The (heartbreaking) spectacle of a major American city crippled, falling apart and now being virtually abandoned by the authorities is what really emboldens whatever terrorist enemies we have. This sort of thing is what makes us vulnerable. Looking at what is happening in New Orleans, what terrorist wouldn’t feel encouraged to mount an actual strike on a major city? We have no National Guard — they’re over in Iraq. We have no leadership — everyone is running around in circles, or on vacation. If I were Osama Bin Laden (remember him?), I’d be rubbing my hands together and calling the boys over for a beer and a brainstorming session!
This needs to be shoved in the face — HARD — of anyone who dares mouth the platitudes about the war in Iraq making us safer. An absolute and total lie, and now, a dangerous lie.
Boy, to listen to federal officials, you’d think there are more military troops in place than refugees. Talk about putting lipstick on a pig. I’ve read so many articles and diaries over the past year or so about how Rumsfeld is decimating our armed forces. I think this tragedy graphically shows that at least the concept of ‘readiness’ on the homefront has been trashed.
The slow cumbersome task of pulling Guardsmen from hither and yon is a direct threat to this nation’s security. I think many Americans are ready to look at this and see the frightening truth about the Bush administration. I also think that you are right on about our enemies looking at this and seeing America as a big, juicy target that isn’t as well protected as it used to be. Unfortunately, the weak chink in our armor is our president. Frightening, disgusting, but true.
I’m sure Bood could photoshop that one nicely using a picture of Rove…
There is a terminal disease in this nation and its name id BUSHCO!
Did you HEAR what Bush said on Good Morning America???
“No one anticipated the breaking of the levees”
MY GOD!!!!!!
I still consider it Rice’s “no one anticipated” statements about 9/11 to be one of our nation’s true low points.
Their job is to anticipate. It’s part of the job description.
When I heard Bush’s comment, I immediately thought of Rice’s. Because in both cases, it was bullshit. People had, in fact, anticipated an attack like 9/11 and people had, in fact, anticipated what’s happening in the aftermath of Katrina. But in both cases, the Bush League had — to use a Dick Cheney phrase — “other priorities”.
I had the same first though, too. I think most people are thinking that. It was clear before Katrina hit that everyone anticipated the levee breaking.
Bush is such a flaming asshole… he couldn’t make an intelligent comment if you gave him a year to think about it.
On CNN now, military ‘sensitive’ to criticism. The movement now is proactive, done before they’re asked, they’re blaming local authorities. (Jamie McIntyre at the Pentagon)
Tom Foreman: everyone in the country knows where help is needed… then he named the specific areas in and around New Orleans. It’s too dangerous for locals to handle and that’s why we have emergency management in the government. He came right back with a nuclear blast to the Pentagon’s excuses… yay Tom.
The fucker, Bush, just reassured us that the oil lines and refineries will be taken care of….
and not to buy gas…
he didn’t say shit about anything else… just that his daddy and BillyBubba would get some money.
He spent more time talking about pipelines, even tell us what the fucking NAME of the pipeline and that pipelines carry refined product.
That is all this fucker cares about.
Canada and the World have offered more help and concern than the Fuck House.
Sorry, I’m just so angry right now. I’m watching fellow Americans DIE on tv. And the military dropped a dozen a DOZEN MRE’s….
I hate this Regime. Is it time NOW??? Can we please fire them all?
Great Diary.. our leaders and DEMS even are in a cluster fuck.
damn. you are so fucking right. anyone planning anything right now has to be rubbing their hands together like Monty Burns. what has Bush done to make us safer? nada.
Interesting cartoon, I’m Still free. What about you?
MUST see….
Yeah… the displayed (again and again) utter incompetence of the leadership in this country must definitely be making our enemies hearts go all aflutter.
The fact that we haven’t caught bin Laden probably emoboldens him just a wee bit too. I imagine if he was locked up right now he wouldn’t be feeling too bold at all, huh.