It’s hard to believe summer is almost over.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
I can’t believe it either…the kids went back to school today, and I start tomorrow afternoon…I’m so not ready to study yet!
Anybody have any cool “last hurrah” of summer plans? We’re debating whether to do the shady end of the Lehigh Valley rail-trail or Ricketts Glen (cool waterfalls) this weekend. Or maybe the Maryland Heights trail at Harpers Ferry…so many outings, so little time!
We have a local Dem pot luck group..get together most weekends and this Sat we will go out on Diver Ed’s boat at his invitation
Diver Ed has to be experienced. He’ll get sea cucumbers, bring them to the boat then put them in his mouth and blow ‘spume’ everywhere. He also has a giant slingshot and we’ll bombard some of the islands. Last summer we took a blow up doll of Bush and…well, that’s more info than you need. <our county web site
Can I come??? Are you all the way up in Baa Hahbah? I have friends that lived in Surrey/Toddy Pond; there still near ther, but I forget the name of the town…
Seriously, that sounds like a great time!
My “last of summer hoorah” is a trip from MN to Sedona, AZ next week. I just looked up the weather and it was 101 degrees there today. But unlike here, where dewpoints in the summer get up in the 70’s, the dewpoint was 38. Summer lives on!!! Now if I can just get enough work done in the next few days to leave with a clear mind…
I hear Sedona is gorgeous-I hope you’ll be posting some pictures when you get back!
I might just have to break down and finally buy a digital camera for this trip. I’ll be back just in time for the photo fair here and how can I possibly pass up the opportunity to participate when I’ll be visiting what I hear must be one of the most gorgeous places on the planet?
A little funny story for everyone here: I have been asking everyone I know who has been to Sedona to recommend things I should be sure to do while I’m there. A friend was talking about the energy vortexes in the area that have been identified as “male energy” and “female energy.” She said that she and a friend decided to visit a male energy site and knew that it had been correctly identified because they couldn’t find it and wouldn’t stop to ask for directions!
In Maine, there are certain things we don’t talk about. I just discussed wood getting delivered next month and said, Hey David, October’s ok, it’s going to be warm for a while..
Today, I asked a local garage owner to consider running for the legislature..the look said flattered the ancwer was No but that’s only the first ask.
Shortly after the ’04 election I had a sig line that said, “I’m looking for a progressive married Southern minister who’s a cross between Will Rogers & Teddy Roosevelt to run in ’08. Still lookin.
According to southern politicians, the President has made “everything alright” saving people from the great floods and storms. He has declared disaster areas in order to permit federal funding.
Memo to wingers: the money he is ‘giving’ BELONGS TO THE PEOPLE.
More crimes against citizens by the Bush regime. This time it’s the Secretary of The Army demoting procurement agent/ turned whistleblower against Halliburton, Bunnatine Greenhouse.
Link here. Via Raw Story.
Not that I’m wishing time away… I can wait…
But this is nice two fold… School’s in from summer for my brother (a teacher), so he has to go back to work…
And pretty soon we’ll be on the slopes in the berkshires (hopefully)
I’m more of a fall-winter (pre-jan.) kinda’ guy anyway
Well ,apparently the underpants gnomes will not ship to ‘my area’ WTF? I just got a box from my sis in law via fedex, Jeebus
‘We cannot locate your area’ WTF? the ups guy comes here daily
when September ends.