Although the current biblical scale flooding of New Orleans can be in part attributed to enviornmental and social policies endorsed by George Bush, we must not rush to judgement and accuse a potentially innocent person of being the evil Anti-Christ.
It is true that there are reports that the recently deceased Pope worried that Bush may have been the Anti-Christ, Vatican Intelligence sources have offered no verifiable proof.$BlogItemURL$%3E
Accusations that George Bush was a bisexual, alcoholic, cokehead have never been proven. However, it is known that as a middle aged 30 and 40 year old he participated in numerous youthful pranks such as drunk driving, petty vandalism and theft. This hardly suffices as a prerequisite to full blown Anti-Christ hood.
No mark of the beast has ever been found on his body. Though it is true that George=6 letters, Walker=6 letters and Busche (the original spelling of his name) =6 letters do equal the mark of the beast. It’s probably a coincidence. I am still not convinced.
Nostradamus was said to have predicted: “Come the millennium, month 12/ in the home of greatest power / The village idiot will come forth/ To be acclaimed the leader.” Village idiot” is not the same as Anti Christ.
Biblical sources reveal, “Like most false prophets, he will shall show himself as sincere and compassionate. But he is the liar. He adds dashes of truth to the his foul mix, so that the lie tastes like truth. He will use the language of the church.”
It is true that Bush calls himself a compassionate conservative and he certainly is known for his apparent sincerity and “regular guyness”. And he does invoke the language of the Church in many of his speeches -this does not constitute “proof”.
Now it is true that he’s been said to lie about why we invaded Iraq. But we now know- through a recent extensive intelligence investigation by specially trained experts- that all this was all due to- other badly specially trained experts interpretation of special intelligence gathered from dubious specially trained undisclosed sources .
Disseminating bad intelligence or having bad intelligence is not the same as lying. He’s made that clear and I think he may be telling the truth.
The bible says,” The Antichrist goes about his business by speaking the lie. II Thessalonians 2 says that he comes “with all deceivableness of unrighteousness.” Isaiah mentions him: first as the “Assyrian”, “the Rod” of God’s anger, then as “the King of Babylon”.
It is true that Bush sort of rules Baghdad and Babylon. There is a US military base sitting right on top of the ancient, now unprotected, ruins of the city of Babylon at the heart of the cradle of civilization. But Bush certainly is not the “King of Baghdad”…maybe the Green Zone. And don’t forget, he’s finally a legitamately elected president, at least that’s what most of the electronic voting machines said.
Even Jesus spoke of him (the AnitChrist-not necessarily Bush) as the one who should “come in his own name”, and who would be “received” by Israel (John 5:43).
Bush has been received well by Israel and some say so well that Israel really directs US foreign policy, But Bush has only been known to the press and general population as George or GWB or President Bush and never as George Jesus Bush or just “Jesus”. So he’s has never used Jesus name… to refer to himself.
It is true that Bush has said that he speaks to God and God commanded unto him to invade Iraq and Afghanistan. But Bush has never said, ” I am Jesus or I am the savior”.
(see last paragraph of article) Link
The bible describes the Antichrist as a man with blood on his hands. Although Bush as Governor of Texas presided over 152 executions of presumably guilty men and women, he only mocked one of them: Karla Faye Tucker for pleading for her life. That’s not so bad. Doesn’t sound like an Anti Christ to me.
The sexual perversion and torture at Abu Ghraib was not instigated by Bush. There are no photos showing Bush attaching painful electrodes to the private parts of Iraqi prisoners. It is true that as a boy, Bush enjoyed torturing frogs. Bush has admitted this publicly as a point of male pride. But torturing frogs is something that only some children do who later grow up to be serial killers. Bush has never been accused of being a serial killer except by the most radical of fundamentalist Islamic terrorist groups.
The torture rooms that were taken over from Sadaam and used by American soldiers for that same purpose were used by a few bad apples who were taking their orders from people who misunderstood what Rumsfeld-not the president- said. A few bad apples, an Anti-Christ does not make.
So unless we can come up with a better intelligence estimate of the probability that our President is the Anti Christ I am going to go on assuming he’s a loyal American who love’s his country and is doing what he truly really believes is right: Making America strong and safe for Americans – and the rest of the world too!
but let’s focus on your first sentence:
The metaphor, at times, does seem appropriate.
Well, I’m glad to see there are some sane rational people out there.
I mean if he were the Anit-Christ we’d know by now, right?
What’s weird is, if you think about the word literally – anti-Christ, the complete opposite of the Christ – Bush fits the bill pretty eerily. He is not humble. He does not give a good god damn about the meek. He proclaims to be a strict follower of Christ’s path, yet all he spreads are lies, conflict and death on a massive scale.
Now, I do not believe (in) the Bible and have a different conception of religion and where Christianity actually came from. I think it’s very likely that Christ was not real and was instead a creation of the Gnostics or some other secret society. I contend that the Gnostics were what would be considered today an occult group and culled the Jesus story from a wide range of myths as a sort of model – a blueprint – of how to live an enlightened, spiritual life. Even if you go by this most definitely out of the mainstream definition of Christ, GW Bush is the absolute antithesis. He is a blueprint for how to do the devil’s work on our green earth (a metaphoric devil to represent the evil men do).
And if one is a Christian that actually believes and follows the spirit of the Christ’s teachings, then I imagine the same would also be true. That person would see Bush as the antithesis of the Christ. So really, whether he is the anti-Christ or just anti-Christ, what’s the difference?