Yellowtailed Black Cockatoos are impressively sized birds, nearly two feet from top to tail, and very noisy. They are a bit clownish as well, often hanging upside down from one foot while eating something gripped in the other foot’s claws.
Also of note, they are not kept as pets (unlike the more familar Sulfer-Crested Cockatoos)- as they have reputation for being cranky and destructive. Still, they are a joy to hear and see when they stop by our place every month or so. As a half-dozen did yesterday and today.
Sorry to be a so late posting this. I’ve been busy with the bathroom rebuild, a bit out of sorts physically, and sick-at-heart over the colossal fuck-up that is the Bush adminstrations response to Hurricane Katrina.
If I still lived in the States, I’d be down there now with the truck and the horse-trailer getting supplies to whoever I could.
On the home front, the fry (baby fish) all died, but that’s hardly tragic, as I only expected a few to make at best. The mother was a young and small, and I’m thinking the eggs were small, as they all seemed to have trouble eating, no matter how fine the food. Anyway, they were fun while they lasted, and there is always next time.
Bud is exhausted from seeing the horror unfolding:
I so know the feeling.
He’s adorable!
I got home at 2am after a night out with friends and didn’t find him in his bed. I got alittle worried but then switched on the light in the spare room. He looked so damn cute I didn’t have the heart to wake him up.
(he’s a full-blooded basset hound = Very. Lazy.)
…I could snuggle in behind him there. He looks so comfy and cuddly, and with the way I’m feeling right now, a warm place to hide from the world.
(I had a Basset growing up. Named him Lynyrd (yes, after the band). He died a few years back and I really miss him. Seeing your Bud brought back some memories.)
You’re so lucky to get visits from those birds!
Yes, we are very fortunate kansas, to have stunning birds in Australia, and in Tasmania in particular.
Already this morning I’ve see two Green Rosella (a kind of parot, whose name does not do them justice), and heard several Laughing Kookaburras (there goes one now).
When I’m done posting this, I’ll try try to get a picture of the some of the Superb Fairy Wrens that are darting about the front yard. They do live up to their name – and are notorious as the world’s most promicuous bird species.
Like this little guy? What a beauty.
I hope you can get the wren photos. Their name alone is fabulous.
Yep, that’s the one. They travel in pairs or small flocks. We seem to have a small flock of 6 living in our valley, that spends much of their time at our place.
Unfortunately, the Fairy Wrens were shy, and flew off when I tried to get a picture. I’ll try again later.
Yes, you are! What a cutie pie. Such glorious color.
Thanks, Keres, I needed this. It’s almost six, but for the 3rd day in a row I woke up really early, thought about New Orleans and couldn’t sleep any more. Not even the comfort food thread comforted, but the sigt of this little bird did.
Sorry for the poor quality image; I was too far away to get a crisp shot.
Luna, in her favorite spot – the middle of the driveway – where no one can get in or out without her noticing.