I recently wrote a LTE to my local paper concerning the disparaging comments of a LTE concerning the war in Iraq and what it is costing the American people.  I also just read the diary by ePluribus Media and the freepers responses concerning Cindy Sheehan.  It appears that anyone who deviates from the talking points of the Administration, who heaven forbid, disagrees with the logic that moved us into this war, is well in a word, a Traitor.  

I have been called many things over the course of my life, SOB, MF asshole, stupid f##k, ignorant d##khead and many others too numerous to state in this diary.  I have also done some incredibly stupid things, like jumping off the back of a moving pick up, trying to jump over a moving car, jumping into a river from a bridge and many other stupid things that I will not press into the light of day.  

I am many things, I have done many things and I will continue to do many more things in this life, for as long as I draw breath.  I will not, nor shall I allow anyone to place the moniker of Traitor upon me, simply because I demand to exercise my rights under the Constitution of the United States of America.  

I am thoroughly disgusted that so called Republicans, the champions of freedom, small government and no government interference in our personal lives have deemed it necessary to denigrate, slander, disparage and defame other Americans simply because they are left of Attila the Hun.  

I have heard the word Liberal used like a curse word, that being progressive makes me a communist and that I Hate America, because I believe in the living breathing Document that is our Constitution.  I believe that challenging my government to tell the truth, to clearly have a vision and to carry that vision out in a way that enhances the lives all Americans is my profound right and one that I strive to keep in the forefront of my political life.  

I am sickened by the Extreme Right’s call that anyone who does not agree with the President is guilty of Treason, we are endangering the lives of our military personnel in Iraq and Afghanistan and we Hate America.  I love my country, even when it is lead by a group of individuals who hate my freedoms to challenge them when they violate our own Constitution and International Laws.  I love my Country because it is my country and its Constitution guarantees me the right of Free Assembly, Free Speech and the right to petition my Government when I deem they are wrong.

I have strived to not call those who are right of center, fascists or Nazi’s, I do however have no qualms of giving that label to anyone who wants to take away my Freedoms.  The Extremists on the right, have little regard for Free Speech unless it is their own, little regard for Free Assembly unless it is in support of their talking points, and for heaven sakes shut up and stop bothering the President while he is trying to get on with his life.  The Freepers who call for the elimination of our rights as Citizens of the United States, would do well to look inward and ask themselves, what would I do if the shoe was on the other foot and they were calling for the elimination of My right of dissent.  I doubt seriously if that could happen, but one can wish can’t they.

I have watched over the last 15 years, the slow disintegration of the Bill of Rights and in the last 4 years, I have watched that same Bill of Rights dissipate at an alarming rate.  The Real ID Bill signed by the President, a bill in the House that would make it a felony to not report a drug crime, seems to me that the US is losing its way.  I am fearful for my country, my fellow countrymen and my children, that our government has succumbed to the extremist’s viewpoint, that dissent is unwelcome and not to be tolerated, frightens me to no end.  The Freepers attack those who disagree with them with such vitriolic hatred and outright animalistic vengeance, in order to suppress dissent and keep the home front safe from the liberal commie hippie progressive leftists.

I am sick and tired of being vilified because I am left of Attila the Hun.  I have decided that I will continue to voice my concerns, that I will address the attacks against me without utilizing my first line of defense, I will not slap them down with angry words, disparaging comments about their heredity or their parents marital status.

I will engage in constructive dialog designed to open the door of communication and hopefully to open the minds of those who despise me because I am a Progressive.  I know many of you will say what an exercise in futility, yet I must do this as I continue to hear disparaging language and out right hatred concerning those of us who don’t walk lock step with the current administration.  I place the responsibility of so much of this hatred and contempt for us that are progressive, squarely upon the shoulders of many in the Republican party, who have made it their mission in life to splinter our country, simply so their own fortunes will improve.  I will tirelessly work to address these issues, to open the doors of communication between moderate republicans and progressives, who are seeking to return our government to some sense of sanity.

I offer to all of you this challenge, seek out those moderates, who don’t lock step with the freepers, let them know what your values, principles and spiritual values are, let them know that you are not some communist infiltrator who wants to destroy their way of life.  I have been amazed and profoundly pleased that some of my neighbors whom I had assumed were freepers, are indeed wondering what has happened to their country.  I hope that others in communities all over the US will reach out and talk to those who are indeed moderates, show them that progressives are not out to destroy America, but to restore America to sanity, to bring back that America that cared for all of its Citizens, not just those who have lots of money.  Share with them that you too are concerned for the well being of your children, your school system, and your community.  It will be amazing, that you and that republican moderate, have a lot more in common than you thought.  They have less in common with the freeper and the current Administration and a lot more in common with those of us who truly do love our country and want to preserve our Constitutional rights..