So here’s the deal, see…

I will be flying into Dulles at 7:15 am, September 23, camera, laptop and chutzpah in tow. My intention is to provide real-time, on the scene coverage of as much of the protest weekend as is humanly possible to provide.

Over at MLW, there’s a “Send MSOC to DC, 9/24” button for contributions to the cause. I’ve raised about half of what I think I’ll need, conservatively (ugh – hate using that adverb in ANY context now).

But there’s so much more that can happen, here. How many My Left Wingers and Kossacks and denizens of Booman, LSF, MyDD and all the rest of the Left Blogosphere are going to BE there?

And shouldn’t we all be One Big Delegation – the BLOGOSPHERE contingent? Like, with SIGNS and shit?

So here’s what I’m thinking…

First, there’s the question of accommodations. At first, I determined to stay with anyone who volunteered to let me sleep on his or her couch or whatever. That’s still an option, I suppose – but a house guest for 5 days and 4 nights is a pretty heavy, I don’t care who you are.

So I have an alternate plan: a group of us pools our dough and gets a hotel room. Sure, it’s against the rules to have half a dozen or more sleeping in one hotel room – but fuck it, we’re goddamned radicals, right? Right.

But we have to get going on the coordination of this thing if it’s going to happen with any semblance of order and smoothity.

So… I guess first we should get a list of everyone who DEFINITELY will be in DC the weekend of September 24-26. Post it here if you are, but if you don’t mind, drop me an email, too, so I can put us all in one big email group.

At the very least, if the whole hotel room thing doesn’t come together, we HAVE to get a DC native to help us find a good place to meet the morning of the 24th. The gathering at the Wasington Monument is scheduled for 11am, with a 12:30 peace march planned. So we should meet someone close by, close enough to walk – and big enough to accommodate us all – AND FEED US. Like, a breakfast joint? With a back room?

Then we can all walk to the Washington Monument together, as a Big Fat Group of BLOGGERS.

I hope this sounds as exciting to you guys as it does to me.