[From the diaries by susanhu, with thanks to Rena!] Cross-posted at On The Left Tip.
SusanHu asked that I post this over here. There is a long link to it at Daily Kos as well, found here. Hope this helps.
Relief organizations are starting to get ramped up. I found an excellent article in Information Week detailing which organizations are already primed and ready to start providing relief to areas, lives and businesses devastated by Hurricane Katrina. After the fold are ways you can help.
Update [2005-8-31 10:30:27 by RenaRF]: SusanHu asked that I mention to everyone a great idea posted here by Alohaleezy. Check out Aloha’s diary but, in essence, it lets everyone know that certain of the charities in this diary will allow you to make a donation “in memory of”. The Red Cross is one that does. Alohaleezy made a donation in memory of Casey Sheehan. I think this is a great way for the progressive community to support two extremely worthwhile causes. Check it out, and thanks for the attention.
I think it’s a wonderful thing that New Orleans was spared a “worst case scenario” hit by Katrina. Unfortunately, I think that worst-case predictions and subsequent “dodged the bullet” reports are taking away from the magnitude of devastation across the three states most impacted by Katrina. Moreover, the storm is still out there dropping prolific amounts of rain on other states. Relief is needed for Gulf Coast victims and it’s needed now. What follows are the organizations that will be actively working to give relief to Katrina’s victims.
The American Red Cross
Donation Link: Click here and select ‘Donate Now’.
Relief focus: The Red Cross provides a full spectrum of services to disaster victims. From assistance with shelter, medical care, food, clean water and cleanup efforts, the Red Cross is an organization poised to assist in circumstances such as this.
Feed The Children
Donation Link: Click here and follow the donation link.
Relief focus: Feed the Children has long been competent at mobilizing and distributing supplies to disaster victims and victims of famine and disease. They are currently mobilizing a massive relief effort by gathering needed supplies and getting them to hurricane devastated areas.
The Salvation Army
Donation Link: Click here and follow the donate on line link.
Relief focus: The Salvation Army is prepared to provide 400,000 hot meals a day to displaced disaster victims and emergency personnel working to aid those devastated by Hurricane Katrina. They also provide a means for individuals to physically volunteer their time and assistance in the relief efforts.
United Jewish Communities
Donation Link: Click here and choose upper-right Katrina relief links.
Relief focus: Community organized and administered humanitarian relief for disaster victims.
Catholic Charities USA
Donation Link: Click here and follow instructions to donate online, by mail, or by phone.
Relief focus: Community based relief efforts focused on the long-terms needs of disaster victims and affected communities.
United Methodist Committee on Relief
Donation Link: Click here and follow the ‘Donate Now’ link.
Relief focus: Although they provide general community-based disaster relief, they are also focusing on the creation and distribution of “flood buckets”, a more hands-on relief item for those who prefer to donate with a personal touch.
Noah’s Wish
Donation Link: Click here and scroll to the bottom of the page.
Relief focus: Noah’s Wish is a not-for-profit, animal welfare organization, with a straightforward mission. We exist to keep animals alive during disasters. That’s it.
Humane Society of the United States
Donation Link: Click here.
Relief focus: Dispatching Disaster Animal Response Teams (DARTs) to rescue animals and assist their caregivers.
Donation Link: Click here and choose the type of giving you prefer.
Relief focus: Although they do not yet have anything specific to Katrina up on their site, the ASPCA sends emergency relief to animal shelters when natural disasters occur.
North Shore Animal League America
Donation link: Click here and select ‘Donate’.
Relief focus: NSAL America has an emergency response team that is ready to respond in the event of an emergency. In 2004, we responded to the devastating hurricanes in the south.
United Way
Donation Link: Click here and follow Katrina donation links.
Relief focus: United Way is leading response and recovery efforts by working hard to identify the most serious needs of devastated communities and is committed to helping not only with front-line disaster relief but with long-term recovery–those needs that are often not addressed in the days, weeks and months following a disaster.
America’s Second Harvest
Donation link: Click here.
Relief focus: They expect at least ten food banks and hundreds of related agencies will be hit by hurricane ‘Katrina’. Their Network is in great need of funds to transport food to victims and secure additional warehouse space to assist our Member food banks in resuming and maintaining operations.
Direct Relief International
Donation link: Click here and select ‘Support Us’.
Relief focus: Because of the organization’s extensive medical inventories, Direct Relief serves as a private back-up support to official emergency response efforts in the United States.
Habitat for Humanity
Donation link: Click here and follow the Katrina link.
Relief focus: Helping disaster victims rebuild piece by piece and house by house.
The Better Business Bureau’s Give.org site can help you decide which charity if you are torn. They have reports available on major charitable organizations and, in some cases, detailed information on a charity’s organization and administration.
Now is definitely the time to reach out and help these victims. This is not a political issue, as all of you know. It’s a human issue.
Thanks for caring.
Update [2005-8-30 14:53:42 by RenaRF]: I would also like to humbly offer this link. It takes you to a mail form to write the US Coast Guard. These guys are doing heroic and dangerous work in trying to rescue trapped hurricane survivors. If you have a moment perhaps you could send an attaboy.
Just FYI since most of us come from Kos – that effort is now at $7,731.03 in relief money reaised. What a remarkable community of which we are all a part.
I just donated to Redcross. Be sure to specify that you want the money to go for this disaster or they put the money in general funds. There also is a place where you can ask the donation be in honor of or in memorial to…I put in memorial to Casey Sheehan.
What a beautiful idea, Alohaleezy … write a diary about your donation / memorial to Casey … it’s an idea that should be spread far.
It was right in front of me when I went to donate. I wanted to help both causes at this moment in time.
That’s a GREAT idea. Hyperbolic pants explosion over at dKos has been raising $$ for Cindy Sheehan by selling Casey bracelets (at least I think that that’s how it’s gone) and said that she would be taking bracelet $ and donating to disaster relief. I will try to track down his/her email address and recommend it be made “in honor of”. Great way to show cohesiveness in this community.
That is f’ing beautiful. She is my hero!! In the midst of her cause, Cindy recognises a bigger concern right now. She is a woman of integrity. Do you have a link to where we can do this?
And of course you do realise that the Freepers will run with this and say she is just a publicity hound.