Remember her?  The FBI agent who put Moussaoui behind bars BEFORE 9-11?

She’s retired now, and running for Congress on a shoestring.  The incumbent is Minnesota’s John Kline, who got in thanks to an under-the-radar off-peak election and who owes Tom Delay big-time for financial aid.  The seat is very winnable.
Her primary theme will be “ethical leadership”.
And she’s a “pro-life Democrat” that I can live with–she has gone on the record that she does NOT want to “criminalize abortion” because (like prohibition) doing so will cause more problems than it will solve!

At the moment, she needs to raise enough money to pay a campaign manager — and she needs to find a good one! You can make donations at her website and you can learn more about her there.

You can also reply to this post with campaign suggestions.  Coleen readily admits that she is not blog-savvy but she is willing to learn. She is very interested in getting more publicity for her op eds, etc., and she will be reading your suggestions.

(Where have I been?  Executing my dad’s estate. A dental abscess. And on a long vacation to Canada. I’m back, now.  Verbal Self-Defense diaries will resume later this week.)