Biloxi Survivor says “President Bush shouldn’t be the president no more.”

David Schuster interviewed Robert, an auto mechanic in Biloxi and he asked for him to commnet on President Bush’s speech.

— Crooks & Liars came through for me and FOUND this video. I heard this guy live on MSNBC yesterday and knew that MSNBC would NEVER replay it . David Schuster was shaking because he knew he’d fucking blew it letting that guy on the air, live. YOU MUST WATCH and YOU MUST PASS on FAR AND WIDE. (Can anyone transcribe Robert’s remarks? I wish he’d come here. I’d feed him and give him a clean bed.)

Robert’s anger and desperation will break your heart. Schuster’s following remarks are also heart-rending. People’s children are screaming and crying because they’re so hungry.