We’ve added links to Powell’s Books to the site. If you buy a book through our links we will get a cut of the sales. We chose Powell’s over Amazon because Amazon supports Republican candidates. We chose Powell’s over Barnes and Noble (which is Buy Blue approved) because Powell’s is an independent bookstore. Powell’s offers new and used books, and I have heard anecdotally that their used books are always in very good shape.
On another note, the following groups will be urging the Senate to reject John Roberts tomorrow:
We’re going to form a Powell’s/Tribune book club, Boo, probably devoted to reading political things. We’ll choose a book to read, maybe once a month, maybe every other month, and we’ll urge everybody who can do so to buy it from Powell’s so this site gets the cut.
I’ll be doing the formal announcement at the Froggy Bottom Cafe this Thursday. Everybody please check in so you can have a say in the first book we choose.
what about doing a discussion of the book on a Saturday a couple weeks after the book is chosen? IIRC, Saturdays are the lowest trafficked days for the site, and that could definitely help.
Saturday! That’s a great idea to help boost weekend traffic. We’ll talk about all this on Thursday, so get all your suggestions ready. We’ll need a name, a book or list of books, a calendar. That’s probably all we need for now to get ourselves moving, don’t you think?
May I suggest Reading Lolita in Tehran?
DO NOT click Boo’s link.
(This link has the BooTrib partnership # embedded so that Boo gets credit.)
Btw, that link takes you to a page where you can get that book in paperback for $7+ == or you can buy a FIRST EDITION USED for $50.00 (!).
Who knew that the first edition of that book would sell so high?!
Sure, you may suggest it! 🙂
I’ll put it on the list of l0 or so books we vote on, on Thursday.
Anybody else with book suggestions, chime in any ol’ time.
I’ll even come out of my shell and do some.
There are so many books and so little lifetime.
lol! That’ll be our best promotion:
I’d love to read and discuss books recommended by folks on this site. A great way to further one’s political education!
We visit them when we go to Oregon.
For Canadians here.
Delivery to Canada:
US Postal Service Surface
(by boats and trucks)
Free on Qualified Orders
To Canada:
Time = 2-4 weeks
Cost = $3.00 USD + $2.00 USD each item
Then there is the GST to pay Revenue Canada.
What great fun!
Too bad I can’t afford this set. If only I had a spare $ 11,250 lying around . . .
Of course, if I had a spare $ 11,250 today, it’d go to the Red Cross. As it is, I’ll be sending all I can scrape up.
Hey Boo, When you posted the click numbers (or whatever you call them)for the past week on the Booman Tribune diary, it just made me click even more. I was thinking, do you think it would be helpful for you to post site numbers weekly for us to see? Kind of like the health status of the site. It is important to all of us here that we do everything we can to help you maintain this most incredible site and community. I know a weekly report would be a good reminder to keep doing what we all can. Maybe you can include it in an open thread. Just a thought.
As noted elsewhere, I used to buy from Amazon.com early in their history, but quit as they became another soulless zombie corporation.
When I buy online, I buy from Powell’s. I’ve had nothing but good experiences with them so far. I’m glad the BT is linking to them, and when I order stuff I’ll try to make a point of doing it through here.
from a book junkie…their used books are among some of the best condition I’ve bought. One part of my collection is books over 40 years old…and some are from Powells.
Of course – you know that if you buy $50 of books at Powells, shipping is free (6-8 days USPS…but it works!). I always meet or exceed $50 bucks there. ;^D
I’m going shopping today….yikes…what do I tell the spouse grins…..
I just want to be sure to credit JLongs for running the first book club here. JL, if you see this and you want to get involved or offer any advice, please do!
That actually sounds like a great idea! Please do it, JLongs!
That is not a rhetorical question. There is looting reported in many places along the devastated coast. Kind of widespread now in New Orleans. CNN reporting Bay St. Lewis devastated and begging for help. Now they’re reporting maybe hundreds dead in Biloxi. In all the 24/7 coverage I have yet to see ONE uniform. Are they ALL in Fallujah? (THAT was rhetorical) fuck.
I hope to hell those guys and gals aren’t seeing this shit over there — imagine being an LA, MI or AL guardsperson and knowing that you could’ve been there to help — maybe even your family and friends (lord knows they probably cannot get ahold of anyone from BASRA of TIKRIT), but you got shipped to hell’s basement to guard oil for Halliburton. I cannot imagine what they’re going through right now.
Not only that, but they’re sitting in WATER vehichles that should be helping to rescue some of the thousands still stranded… and dying in the rising water in New Orleans. I just went over to Kos and found the top diary is Martial Law Declared in New Orleans. My stomach is flipping… the mayor is declaring martial law, levees breaking in several spots, oil/gas mixing with flood water, THOUSANDS still trapped and many dying as we speak, Superdome up to 33,000 and counting, manditory evacuation from New Orleans. The worst is happening.
Check this out — it’s enough to make me want to rip shrubya limb from limb.
Oh dear God. I sobbed through the whole thing. Those poor boys. I am bouncing in between crying and rage. Every time I see Bush with his well tanned smirk I want to scream.
Jean Meserve just asked about Nat’l Guard. She was choosing words carefully. She said she saw some in a truck somewhere. They are due to arrive at the Superdome. Not there yet… up to 33,000 refugees have made it there, however. She did say that when they do arrive they will need more than just a presence. They will need to have a system to begin removing storm victims ASAP.
CNN also reports that the Army Corp of Engineers is on the scene in New Orleans examining the levees that have failed. Two major failures so far, it’s threatening to fail in a third spot. They are in the process of rounding up resources to begin repairs. What a mess. What suffering. God help those poor people.
Cindy Sheehan interview coming up at
http://www.kuow.org — LISTEN LIVE — it’s the Slate/Day to Day show
They’re unionized too despite some slimy tactics by the owner. I don’t mind getting books with stuff underlined or otherwise not so pretty if I can get them cheap and Powell’s fits the bill. Their main store here is so huge I always tell the clerks they should rent out rooms to those of us who want to go on reading binges!
We in Oregon have lost an amazing amount of our Guard members to the war and our governor goes to every single funeral as well as to the send-offs for the live ones.
As one of those lucky enough to have Powell’s in their backyard, I salute your decision to include a Powell’s partner link.
Michael Powell is a good Democrat and donates heavily to Democratic candidates. He’s had his ins and outs with the workers on occasion, but they’re a union store.
Powell’s is also a good community member here in Portland, OR.
On top of all that, it’s a heck of a store. They have several in the area now, but the flagship store downtown is an entire city block of books, parts of it several stories. New and used are always shelved together. When my relatives come to town, it’s always a stop on the tourist itinerary. If you’re ever in Portland, don’t miss it.
Second that, and plan to spend several hours. You’ll most likely end up there for the entire day.
Thanks BooMan for choosing Powell’s over Amazon.
Your security and protection in action (without comment):
Law.Com, today, article by Julie Kay.
you said it…except to add that that Acosta guy is a rather freaky looken dude.