“Thousands of the people. They’re droppin’. They’re just droppin’. They look like they’re just waitin’ to die.”

— That was Harry Connick Jr. — sounding utterly staggered and in despair — at the Superdome, to Ron Reagan Jr., live interview. It’s Harry’s hometown. Somehow he got there to try to help.

The MSNBC reporter said they’d been told: “Do not eat in public. Do not drink in public. It could cause a MOB situation.”

REPORTER again: “We’ve been told all these things — food, water, supplies — are coming from the federal government. But we’ve been here four-five days and we haven’t seen a single thing.”

“We’ve been told to get out of town by sundown.”

Someone told the reporter: “In Beirut, they’d drop supplies to people. Why can’t they do the same here?”

I just saw an elderly white woman collapsing while two black men tried to hold her up. A young black woman was leaning over in utter weakness.

I FUCKING HATE GEORGE BUSH. — “Zero tolerance” for lawlessness — you motherfucker, people are desperate and are dying! AND WHERE IS THE FUCKING RED CROSS? They’re getting millions from people who can barely afford to give. USE THE FUCKING MONEY!

Ideas: 1) Let’s all call our Senators and Reps. and ORDER THEM to air-drop food and water to those people IMMEDIATELY.

IMAGE from Crooks and Liars.