There is that old story about the man in the flood, which I find very appropos at this moment.
A flood is expected and people are told to go to higher ground. But one man decides that his faith in God will save him so he stays at home. So when his neighbors pack up and leave that beg him to come along…he responds “I believe in God and my God will save me”
A few hours later the water has risen to the porch level and small boat comes along and the rescuers beg the man to come into the boat to save himslef…he replies “I believe in God and my God will save me”
Late into the evening the water is so high that the man finds refuge on the roof. A helicopter comes by the rescuers throw the man a lifeline and beg him to save himeself…the man replies..”I believe in God and my God will save me”
The man drowns.
In heaven he meets God and asks “Dear lord I believed in you all of my life, why didn’t you save me?”
God replied “I tried three times”…
How many more chances do the Democrats in Washington need to finally pull their head out of the stand and save this country from itself.
What the hell are Dems waiting for…and Act of God… we have the floods …will it take locusts to get them to act.
The only thing between fundamentally shifting the country to a state of radical fanaticism are the Democrats.
They have MORE THAN ENOUGH reasons and facts and people behind them to back them up. There is:
- Record unemployment
- Increase poverty
- Worse polling ever for this administration
- One disaster after the other…
Great diary Parker. The million dollar question, as you say is what the hell is it going to take? I wrote a very long email to Boxer Sunday night after my trip to Crawford. I usually here back from her right away. Not a peep! Hmmm.are we losing her voice too or is just that she is on vacation? Do the whole staff take off too or do they have people still manning the offices. I know it is usually grunts that answer thus the question.
literally and figuratively at the moment.
I think many nat’l. political figures are stalking Bush. That is, watching what he’s doing vis a vis rising poverty disclosure, the soon-to-be-rising gas prices, and the success/failure of his political clout in bringing the House version of the Patriot Act bill in. Depending which way he stumbles will determine which way they’ll pounce.
Likewise, the Cindy Sheehan non-bandwagon seems to be a train that left the station with no new passengers, according to WaPo’s ABC poll. You’re right, that doesn’t change the fact that it’s a just — and still probably historic — Cause.
As well, they are probably a-dither over the correct strategy in structuring opposition to Roberts’ nomination. Tomorrow’s the big day for that.
Natural disaster caused by H. Katrina seems about to trigger economic disaster. Fuel costs and innundated roadways; destroyed refineries and offshore rigs that account for 20% of the Nation’s fuel supply are going to drive gas prices through the roof. OPEC’s already at capacity. Venezuela is not our friend, unless we turn over two of their most-wanted: Pat Robertson and Sr. Posada. And rising fuel prices invariably are the first harbinger of recession. Hello inflation; hello increased un-employment; good-bye stockmarket glory days.
Those are the home-front’s biggies. Overseas. . .
The news from Iraq is getting more and more confusing with largely ethnocentric protests in the streets of various Iraqi cities — some pro, some anti- Constitution. Not to mention that the leading American diplomat in situ is blithering about how that document will probably undergo changes and corrections because he insists it’s not in its final form. So far, I haven’t read that any Shiite, Kurd, or Suni, for that matter, accepts his characterization of the fluidity of the present iteration of their Constitution.
And the argument that a civil war there is brewing, that other Middle-Eastern countries are going to become battlegrounds, and that terrorists are spawning followers in far-flung locales, such as southern Africa, are equivalent to the breach in the Canal 17 levee north of NO. Potentially catestrophic with no way out.
In sum, there’s a little too much you-know-what clinging to the fan blades for anyone to know which direction to take in order to avoid getting splattered. That’s politics. Wait for the moral highground to be well-occupied by the citizenry, then follow — er “lead” those who are lollygagging.
Molly Ivins today. Vacation’s over W!. Check it out.
Right now I feel like her blood-relation.