Media Matters has a disturbing article up about dangerous anti-gay wingnuts from Kansas. Apparently, these gay bashers like to disrupt the funerals of service people that died in Iraq. And, apparently, Sean Hannity wants his listeners to think these homophobes are anti-war leftists:
One of the church’s websites claims that the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, the space shuttle Columbia disaster, and the improvised explosive device (IED) attacks on U.S. troops in Iraq are examples of divine retribution visited upon the United States, allegedly as a punishment for the “sin” of homosexuality. A statement on the website reads: “Thank God for IEDs killing American soldiers in strange lands every day. WBC rejoices every time the Lord God in His vengeance kills or maims an American soldier with an Improvised Explosive Device (IED).”
See? Wingnuts. Not left-wing in the slightest. Left-wing loonies blame BUSH for the Columbia disaster. Right-wing loonies blame gays. Really right-loonies thank God for killing and maiming our soldiers. But Hannity pretends not to know the difference:
No, I can’t believe you have to lie and distort the truth for 3-4 hours a day on television and radio and that you actually get rich doing it. If FOX or you radio syndicate had any integrity they would fire you for making flatly misleading distortions like this.
OMG! He thnks Fred Phelps is a leftie? How fucking stupid and ignorant can you get.
I doubt he thinks that for a second. He just wants to smear us by making us sound crazy. If he makes his listeners think we’re disrupting funerals they will hate us even more.
Are you sure Hannity knows?
He really is stupid.
These assholes came to my neck of the woods.
and I’ll say the smear worked. People first described them as “anti-war protesters”. It only came out later they they were homophobic whackos.
A group called Columbia Christians For Life — not to be confused with any religious group at Columbia University — says that a photo the hurricane looks like a six-week-old fetus. Per Sam Seder on Air America.
if you squint it also looks amazingly like my asscrack. They should try it sometime.
Sean Hannity looks like something I used to throw up after I drank way to much JD and shot dope.
Actually he probably smells as bad too.
Opps, forgot I was not going to denigriate extremists. Must ask for forgiveness, as I have to drive by Westboro hatefilled church of the Anti Christ on my way to work each day, in Topeka
The problem is he’s not “news”, he’s “commentary”. He can say whatever the hell he wants and get a way with it as “opinion”. Note that his radio address is carried, and home page copyrighted by ABC Radio Networks, not FOX.
Phelps et. al. need to learn about ‘what if they protested and nobody came’. They grow because they are promoted by the asleep-at-the-wheel media. My first target for criticism would be the Indianapolis Star.
Looked at another way, his name, organization, mission, and past history have now reached our eyes on the BooMan Tribune. How many freebies does this asshole get?
I don’t really care about Phelps. I think his behavior is disgraceful. I think he is totally crazy. But I don’t care about him enough to write about him. What I care about is Sean Hannity spewing lies with impunity.
Opinion is not news, which lets them off the hook for just about everything, including “mis-statements”, or “errors”. From’s 2005 Report:
Between ’85 -’02:
The number of Americans who thought news organizations were highly professional declined from 72% to 49%.
The number who thought news organizations were moral fell from 54% to 39%.
Those who felt news organizations tried to cover up their mistakes rose from 13% to 67%.
The number who thought the press got the facts straight fell from 55% to 35%.
So the public thinks these guys are amoral, non-professional, cover-up artists who can’t get their facts straight.
Works for me. Hannity et. al. may piss us all off, but if the trends continue you’ll have better “ratings” than he will in five years.
FOX doesn’t give a damn about truth. But this is ridiculous.
All Hannity wanted to talk about last night was the looting. Someone he was interviewing kept trying to talk about the help they needed and hannity would cut him off and ask about the looting. I can only take about 30 second doses of the asswipe. Someone needs to sue his big ugly ass!
I was raised a Baptist, left “the church” at 13, have observed many examples that confirmed the wisdom of my action in the years since, but this one takes the cake! And Hannity, does he call himself a journalist in his Bio??
What an asswipe. Phelps is a known radical hate group. I won’t even put the word “religious” on that group because it belittles anything that resembles religion.
To even suggest Phelps is anti-war is beyond disgusting… but what do I know… our government applauds radical hate groups while condemning non-violent peace activists.
I am truly afraid if I will even be allowed to fly this September… :*(
What is Hannity’s Show phone number? I need to “vent”.
even agree that Fred Phelps is a wack-job and not a pinko commie liberal.
(If you can stomach it: [link])
Perhaps most pertinent: