As you no doubt know (since you read the liberal blogs) there are planned anti-war protests – a continuation of the work of Camp Casey – in D.C. and numerous other cities scheduled for 9/24.

Shock posted a diary on MLW and dKos wondering if we wouldn’t do better to channel that energy into relief volunteer work for the gulf region.

I responded that it’s not either/or – I think we should do both.  Please read the evolution of the idea below.

This diary is an attempt to spread the idea.  I don’t care a whit about credit – I’m sure dozens of us have had the same idea – let’s roll!
If you know someone involved in planning the anti-war protests for the 24th, please pass it along – the need will be there.  Let’s live our values.
Shock wrote

As it stands now, the anti-war rally looks like it could actually sway some public opinion to this cause.  And, the hope is, this might eventually “trickle up” and have political ramifications.

Consider: the same anti-war statement can be made via a “relief effort” like the one I’m proposing.  I can confidently assert that the effects of such a statement, made in such a manner, would be much more powerful in the media, public opinion, and ultimately politically.

There are many reasons people are against the war.  But I’d be willing to bet that core liberal values underlie most.
Here’s what the message is:  

We stand with the people (even in “red states”).
We want this country to be safe and strong.  (This is a national security issue!)
We do not shirk service to our country.
Our political leaders have failed us, time and time again, but we are not helpless and we will not give up.
We care about this country!
Tens of thousands of us have already planned to leave home to make a statement and do something for the sake of our country.  

I responded
What if the rallies ARE held as planned – in DC and other major cities – and used as a point to gather supplies and donations (and volunteers) who are then bussed in caravans to the gulf region.
Given the chaos now – i’m not sure how a rally in the gulf area could be pulled together – but I hear your concern.  I’ve wondered how massive anti-war protest will be covered – and how easily dismissed they’d be (shouldn’t these wackos with all this free time….yadda yadda…) (note – I don’t advocate worrying about or being limited by right wing smears, but planning for them and having prepared was to refute and overcome them is wise.)

I think the anti-war rallies are important.  I think what happened at Camp Casey needs to KEEP happening in DC and anywhere else Bush goes – that work needs to be done.

SO – how can we do both (and make both more coverable and effective?)

I say we hold the rallies – and in addition to challenging Bush – we use them as launching points for the kind of direct aid you have proposed.  

An analogy – the Muscular Dystrophy telethon is an annual telethon (you know “Jerry’s Kids” – crucial work that needs all the funding it can get to continue the work to find treatments, improve lives and search for cures.  But THIS year – the MDA has made a $1 Million donation to the Red Cross disaster relief and will – during the planned telethon – focus the first and last 4 hour blocks on raising funds for Katrina relief.

The show must go on – both the war protests and the MDA have necessary work that must continue – but we can do both.  We can build on our existing effort to enhance relief work.


So – as I said above – this diary is an attempt to spread the idea.  If you know someone involved in planning the anti-war protests for the 24th, please pass it along.  Let’s see if the liberal blogosphere can make our protest even more successful for the good of the entire nation by rallying against the administration and the working for the people the government is, as of today, so badly failing.

If you think this idea has merit – please recommend shock’s diary on dKos (already front paged at MLW).  Let’s see if we can get something started.