Law and order are breaking down along the path of the Hurricane.
Police have lost their homes too. There is no point in working for a living, as a policeman if the paycheck you receive cannot purchase any goods because there are none
The gravity of the situation is that people could start dying before help arrives. That’s going to make a lot of people angry, bitter and seeking revenge
The government’s response has been slow and indifferent and they are creating a homegrown insurgency of newly homeless people with no other avenue of interest but crime. These people will be angry at any authority, this nation and it’s leadership. They feel betrayed and they are right in my opinion

The rage that people feel and normally contain may start to burn and go out of control soon. I think it will start happening tonight and tomorrow night. . When that happens a Police State will be formed.

In New Orleans the Police have been reported to be “looting ” as well. Police will stop acting, as police and the army will be called in.  Michael Brown head of FEMA said on Aaron Brown that he “hoped”  that the tent cities that they have to open wont be open any longer than necessary. He also said he is negoiating with a cruise line for a cruise ship to hold people. He may announce something tommorrow. But I think this is publlic relations and most of the people will be housed in tent cities and  not on costly cruise ships. I think the Head of Fema was saying he didn’t like tent cities but his superiors do.

FEMA is the same organization that is supposed to respond to this Hurricane with aid.

This is a very big deal.