
Take care of yourself and hopefully one day I can meet y’all face to face as well. Until then, I’m here whenever you need me… although I can’t guarantee I’ll always be so sappy 🙂
Spider, thank you and so good to see you here.I love your writing. I am having the hardest time keeping my emotions in check today. At almost every comment the tears start to flow. Hopefully I can get a grip here soon. I so appreciate you all for taking the time to read this story and the wise and wonderful comments you have posted. I need to share this experience and it is hard in the climate we live in to do so outside of this site and others like it. I am so grateful to all of you for being a part of my journey.
Just announced on local San Diego NBC station that Bush will arrive here this afternoon to speak about the Iraq war out on Coronado Island. Proesters are expected to hold a candle light vigil there tonight. I may try to get out there. Any San Diegans here? Try to get out there please. If I find anymore information on the vigil I will report back here in comments.
Attack on US Base in Mosul Kills 22
Attack on base weren’t rockets, but a suicide bomber ::
Report: Mess-hall suicide bomber was Saudi
FOB Marez – al-Ghizlani Camp
<click on pic to enlarge>

GI Special web site at —
Hi Aloha, just read your story and thanks so much, I look forward to part 2 of story.
I’m feeling all the pain everyone is, but also all the goodwill that emanates out of Camp Casey and all the people who have journeyed there to stand with her and stand up for us who cannot be there.
I will forever be proud of all of you and will hold you all in my memories.
Words are never enough, but its all I have right now.
You are beautiful!!! So glad you got to go and were able to share.
Sadly I can fathom, not understand – mind you, but I am almost EXPECTING it now days, Scott being turned away by the VA and by the USA.
You see, these warmongers are just that. They are pro-war. They aren’t about solutions, peace, support… Scott. They don’t care as they have chanted befre. They can’t be bothered with the news of the war just like they can’t be bothered about news of Scott and other, thousands like him.
Because they don’t care.
Yesterday I watched the WorldTribunal on FSTV where theyhad a mock court of War Crimes against the US. IMPEACHMENT?? No fucking way. Charge all of these bastards for the illegal wars, the suffering of the Iraqis and the suffering they have placed on our military. So angry right now…
I wish that along with doing what we are all doing in our own way that I could make those Bush Supporters see RubDMC’s photos, read Scott’s stories, read about the lack of planning, armor, food, this fucking mess.
I hate to say it, but this country cares more about “taste great, less filling” than it does it’s own people and it sure as shit doesn’t care about the world around it.
(((((((AlohaLeezy)))))))))))) thanks for taking us on your journey.
Oh my gosh Janet, thank you! Now it will be your turn to take your anger and put it to good use in DC. You and Cabingirl and all that are going. Wish I could go too but will do the LA rally on the same day. The Revolution has begun and folks they are doing it right. NONE of our side was arrested this weekend and three were from the Pro WAR group. Says alot for the way this is being handled on our side.
The news was so crappy.
I sometimes wonder if 3 days in DC will do much. We should just camp out there till this is over and these assholes are charged.
Sen. Boxer sent out a mailer about exit plan from Iraq… I wrote that she should be concerned also about ousting these warfuckers. I’m tired of the namby pamby kid gloves the politicians are using with these blatant liars and crooks.
You will be with us all in spirit of course 🙂
I worry sometimes about the fact that Utah raves and such are possiby a practice for the “security” against protestors. It’s not like they have much guard to “control” all those anti-Bush folks.
Glad you made it home safe and sound 🙂 HOORAY!!!!
Can I say it??? Scott is HOT! Reminded me of a Teemu Selanne (hot hockey player)
Yes, Scott is a cutey alright, beautiful blue eyes. He is two years younger than my son though…lol! He is very intelligent too and really is just trying to heal.
and they don’t think he’s qualified to him make espresso… UnFuckingbelievable… but expected.
Just another part of the “support” the Magnetic Yellow Ribbon Brigrade truly offers. Jack. Shit.
and.. I was so damn worried for you and JackiJanet. Had my MommaBearHairs up all day.
CNN has now shown Sheehan’s ad… earlier they did the Anri-Roberts ad. Let’s just keep nailing them again and again.
Take Camp Casey back to D.C. immediately! Don’t let this slow down.
All of the diaries from Camp Casey by our own reporters here at bootrib are really incredible.
Very glad Aloha that your trip was even more than you expected..as for the rest of what you wrote about Scott, wife, espresso, not being in Iraq for two years thus no help…has left me with such a towering anger I can’t write anything coherent about how I feel about that.
take what you’re feeling after reading his story and imagine hearing it first hand. It is pretty hard to dive while crying and cursing and seeing all those GD yellow ribbons in the heart of Texas all at the same time. It is so cruel, so inhuman what they are doing to our young men and women. Shame on you George!
It seems to me that the country was really just starting to heal some of the wounds that the Vietnam war left on the country-from Agent Orange being ignored as to effect on soldiers, to not enough health care for them, for the mental and physical effects and how it rippled out to effect families and the whole country in general and now we have to go through all those horrors again. With Depleted Uranium, vaccinations that may have been harmful, not enough health care coverage for those returning and so on and so on. The human toll goes far, far beyond the troops who have died.(I can’t really even begin to imagine how the country of Iraq is being destroyed)
I just read that the first Gulf War where we were there for only 5 weeks or so is now costing in monetary terms only 2 Billion a year for troops that served there and the medical problems they have or for having to go on permanent disability.
I can’t even do a good rant to let off steam when I feel like this, a poison in my gut for the monumental waste of human lives, the ones who died and the ones who didn’t and for what? That’s where the poison starts to congeal in my stomach and I wish oh how I wish the whole damn administration had to strap on a helmet and spend a year over there fighting.