Holy fuck.

I think that the political order of the United States of America has changed because of Katrina, and the lack of preperation, and the lack of attention to the environment, and the lack of a human response from our government.

Anderson Cooper just excoriated Sen. Mary Landrieu on CNN, just before prime time.  And she fucking deserved it.
She was going on and on thanking Frist and Bush and Bush and Clinton and the Senate and the military assets being martialed.

And Cooper just spiked her.  Something like, “All due respect Senator, but I saw a dead body lying in the street for two days that is being eaten by rats, and people aren’t really in the mood to hear politicians patting each other on the back.”

Fucking great.  Journalist have suddenly found a fucking spine.

I have slightly more hope for the future for America.  Republican.  Red-dog Democrat.  None of that means shit.  We have failed as a people.  We have failed to govern ourselves properly.  We have failed to protect our environment.  We have failed to use our common resources wisely.

But, hearing some fucking truth on national television, being shoved up the happy-ass of a cheerleading politician gives me hope.

We can handle the truth.  The truth can set us free.  Time for a new beginning.  We, as a people can change this country.  Participate contructively in the world.  Try to do right.

So fucking people aren’t getting eaten by rats in the street.