AP photo taken onboard Air Force One as reported online at CNN. The link since, has disappeared.
“Dayam! Look out the winder, fellers. Musta been a big storm or somethin’. Lookey at all the water…!”
“I’d like a Happy Meal, Fries and a Coke – Super Sized! Whooo Wheee I’m the President! I’m loving it!”
Air Force One officials, again, looked on in disbelief as The President of the United States of America tried to order a happy meal from 2,700 feet.
Oooh a contest!!!!??? What can we win you ask???
Well, aside from some much needed de-stressing this afternoonie, if there is an actual winner declared, I suppose they can “win” whatever is left in the lint drawer of my dryer or what’s underneath the couch cushion that I’m too afraid to look under.
Guess he couldn’t spare any time from his busy schedule to actually touch down and talk to some people. As for captions it’s really hard to come up with anything that would rival what he’s probably really thinking-oops he doesn’t think does he.
So far all the captions I’ve thought of are really way to nasty to print.
‘Mommie said we shouldn’t have to worry our pretty little heads about this kind of stuff, so why am I here’.
‘How highs the water, momma-heh heh heh’
‘Do I have my concerned face on Karl?’
The original quote will suffice for maximum outrage:
“It’s totally wiped out.”
From CNN
Actual quote: “It’s devastating. It’s got to be doubly devastating on the ground,” Bush said.
Uh Georgie there is NO ground that’s the problemo.
Man Eegee, thanks for the link. Did you notice that they changed the photo?
Yeah, I noticed the change. My levels of revulsion know no limits today.
Hey ManE..has word on high come down that everyone in MSM HAS to say he cut his vacation short?…after all most 5 weeks off, coming back two days early is a fucken hardship right. Poor man, his vacation was interrupted. Guess next year he’ll add two extra days to make up for this sacrifice.
And he flew over the areas on his way back to D.C.-how super of him.
on a long weekend. Labor Day, I’m sure he’ll get some R&R. After all vacationing is hurrrd wurrrk.
The government has failed its people. Again.
I can believe the outrage factor of this quote from President dickhead!
NO Fuckhead….try about 1000 times more devastating.
Okay…end of rant….for the moment…
“Golly gee…look at all that new beachfront property!”
Just before his nap, the President wistfully looks back on his Crawford Ranch, remembering all the good times spent there, thinking that his next vacation over Labor Day weekend just can’t come soon enough.
For the ultimate in bad taste you can count on your friendly neighbourhood spiderleaf…
“Man, I’m so bored, I can’t believe Karl forgot to pack My Pet Goat”
Bush: Are we there yet?
Rove: No.
Bush: Are we there yet?
Rove: No.
Bush: Are we there yet?
Rove: No.
Bush: Are we there yet?
Rove: No.
Bush: Are we there yet?
Rove: No.
From the same CNN story:
He looks like a scared little boy. He has the same deer in headlights look he had when Andy Card told him planes were hitting the World Trade Center.
“I beseech you to look into yer hearts and give all that you can give to the Presidental SPF 35 Sunscreen campaign.
No longer can we allow World Leaders to spend their vacations without the proper application of sunscreen. Especially when their mommies aren’t around to smother it on their sons.”
You’ve been on a roll these last few days with your postings janet..and when I haven’t been throwing around fwords and outrage myself yours have done nicely. Well done.
Mississippi Delta
That photo is beyond overwhelming. Thank you Oui.
“For the five hundredth time, Sir, this is the pilot speaking, not God, and what I said was that you can see the hurricane damage out the windows on your other left.”
I needed that laugh…you are all too funny!
Fun diary, DJ!
“let me count the ways” I can put 35 new oil rigs where that was …..