Head of FEMA was just on CNN and talked about people who “chose” to stay in NO even though there had been a mandatory evacuation in place.
Fucking “chose”????!!?? These people may not have had transportation or were too sick or too poor to leave!! They didn’t fucking “choose” anything. They were forced to stay. How were they supposed to get out of the city???
He’s the Prez’s shit salesman. He’s supposed to make us think that FEMA is doing all it can do to help.
On NBC he had the gall to say that he’s feels bad for everyone adn they are doing the best they can in response to a question about why supplies aren’t getting into NO.
Not surprisingly, this guy is completely untrained for disaster relief. He’s a freaking estate lawyer. He has no business running an organization like FEMA.
I read it — and followed the link. To me it seemed like they were wanting people in the area, on top of that, I don’t have any room at my house, but I am already collecting things to take over to the shelter here in Austin.
The diaries have been coming fast and furious today, no need to be judgemental about the lack of commentary! Maybe some people missed it?
is telling off Marie Landrieu for praising politicians when people are dying right in front of him. He is furious, he cut her off, and just will not let her be a politician. What a relief, she was really out of line.
Ironic timing. I was just going to do a diary titled “Now IS the time”. I’ve listened to Landrieu, former pres Clinton, former pres Bush and too many other politicians say that now is not the time to talk about what’s going wrong. They’re wrong – every last one of them. The US could be hit by another disaster tomorrow and the sooner the government faces what’s happened in the hurricane’s aftermath, the sooner they’ll be able to correct the massive logistical mistakes to make sure they never happen again. Screw months and years of congressional hearings. Your country does not have the luxury of talking about this “later”.
Poor Anderson. He actually broke down on camera. This is taking a huge toll on these reporters and they really need to be commended for not pulling any punches with these damn politicians.
Landrieu should NOT be re-elected. I don’t care what party she represents. She’s been butt kissing Bush ever since this began.
I guess your rope shortens a bit when you see fellow Americans body’s being eaten by rats in the street.
I’m worried about him. And all the reporters. They’re noticing the huge disconnect between what is happening and what the government-types want us to know.
Anyone else notice the hitching breaths he’s been taking between comments? The microphone really picks it up. At times he almost sounds panicky.
I don’t get CNN, but I’ve noticed the other reporters losing their patience, and noting the disconnect between what the government says they’ve done and what they can see on the ground for all of us at home. They’re under a huge amount of stress and I don’t know how they do it, I cry, and I’m not even there.
Amazing how different the world looks outside the Beltway, huh?
I’m sorry – I sympathize with the reporters who are out there on the streets of America doing their job (finally) – but maybe if they tore themselves away from all that easy access to the White House sooner, New Orleans might have gotten its levee funding.
I agree with you, actually. I wish our so-called leaders were also more aware of life outside the beltway…maybe then they’d focus on things like healthcare, reducing poverty, funding for education, and the like if they were exposed to the fact that we’re all people more often.
America will tune in.. As rats bails bushCo’s sinking ship, which rats will sing… May Katrina shine light on the human rats.
“In deciding not to become the fall guy, Mr. Tenet has made a fateful decision. The latest salvo in the ongoing wars between the CIA and the White House may be about to burst. Until now, Mr. Tenet has kept silent about what Mr. Bush knew and when he knew it. Mr. Tenet’s decision to defend his own role in September 11 puts the White House back in the spotlight. The only way he can push off responsibility is to push it higher up the ladder.
Under normal conditions, Karl Rove would already be taking pre-emptive action. But he is neutralized until the Valerie Plame leak probe ends. That leaves it to the president’s allies on Capitol Hill to keep Mr. Tenet’s rebuttal under wraps. With the families of September 11 victims demanding disclosure, this will not be easy.
CIA Director Goss is between a rock and a hard place. He will be criticized for covering up if he does nothing. But if he follows the IG’s recommendation to convene formal hearings as a prelude to sanctions, Mr. Tenet himself may go public to defend his reputation. The $4.5 million book offer may soon be back on the table, and this time Mr. Tenet might take it.”
LINK: http://www.washtimes.com/op-ed/20050831-091719-1217r.htm
IF the true details of 9-11 ever get covered by the main stream media, a question comes to mind. Can America handle the truth; regarding 9-11.
Exciting times in the US of A….
hitching breaths, yeah, I noticed that too. I hope he’ll be OK. I’ve got a great deal of respect for him now that I never had before.
I have a sense that these news people who are at the scene will not be the same people once they’re back in their usual work habitats. I’m hoping they will be very close to fearless in future reporting on BushCo.
Landrieu is weak. You would think she could put aside the ‘butt kissing’ for the duration of the emergency.
Later, an official from FEMA said they could not go in to Louisiana because it was too dangerous. How come the reporters are able to go in?
The rescuers seem to be local or from other states. The Feds are no where to be seen.
When it comes to catastrophe, it looks like the states are on their own. When it comes to meddling in ‘right to die’issues or medical marijuana, the Feds are right on top of it, in total disregard for states’ rights.
“By the end of October, the initial praise had turned to criticism of Healy’s management of the Liberty Fund, and contributed to her surprise resignation, effective December 31. Red Cross officials then closed the Liberty Fund, which had received pledges of $543 million and spent $147 million on September 11 relief efforts– less than one third. They announced they had raised more than enough money for the needs of the victims of September 11 and planned to spend over half the money to build up blood supplies, improve their telecommunications, and prepare for possible future terrorist attacks. FUTURE terrorist Attacks, thought donations were to the 9-11 victims, not to BushCo…….
LINK: http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/business/july-dec01/redcross_12-19.html
Sending money, send it to a friend or relative, that will assure the money is spent on needy victims. Not on oil companies, and war mongrels. Meanwhile, bush sr. and clinton join arms, and see what else that they can steal. May Katrina shine more light on the corruptness of government, in New Orleans, in Lousianna, and nationally.
Robertson’s shell organizations have already collected more than $25 million from the federal government under various “faith based” federal-handout programs. And with millions of distraught citizens looking to FEMA for help in finding reputable organizations to help Katrina survivors, Robertson stands to profit magnificently from the horror that has fallen on New Orleans and the Gulf Coast.”
Makes you all warm and fuzzy,……… NOT.
He has a cameraman going off about the situation. He’s obviously upset and angry. He was standing up for the people at the convention center, saying they weren’t looters and they were good, law abiding citizens waiting for the help they so desperately need.
The cameraman is great. That’s tape, by the way … he was on live on Ron Reagan’s show early this afternoon.
And C&L is going to get that video up as soon as he can.
P.S. I wrote up what the cameraman said, in the story below about Congress reconvening … I used his witness statements to lobby my U.S. Rep. and Senators to get off their duffs.
Al Sharpton on now talking about the racial divide in this situation. He’s handing it to Bush and his cronies. Talked about how Terri Schiavo was so important to Bush, but not New Orleans. He doesn’t justify looting, except for survival necessities (water, milk, food, etc). These people have been left to fend for themselves.
Head of FEMA was just on CNN and talked about people who “chose” to stay in NO even though there had been a mandatory evacuation in place.
Fucking “chose”????!!?? These people may not have had transportation or were too sick or too poor to leave!! They didn’t fucking “choose” anything. They were forced to stay. How were they supposed to get out of the city???
My question is why in the fuck is this guy, the head of FEMA, running around the networks like he’s promoting a book?!
He’s not a rap artist, he’s not a politician… He needs to do his fucking job.
He’s the Prez’s shit salesman. He’s supposed to make us think that FEMA is doing all it can do to help.
On NBC he had the gall to say that he’s feels bad for everyone adn they are doing the best they can in response to a question about why supplies aren’t getting into NO.
Not surprisingly, this guy is completely untrained for disaster relief. He’s a freaking estate lawyer. He has no business running an organization like FEMA.
Listening to this guy… Jesus.
The desperation. The sheer frustration.
Surely there is something we can do, something more than giving money.
is sponsoring a housing project for displaced victims:
I did a diary on this, unfortunately it was completely ignored. Not one comment or recommend. Sad.
I read it — and followed the link. To me it seemed like they were wanting people in the area, on top of that, I don’t have any room at my house, but I am already collecting things to take over to the shelter here in Austin.
The diaries have been coming fast and furious today, no need to be judgemental about the lack of commentary! Maybe some people missed it?
is telling off Marie Landrieu for praising politicians when people are dying right in front of him. He is furious, he cut her off, and just will not let her be a politician. What a relief, she was really out of line.
Wow!! I want to see a video of that!
I’m sure a video of that will be up on the web in no time flat. He nailed her and rightly so.
Crooks and Liars has just posted that they’ll have the video up in minutes.
Ironic timing. I was just going to do a diary titled “Now IS the time”. I’ve listened to Landrieu, former pres Clinton, former pres Bush and too many other politicians say that now is not the time to talk about what’s going wrong. They’re wrong – every last one of them. The US could be hit by another disaster tomorrow and the sooner the government faces what’s happened in the hurricane’s aftermath, the sooner they’ll be able to correct the massive logistical mistakes to make sure they never happen again. Screw months and years of congressional hearings. Your country does not have the luxury of talking about this “later”.
Poor Anderson. He actually broke down on camera. This is taking a huge toll on these reporters and they really need to be commended for not pulling any punches with these damn politicians.
Landrieu should NOT be re-elected. I don’t care what party she represents. She’s been butt kissing Bush ever since this began.
Finally someone calling bullshit.
I guess your rope shortens a bit when you see fellow Americans body’s being eaten by rats in the street.
I’m worried about him. And all the reporters. They’re noticing the huge disconnect between what is happening and what the government-types want us to know.
Anyone else notice the hitching breaths he’s been taking between comments? The microphone really picks it up. At times he almost sounds panicky.
I don’t get CNN, but I’ve noticed the other reporters losing their patience, and noting the disconnect between what the government says they’ve done and what they can see on the ground for all of us at home. They’re under a huge amount of stress and I don’t know how they do it, I cry, and I’m not even there.
Amazing how different the world looks outside the Beltway, huh?
I’m sorry – I sympathize with the reporters who are out there on the streets of America doing their job (finally) – but maybe if they tore themselves away from all that easy access to the White House sooner, New Orleans might have gotten its levee funding.
Not blaming, just saying.
I agree with you, actually. I wish our so-called leaders were also more aware of life outside the beltway…maybe then they’d focus on things like healthcare, reducing poverty, funding for education, and the like if they were exposed to the fact that we’re all people more often.
America will tune in.. As rats bails bushCo’s sinking ship, which rats will sing… May Katrina shine light on the human rats.
“In deciding not to become the fall guy, Mr. Tenet has made a fateful decision. The latest salvo in the ongoing wars between the CIA and the White House may be about to burst. Until now, Mr. Tenet has kept silent about what Mr. Bush knew and when he knew it. Mr. Tenet’s decision to defend his own role in September 11 puts the White House back in the spotlight. The only way he can push off responsibility is to push it higher up the ladder.
Under normal conditions, Karl Rove would already be taking pre-emptive action. But he is neutralized until the Valerie Plame leak probe ends. That leaves it to the president’s allies on Capitol Hill to keep Mr. Tenet’s rebuttal under wraps. With the families of September 11 victims demanding disclosure, this will not be easy.
CIA Director Goss is between a rock and a hard place. He will be criticized for covering up if he does nothing. But if he follows the IG’s recommendation to convene formal hearings as a prelude to sanctions, Mr. Tenet himself may go public to defend his reputation. The $4.5 million book offer may soon be back on the table, and this time Mr. Tenet might take it.”
LINK: http://www.washtimes.com/op-ed/20050831-091719-1217r.htm
IF the true details of 9-11 ever get covered by the main stream media, a question comes to mind. Can America handle the truth; regarding 9-11.
Exciting times in the US of A….
hitching breaths, yeah, I noticed that too. I hope he’ll be OK. I’ve got a great deal of respect for him now that I never had before.
I have a sense that these news people who are at the scene will not be the same people once they’re back in their usual work habitats. I’m hoping they will be very close to fearless in future reporting on BushCo.
Landrieu is weak. You would think she could put aside the ‘butt kissing’ for the duration of the emergency.
Later, an official from FEMA said they could not go in to Louisiana because it was too dangerous. How come the reporters are able to go in?
The rescuers seem to be local or from other states. The Feds are no where to be seen.
When it comes to catastrophe, it looks like the states are on their own. When it comes to meddling in ‘right to die’issues or medical marijuana, the Feds are right on top of it, in total disregard for states’ rights.
James Wolcott nails it today…
as does The Rude One, two of my favorites.
The time is now and this gross negligence and incompetence has got to be shown to the world and to the US public…these guy’s have gotta go!
Wolcott quoting CounterPunch? What is the world coming to?
(I say as a long-time CP reader who hasn’t seem them pointed to by the “left” nearly enough)
BostonJoe just did a diary on it
Crooks and Liars has a quote from that up … and he’s getting the video. It must have been something!
FEMA still confused with the whole situation has time to suggest sending money to Pat Robertson and Operation Blessing
LINK: http://www.fema.gov/press/2005/katrinadonations.shtm
God Bless America, Pat Robertson knows how to handle money
“By the end of October, the initial praise had turned to criticism of Healy’s management of the Liberty Fund, and contributed to her surprise resignation, effective December 31. Red Cross officials then closed the Liberty Fund, which had received pledges of $543 million and spent $147 million on September 11 relief efforts– less than one third. They announced they had raised more than enough money for the needs of the victims of September 11 and planned to spend over half the money to build up blood supplies, improve their telecommunications, and prepare for possible future terrorist attacks. FUTURE terrorist Attacks, thought donations were to the 9-11 victims, not to BushCo…….
LINK: http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/business/july-dec01/redcross_12-19.html
Sending money, send it to a friend or relative, that will assure the money is spent on needy victims. Not on oil companies, and war mongrels. Meanwhile, bush sr. and clinton join arms, and see what else that they can steal. May Katrina shine more light on the corruptness of government, in New Orleans, in Lousianna, and nationally.
FEMA Directing Donations To Rev.
Pat Robertson
LINK: http://www.sploid.com/news/2005/09/01/fema-directing-donations-to-rev-pat-robertson-123509.php
“The front operation for the radical, pro-assassination televangelist and Republican power broker is also based in the Rev. Pat’s headquarters, Virginia Beach.
Robertson’s shell organizations have already collected more than $25 million from the federal government under various “faith based” federal-handout programs. And with millions of distraught citizens looking to FEMA for help in finding reputable organizations to help Katrina survivors, Robertson stands to profit magnificently from the horror that has fallen on New Orleans and the Gulf Coast.”
Makes you all warm and fuzzy,……… NOT.
He has a cameraman going off about the situation. He’s obviously upset and angry. He was standing up for the people at the convention center, saying they weren’t looters and they were good, law abiding citizens waiting for the help they so desperately need.
Olbermann is being ruthless tonight. Made a crack about Condi cutting her vacation short 4 days after disaster and after she yukked it up at Spamalot.
He’s showing really heartbreaking reports from various NBC/MSNBC reporters. Unvarnished, raw.
The cameraman is great. That’s tape, by the way … he was on live on Ron Reagan’s show early this afternoon.
And C&L is going to get that video up as soon as he can.
P.S. I wrote up what the cameraman said, in the story below about Congress reconvening … I used his witness statements to lobby my U.S. Rep. and Senators to get off their duffs.
Breaks my heart to see all this suffering and not be able to do a damned thing about it.
Al Sharpton on now talking about the racial divide in this situation. He’s handing it to Bush and his cronies. Talked about how Terri Schiavo was so important to Bush, but not New Orleans. He doesn’t justify looting, except for survival necessities (water, milk, food, etc). These people have been left to fend for themselves.