Apparently Bush plans on visiting New Orleans and other storm-ravaged areas today or tomorrow.
My, oh my, I’m waiting with aching anticipation to see Bush approach a group of refugees for a “photo-op”…his half-sincere grin, promising to help. The man will be torn to shreds!
I don’t own a TV right now, and I’m working today, so please, I beg of you, if this visit takes place and is shown on TV today, someone please start a live thread diary…I have to know what happens!
Will he actually have the guts to show his face in New Orleans? Anyone willing to make wagers?
If he visits, I bet he poses with some sympathetic oil company executives to explain what a great job he’s doing…all white, of course.
I doubt he’s even turned on the tv to see the people he’s killing.
He’ll land in Mississippi and meet with the displaced white people and republicans. He’ll fly over NO so that he doesn’t have to meet with poor, black people who wouldn’t have voted for him anyway. He wouldn’t want to ruin his “beautiful mind” with death and destruction.
Replace “Beautiful mind” with “vacuous space”, and I think you’ve hit the nail on the head!
I used “beautiful mind” as an aspersion on him based on a quote from him mommy:
The turd doesn’t fall far from the asshole.
I recognized that…sorry my, sarcasm monitor isn’t running quite right today… 🙂
Just think how hard it must be right now finding a group of folks anywhere on the Gulf Coast who will thank the Prez for showing up a week late. I mean, they can’t risk exposing Georgie to someone like the auto mechanic in Biloxi.
More research and resourses are probably being spent on this photo-op than are being targeted at the Convention Center in NOLA. I bet they picked some little town east of NOLA on Tuesday and blanketed it with water, food, ice and temporary trailer housing so the citizens would be suitably grateful when Dear Leader arrives.
He’ll remind us all that a larger area than New Orleans has been effected. Yep. He’ll try the “don’t look over there, look here” trick and suggest more help would be available over there if they’d all stop being such lawless looters.
Actually, I do find myself wondering how folks in MS, AL and southern FLA are doing while all the media attention is focused on the concentrated misery and horror in NOLA… I’m not saying they should not be focused on NOLA but, I’d like to know what’s happening elsewhere, too. Are people dying of thirst and exposure all along the Gulf Coast?
It would be very unfortunate if some of the looters accidentally shot at his helicopter. God forbid that it shoulld fall into the polluted water with our President aboard.
you’re one of those instigators, ain’t cha? ;^)
don’t tell anyone. They will take me away. This is risky being an instigator.
I expect he’ll move far enough into New Orleans that his supporters can say he isn’t, strictly speaking, lying when he says he visited the city. But he’ll stay far enough out that he doesn’t have to worry about running into people whose lives were actually destroyed or more than slightly inconvenienced by his incompetence.
Remember, Bush is the boy in the bubble. When confronted with evidence of his incompetence or ineptitude, he flips out.