Some time ago, I wondered why Rumsfeld insisted on “doing” Iraq with less than 200,000 soldiers when General Shinseki advised him that would be grossly inadequate, a fact borne out by experience.It occurred to me that what the Bush Evil Gang was attempting to do was to leave a small “footprint” of soldiers killed or maimed in Iraq.If the numbers were large, there would be a political price to be paid and the Karl Rove mafia was not up to that task.

With the flood washing away most of New Orleans, that suspicion was reinforced for me as the National Guard which was supposed to stay home and provide disaster relief was pressed into service by Rumsfeld in Iraq, again as a way to reduce his “footprint” in the Iraq debacle.

The spider’s web woven by these criminals seems to have come undone by Mother Nature.Unfortunately, it is too late for the soldiers, the National Guardsmen and the people of New Orleans.