The New York Times reports on a massive tragedy in Iraq:
Most of the dead were crushed or suffocated, witnesses said, but many also fell or jumped into the Tigris River after the panicking crowd broke through the bridge’s railings.
The pilgrims were among a throng of hundreds of thousands who had converged on the capital over the preceding day to mark the anniversary of the death of Imam Musa al-Kadhim, one of Shiite Islam’s holiest figures.
Fear had begun spreading in the crowd an hour earlier, after insurgents fired rockets and mortars near the shrine, killing seven pilgrims and wounding two dozen, and leading to a counter-attack by American military helicopters.
But the stampede, which caused the greatest one-day loss of life since the American invasion in March 2003, appears to have been caused by unfounded rumors of a man wearing a suicide belt in the crowd.
An Interior Ministry official said at least 647 people were killed and at least 301 injured.
You can read about the various predictions for the end of the world here.
You can read a comparison of Bush and Nero from 2004 here.
Whenever Bush finally takes his helicopter tour of Louisiana and Mississippi he should bring his lyre and a toga:
from the White House web site.
Someone needs to hack that site and replace this disgusting piece of propoganda with the picture of him with his guitar…..can anyone find out what that picture actually is? It sure as shit ain’t the presnitwit standing with anyone from the Gulf Coast…pehaps this was taken on the golf course?
Here it is in context:
It’s a banner over the WH webpage on hurricane relief. I believe it went up on Saturday before the massive floods. It celebrates ‘dear leader’ giving the people their money.
Do not fret, he will be flying over Louisiana on Friday. He will bless the people and tell them to pray, oops, I was thinking of the pope for a second there.
Over 600? My god … I couldn’t go to sleep until almost 2am PT and it was 120 dead.
P.S. I’m heathen-praying that it’s not the end of the world, but the rapture.
Can you imagine the shitloads of McMansions and SUVs that we can give away to the people who really need them?!
Fuck the Astrodome and Superdome … they’ll be “movin’ on up.”
I just heard on the radio 860
Just checked in on my favorite morning headline source:
New news of a terror attack,
On a bridge in Baghdad, Iraq,
Six hundred plus dead,
Killed fleeing in dread,
The bomb? Just an off color crack…
I just sent you an e-mail. You have your marching orders, PVC Abides.
Wed Aug 31st, 2005 at 01:40:42 AM PST
BBC NEWS is reporting up to 1000 dead and also that some of the worshippers had been poisoned. Apparently, it is the custom that during such holy days that people along the route give out sweets and teas to the pilgrims.
Now they’re not only shooting, stabbing, blowing up, and beheading one another, they’ve taken to randomly poisoning people. The devastation and societal upheaval that Operation Iraqi Liberation has created is unfathomable.
“meek” would inherit the earth. I didn’t think she was meek (I am not either), but I guess it depends on your definition of “meek”.
I talked to repub sis this morning. I could not stop sobbing after seeing former Mayor of NO BEGGING for the Idiot President to PLEASE send help now. It was an incredible plea. My sister and I cried together for these poor people and then she said “and these looters are disgusting.” My response was “But MOST of them are looting grocery stores for food and water. I didn’t see them carrying tvs or dvds”. When will the madness end.
And quite frankly, who really gives a rats ass if they stole a tv? They HAVE NOTHING LEFT, and worse is probably yet to come…
</angry screaming voice directed at tv talking heads>
remember who is LEFT in New Orleans. Mostly the poorest, and most destitute. They suddenly see the doors flung wide open and all the things they’ve always wished they could have, just there for the taking. And they’re probably still coming off the high just from surviving, they don’t realize that they have nowhere to take that stuff to.
The government owes these people more than a TV or a bunch of pairs of jeans for their piss-poor disaster preparation, if you ask me.
And just what message does the Chimp-in-chief think the lack of a coordinated response to a NATURAL disaster sends to the terrorists that wish to harm the United States?
Yup, we are SO MUCH more prepared than we were before 9/11, with Homeland Security on our side…
“Save yourself, serve yourself. World serves its
own needs, listen to your heart bleed. Tell me with the rapture and the
reverent in the right – right. You vitriolic, patriotic, slam, fight, bright
light, feeling pretty psyched.
It’s the end of the world as we know it.
It’s the end of the world as we know it.
It’s the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine.
It’s on fire alright, and their aren’t enough volunteers to put all the fires out.
The world certainly isn’t quiet right now.
Aaack… I meant “there” of course. Ugghhh… I’ve been typing for too long.
to a fund to send all of the refugees from Katrina to a refugee camp. Provided that the refugee camp is situated in Washington, DC, in full view of the White House. Let him sow what he’s reaped.
I doubt that any of us is old enough to remember Hoovervilles first hand. (And if you are, I salute you for living this long.) They were the camps set up by people displaced by the First Great Depression and mockingly named for the man they held responsible. Well, it’s time for some Bush Camps. Call ’em what they are.
And while I’m telling it like it is, I want to get this meme out there:
Bush lied. New Orleans died.
Pass it on.
Better yet, let Bush donate his ranch in Crawford!!!!!
…the three-day Labor Day weekend is coming up, don’t ya know? He’ll need it for the festivities.
Wouldn’t that just be the icing on the f’ing cake! The world is crumbling, time for a Hodown! Yee hah!
wow, Omir, that is a great idea — but no, they’re going to bus them all to Houston and let them hang out in the Astrodome…
Susan — do you know anything about this? Just saw a quick “Breaking News” blurb, but they didn’t say much more than what I wrote in my title. Was anyone hurt? How did they start burning?
I hate it when the news can’t even asnwer the basics (what, who, where, when) to my satisfaction — of course, I long ago gave up on ever hearing from them the “why”.
Please go here CNN
to vote this poll. “Is the Government doing enough to help the hurrican victims? Majority No but a slight margin as of now.
I have to just say I’m getting a little freaked out by the singular focus of tragic news in the blogosphere. Not that we should bury our heads in the sand but day after day the comments on various blogs become more and more dire (and frankly some are just weird) by folks who appear to be completely obsessed with bad news. Then this creepy bond develops between bloggers in which complete strangers reinforce each other’s apocalyptic anxieties. This can’t be healthy. And while interesting, it ultimately does little to solve anything. For all the great stuff blogs can deliver, I think this is one of its shortcomings.
I was just in the car and heard on NPR that, as pilgrims walk, people always give them sweets and such … some “enterprising” insurgents (?) POISONED the sweets that they gave to the Shiite pilgrims that ended upon the bridge … dunno how many people were sickened/murdered by the poison.
One of my questions is what kind of impact will this have with our service members mostly stationed in Iraq will have on them…plus others stationed elsewhere. What do you think is going on in their minds right now? How would you feel? how would you be thinking, responding, wondering and just no answers to questions, the just not knowing??????
Given his behaviour when such things happen, I think we should nickname George W. Bush :
“Little Nero”
Philip Roth said it well when he noted that, because we have utterly incompetent leadership, we are now totally at the mercy of contingent events. No human intelligence and leadership will intervene to help us.