Crossposted from Dameocrat Blog

Tom Hayden hits the nail on the head about Bush in the neocons.

Why the US Is Supporting Civil War: “There’s a small practical problem with this revised vision. It is likely to intensify the war on two levels: Iraqis against the Americans and Iraqis against each other. I don’t have a particular philosophical preference for centralized government, but the alternative in Iraq is a devolution to warring ethnic and religious fiefdoms under the control of the international market. Yoo, Brooks and Galbraith are silent on this untidy aspect of their scenario, with Yoo even reminding Americans that we had to go through the ‘fiery experience’ of civil war before becoming a nation. Leaving aside the fact that Americans threw the British out by force, that’s a macabre future for Iraqis who were promised ‘liberation.’ Since the civil war will not be won militarily, the Administration will argue that the occupation must be permanent.

If this sounds mad, manipulative or both, what does it reveal about US intentions in Iraq?

It suggests that the American purpose has been to destroy Iraqi nationalism, as  in the previous Baathist state and the continued de-Baathification policies.  

It suggests that our ‘best and brightest’ want to weaken any future possibility of a strong Iraqi state with control of its own enterprises and resources.

It suggests that the US has chosen to ally itself with Islamic fundamentalism rather than a secular state with a centralized government.

It suggests that civil war against the Sunnis and any other ‘diehards’ is the US preference rather than a political settlement that brings the nationalist resistance, including the Sunnis, into negotiations rather than war.

This is the same strategy the Israelis chose decades ago when they directly and indirectly supported the Islamic religious groupings as preferable to the secular and ‘Marxist’ Palestinian Liberation Organization [PLO] two decades ago. That strategy contributed directly to the creation of Hezbollah and suicide bombers.

It is the same strategy that led the US to support the mujahadeen, the embryonic Al Qaeda, against the secular, pro-Russian Afghan government. In 1998, two years before 9/11, Zbigiew Brzezinski flippantly dismissed critics of the policy this way:

    Question: And neither do you regret having supported Islamic fundamentalism, which has given arms and advice to future terrorists?

    Answer: What is more important in world history? The Taliban or the collapse of the Soviet empire? Some agitated Muslims or the liberation of Central Europe and the end of the Cold War?

    Question: ‘Some agitated Muslims’? But it has been said that repeated: Islamic fundamentalism represents a world menace today…

    Answer: Nonsense… [Le Nouvel Observateur, Paris, Jan. 15-21, 1998]

The US opposes independent nationalism from Iraq to Venezuela. It prefers to weaken independent states to diminish their military potential in either the Middle East or Latin America, and to break down what are described as ‘protectionist’ barriers to the ‘free trade’ model of Halliburton or Wal-Mart.

In seeking to impose both Pentagon dominance and a neo-liberal economic model on the world, the US is prepared to accept alliances with religious forces that insist on strict censorship and punishment of freedom of association and belief. For Bush and the neo-conservatives, it seems, freedom for American investors can’t wait, but women – their rights ‘are not critical to the evolution of democracy.'”

Freedom for Investers: This is why Sheehan’s son died!