Holy fuck.
I think that the political order of the United States of America has changed because of Katrina, and the lack of preperation, and the lack of attention to the environment, and the lack of a human response from our government.
Anderson Cooper just excoriated Sen. Mary Landrieu on CNN, just before prime time. And she fucking deserved it.
She was going on and on thanking Frist and Bush and Bush and Clinton and the Senate and the military assets being martialed.
And Cooper just spiked her. Something like, “All due respect Senator, but I saw a dead body lying in the street for two days that is being eaten by rats, and people aren’t really in the mood to hear politicians patting each other on the back.”
Fucking great. Journalist have suddenly found a fucking spine.
I have slightly more hope for the future for America. Republican. Red-dog Democrat. None of that means shit. We have failed as a people. We have failed to govern ourselves properly. We have failed to protect our environment. We have failed to use our common resources wisely.
But, hearing some fucking truth on national television, being shoved up the happy-ass of a cheerleading politician gives me hope.
We can handle the truth. The truth can set us free. Time for a new beginning. We, as a people can change this country. Participate contructively in the world. Try to do right.
So fucking people aren’t getting eaten by rats in the street.
That was fucking great.
First I was seething through Landrieu’s monotone then I was applauding out loud Anderson Cooper. He was totally speaking what I was feeling.
Just now he expressed disgust over reporter Sanchez report that FEMA could not enter because it was too dangerous. He shook his head, looked down and said “Unbelievable.”
Sanchez gave the report in the most sarcastic tone.
I saw that. This guy is actually a human being. I didn’t know corporations would hire actual human beings.
That may be the best (and totally appropriate) put down of a government official since the famous exchange between Dan Rather and Richard Nixon:
Anderson’s humanity may just have bought him a bit of immortality, and deservedly so. Someone should have Dan give him a phone call tonight to say “Good job; that’s the way it’s done…”
Such an incredibly good parallel to draw. I only hope that it inspires the same kind of political change in its aftermath.
Maybe we should get in touch with Dan, so he can make such a call. Anderson deserves it.
and I cheered. Mary Landrieu is really pissing me off the way she is thanking sen. frist and sen. reid and their “unprecedented” return from vacation to pass an emergency aid bill. Gag.
Did you see that Anderson choked up after that? He was so angry and frustrated and couldn’t speak for a moment.
I sure feel for Anderson. He always does his best to show both sides of the issues without taking sides, so sometimes his show is a bit frustrating, but he’s obviously been deeply personally affected by this tragedy. He opened his show by saying that what’s happening in New Orleans is an “outrage”. Words just can’t describe the scope of this disaster.
since the first day. I’ve found myself switching her off at every appearance after the 4th-5th praise of the Admin.
When I got back from picking up my kids, CNN was interviewing someone, didn’t catch the name. The anchor asked him what he would ssay to Bush right now, and he said:
“Well, I would would say that if he thought he was being mischaracterized in that scene from F911 where he was sitting there reading to kids, than he might have gotten his heiney (yes, he used that word) out of Crawford on Saturday or Sunday and gotten on top of this”
sorry i missed that (come on Crooks and Liars). i’ve got CNN on muted and have been listening to AAR and sporadically breaking out in tears as i read more and think more about this whole debacle.
i think you’re absolutely right that this just might change everything. not like 9/11, but for real. it could be a realization that it is the haves vs. the havenots, and neither political party is for the groups that can’t line their pockets.
that for most of us in America, we have few (if any) friends in Washington, DC. The GOP’s allegience to the wealthiest 1% of the nation is obvious. The Dems for the most part are not much better.
You can see the difference between people (mostly on the left) who have been brought up to believe that “I am my brother’s keeper” and those who believe everyone should ‘pull themselves up by their own bootstraps’no matter what.
“Bout fucking time! What’s this world coming to…hell, Ann Coulter just got a very conservative Harding University boot rammed up her bulimic ass.
Maybe this is finally the perfect storm to take these ….long list of expletives deleted…down.
Hope springs eternal, and if Fitzpatrick could just have the right hammer for all of these nails……….Oh Boy!
Check this Crooks and Liars link in a few minutes for the video.
We can handle the truth. The truth can set us free. Time for a new beginning. We, as a people can change this country. Participate contructively in the world. Try to do right.
This picture has been haunting me all day… we have to be like these people looking out for people weaker than us, no matter how “have-not” we think we are…
Brother. We all need to be caring for each other. Not for corporations. Politicians. I am sick, sick, sick.
There has to be a better future. We are a good people.
a heartbreaking clip on news yesterday of a woman comatose on the sidewalk and a man leaning over her gently and sadly wiping her brow.
On Olberman. Young black man. Amongst the chaos. He “looted” a box of food. He was sharing it with those around him. He said to a poor child, “You want some candy. Take some candy.”
That’s humanity, man. If that son of gun was President of the United States, I can guarantee you that he wouldn’t have spent 15 minutes on national television talking about the fucking Oil and Gas crisis.
Oil and gas crisis! Compared to what these people are going through, I am not even thinking about whether or not there will be gas on Monday.
It’s such a cliche, the idea that most of us are wealthy compared to others even though we live in burbs and such. For dinner every night recently, I have been eating the same brand of TV dinner because it’s cheap and filling… I joke about it and call it my “gruel.”
Tonight when I made the TV dinner, I took it out of the microwave and it genuinely looked like fucking five-star cuisine to me. It has never hit me like that before just now.
or CNN just did an expose of “finders” being white and “looters” being black.
Right friggin’ on.
( looked about 14 to me) who took a school bus, loaded it up with people and drove it hundreds of miles to refuge – Texas I believe. news person asked if he’d ever driven a bus before – he said “no”!
Landrieu’s on CNN again, being interviewed by the ever spineless Paula Zahn.
After her interview with Anderson she probably got on the phone to CNN and ripped some corporate bigshot a new asshole, so they offered her a second at bat. Or the corporate asshat made the offer without prodding, because he shit himself watching Anderson SPEAK FOR AMERICA on live TV. I’m off to write a letter to CNN right now…
Follow-up interview. But, your explanation sure does seem plausible.
I wrote them praising Anderson. That was just the best journalism I have seen. Ever. Coupled with Cafferty earlier today. I am impressed. This must be horrible to witness to move them to this.
Just got back from sending the following to CNN:
So if they read my letter on the air you’ll all find out my real name – LOL…
You said it better than me. I hope they get thousands. If they had shown this kind of passion before Iraq, Diebold, 5-4 ruling, Swift boating…
I think our messes might be less.
They’ve really gotten tough this week. It’s so refreshing to see them actually ask the questions we’ve all been screaming at the tv.
(sent this in to Anderson Cooper’s email)
It’s so refreshing to see journalist finally actually ask the questions we’ve all been screaming at the tv during this Bush Failure.
Hooray for Anderson Cooper!!
Tonight more will die because Bush didn’t get off his arse.
No more politics and censored media as usual. No more kissing up to the Bush Regime.
Welcome back to a REAL jornalist… Anderson Cooper. Now get to work and continue asking the REAL QUESTIONS and showing the REAK NEWS.
The best journalist on television, and his coverage has been spectacular. I saw that, and it was the most-deserved and most spectacular skewering of any politician I think I have ever seen from a mainstream journalist. The other end of the spectrum is Chris Matthews, completely and utterly worthless.
Senator Landreau can go fuck herself.
CNN has stepped up the plate BIG TIME with their coverage.
but yes he’s one who’s really stepped up since Hurricane Negligence took over from Katrina.
Welcome back. It’s about damn time! Now get your asses to work and HELP AMERICANS!!!!!!!!!!!
among the ones who saw the interview and who cheered Anderson on……I was just so pround of him for taking that tack with her. so glad you wrote this up.
Anderson is right there in the mud and heat and humidity, not sitting in some swanky hotel in Houston like Rita (gotta cut my Aruba trip short) Cosby. The guy has been wearing the same shirt for three days. You gotta love it.
CNN I can’t seem to find a phone number to call in. Anyone? Anyone?
Number is 1-800-truth-to-power.
COOPER: Joining me from Baton Rouge is Louisiana Senator Mary Landrieu. Senator, appreciate you joining us tonight. Does the federal government bear responsibility for what is happening now? Should they apologize for what is happening now?
SEN. MARY LANDRIEU (D), LOUISIANA: Anderson, there will be plenty of time to discuss all of those issues, about why, and how, and what, and if. But, Anderson, as you understand, and all of the producers and directors of CNN, and the news networks, this situation is very serious and it’s going to demand all of our full attention through the hours, through the nights, through the days.
Let me just say a few things. Thank President Clinton and former President Bush for their strong statements of support and comfort today. I thank all the leaders that are coming to Louisiana, and Mississippi, and Alabama to our help and rescue.
We are grateful for the military assets that are being brought to bear. I want to thank Senator Frist and Senator Reid for their extraordinary efforts.
Anderson, tonight, I don’t know if you’ve heard — maybe you all have announced it — but Congress is going to an unprecedented session to pass a $10 billion supplemental bill tonight to keep FEMA and the Red Cross up and operating.
COOPER: Excuse me, Senator, I’m sorry for interrupting. I haven’t heard that, because, for the last four days, I’ve been seeing dead bodies in the streets here in Mississippi. And to listen to politicians thanking each other and complimenting each other, you know, I got to tell you, there are a lot of people here who are very upset, and very angry, and very frustrated.
And when they hear politicians slap — you know, thanking one another, it just, you know, it kind of cuts them the wrong way right now, because literally there was a body on the streets of this town yesterday being eaten by rats because this woman had been laying in the street for 48 hours. And there’s not enough facilities to take her up.
Do you get the anger that is out here?
LANDRIEU: Anderson, I have the anger inside of me. Most of the homes in my family have been destroyed. Our homes have been destroyed. I understand what you’re saying, and I know all of those details. And the president of the United States knows those details.
COOPER: Well, who are you angry at?
LANDRIEU: I’m not angry at anyone. I’m just expressing that it is so important for everyone in this nation to pull together, for all military assets and all assets to be brought to bare in this situation.
And I have every confidence that this country is as great and as strong as we can be do to that. And that effort is under way. COOPER: Well, I mean, there are a lot of people here who are kind of ashamed of what is happening in this country right now, what is — ashamed of what is happening in your state, certainly.
And that’s not to blame the people who are there. It’s a desperate situation. But I guess, you know, who can — I mean, no one seems to be taking responsibility.
I mean, I know you say there’s a time and a place for, kind of, you know, looking back, but this seems to be the time and the place. I mean, there are people who want answers, and there are people who want someone to stand up and say, “You know what? We should have done more. Are all the assets being brought to bare?”
LANDRIEU: Anderson, Anderson…
COOPER: I mean, today, for the first time, I’m seeing National Guard troops in this town.
LANDRIEU: Anderson, I know. And I know where you are. And I know what you’re seeing. Believe me, we know it. And we understand, and there will be a time to talk about all of that. Trust me.
I know what the people are suffering. The governor knows. The president knows. The military officials know. And they’re trying to do the very best they can to stabilize the situation.
Senator Vitter, our congressional delegation, all of us understand what is happening. We are doing our very, very best to get the situation under control.
But I want to thank the president. He will be here tomorrow, we think. And the military is sending assets as we speak.
So, please, I understand. You might say I’m a politician, but I grew up in New Orleans. My father was the mayor of that city. I’ve represented that city my whole life, and it’s just not New Orleans. It’s St. Bernard, and St. Tammany, and Plaquemines Parish that have been completely underwater.
Our levee system has failed. We need a lot of help. And the Congress has been wonderful to help us, and we need more help.
Nobody’s perfect, Anderson. Everybody has to stand up here. And I know you understand. So thank you so much for everything you’re doing.
COOPER: Well, I appreciate you joining us on the program tonight. I can only imagine how busy you are. Thank you very much, Senator Landrieu.
LANDRIEU: Thank you, Anderson. Thank you so much. Thank you.
COOPER: And good luck to you and all the people working to solve this problem. Because, at this point, it is very hard to try to figure our how this problem is going to get solved. There was a desperate search that we have been following for a baby. We have some great news. This baby has just been found. We’re going to talk to the parents of this child. We are just getting this information in. Stay with us. There is a lot ahead to talk about in this next hour.
For posting that. It was almost as good to read it a second time. Landrieu is really soulless. I think I can almost hear her invoking Anderson’s bosses at the beginning of the interview, as if to try to reign him in. It is like, subliminally, she is screaming — “Anderson. Anderson. You and I are a part of the same machine that has been keeping people down, lo these many years. You are in it with me, Anderson. You can’t rat us out now.”
Do you see that subtext.
My fucking family mansion was ruined, too. We know how you feel. Puh-lease.
Frankly, she’s a cold-hearted bitch. (and I believe that’s the first time ever I’ve used that word in blogging).
Just watched the video from crooks and liars. She’s claiming she understands because her family has suffered property loss.
People dying doesn’t affect her. But thank God Bush and the politicians are going to protect and restore property. They’ve suffered such a great property loss (those who left), and need the help of the govt.
I wonder where she comes out on the looters? Probably pissed they’re damaging stores to get to the food.
So, will there also be a rescue mission to extricate Sen. Landrieu from Bush’s ass?
The Endless Hurricane Season
by Stephen Leahy
BROOKLIN, Canada – Up to 12 more tropical storms are expected to follow Hurricane Katrina, the most destructive storm to ever strike the United States, and four may be major hurricanes, according to the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
Katrina, which made landfall on the U.S. Gulf Coast Monday, has killed at least 110 people and left a million homeless. Preliminary damage estimates top 25 billion dollars. Refugee camps will be needed to house hundreds of thousands of people for weeks and months — and perhaps longer, experts say. And it will be another week or two before the full extent of devastation is known.
Shockingly, there may be more storms to come. “This may well be one of the most active Atlantic hurricane seasons on record, and will be the ninth above-normal Atlantic hurricane season in the last 11 years,” Brig. Gen. David L. Johnson, director of the NOAA National Weather Service, said in a statement.
NOAA forecasts a whopping 21 tropical storms — double the norm — before the end of hurricane season on Nov. 30. That means the U.S., Mexico and Caribbean region could still be pounded by another 10 to 12 storms, including a major hurricane on the scale of Katrina. Fortunately, not all of these will make landfall.
Warm water in the Atlantic Ocean is being blamed for what NOAA calls a “very active” hurricane season. Sea water at 27 degrees C. or higher puts enough moisture in the air to prime hurricane or cyclone formation. Once started, a hurricane needs only warm water and the right wind conditions to build and maintain its strength and intensity.
A few more of these. That might make the fundies believe in global warming. But, then again. Maybe not. I mean they still haven’t gotten fucking evolution. So, maybe there is no hope.
Just saw something I never thought I would, Joe is just slamming the administration on his show tonight…
I cannot believe this insanity.
Trust but verify. Are you sure he was not body napped by an alien, or some other more plausible explanation, than criticizing his own party?
Scarborough has criticized his own party before. But it is always constructive criticism for them (what they SHOULD have done).
I hate Scarborough, because of all the right wing schills, I think he is actually smart enough to not believe the bullshit he spouts. But, he knows what pays the bills.
(Or I guess you could say I think he’s a bad liar. Either way).
yup, I’m watching it too. They just said that the looters were, in grand majority, NOT taking advantage of the situation, that most of them were getting needed supplies.
Fuckin’ A. I couldn’t believe my ears.
He just said, almost verbatim:
We KNEW on Friday that this hurricane was going to be at least cat 4 or cat 5 on Friday. If any politician, from AL, LA, MS, or wherever, tells you that this hurricane was unexpected, that person does not deserve your trust.
Fourteen hours of blogging, or something like that. And, for all my ranting, I haven’t done a thing. Going to bed knowing that, tonight, some human beings on this planet are going to die in streets filled with piss, shit, rats, petro products, and other decaying humans.
I’ll use dim feebs rationale. I hope these poor people didn’t die in vain. Can’t we remove this man for utter incompetence, sheer callousness, and astounding stupidity.
Thanks to all for sharing thoughts on this most depressing day.
I spend many hours a day in a cubicle, away from any kind of TV, radio, or streaming media, and you gave me some great updates throughout the day today. It’s good to have you back.
I was never a big Cooper fan, but he was truly wonderful tonight. A lot of journalists are getting radicalized by this. Let’s hope it sticks!
Cooper has been affected as a few other reporters by what they have seen. Yes his humanity made a appearance. He normally is vacant.
There was another reporter, he was hispanic saying in fromt of the Converntion Center that these people want help they are not dangerous, bus drivers and heicopter pilots need not be afraid. Not to believe the people are dangerous.
I think white people are just plain scared of black people in ways that are not based in reality…not in this situation. Rumors and exaggerations about gunfire are spreading all over.
Mark Quintanilla, I think he was on MSNBC.
It was MSNBC photojournalist Tony Zumbado. Truly outstanding work.
I don’t usually pimp a diary for Dkos but this is an outstanding piece from Hunter on the front page. The jist is “This is unforgivable”.
Hunter’s diary
That was a good diary. Very pimp worthy. 🙂
Normally, I DESPISE CNN but I’ve got to say Anderson Cooper has turned out to be a fine journalist – caring, sensitive to whatever environment he’s in and eloquent. I hope he goes on to the stature/respect of some of our most respected journalists.