The Right and Sean Penn

We’ve seen the right wing attack machine in action for at least a decade now. We’ve seen how vile and brutal they can be in attacking those on the left. But it has been surprising how tepid they have been with Sean Penn. I mean, they love attacking Barbera Striesand, Angelina Jolie, Michael Moore, ect. So when Sean Penn goes to Iran to cover the elections for liberal San Francisco’s home newspaper, as he had prexiously done in Iraq, you’d think the Roveites would be in a self rightious uproar. You’d think they would be spinning this into Jane Fonda territory, seeing how it’s the closest anyone in Hollywood has come to her visit to Hanoi many years ago. So why don’t we see the right doing anything beyond the bare minimum of criticism. I wondered about this and then it hit me.
Do you know why you don’t see the Limbaughs, Hannitys, and O’Rileys giving Sean Penn shit?
Well, put it this way, Could you picture Sean Penn taking any shit from these guys?
Me neither.
The right could and would spin his visit into aiding and abetting the enemy if, say Susan Sarandon had done the exact same thing. They should be downright sexuly arosed at sutch an inviting target. But it ain’t happening.
For those too young to remember Sean Penn did a few months in jail for punching out a paperazi photographer   about 20 years ago. He’s had no incidents since then, He was still pretty mutch a kid when it happened. But I think that may be the reason that they back off. Penn’s a grown man now who I’m sure would not make the same mistake again. (mutch as I’d like to see him take a pillowcase of RC Cola cans to most wingnuts) But it goes too show what we are dealing with.
These assholes are bullies. Howard Dean, Harry Reid, and Larry Johnson have shown that standing up to them works. Sean Penn proves the perception one might do so is also more that enough to send them running away like the pussies they are.
Well, anyways, here’s Sean Penn’s six part series on his visit to Iran, enjoy. 004&sc=600

Author: McGirk SF

If we don't get a Guns n' Roses reunion tour before the Apocolypse, I'll be fucking pissed.