on the people of Iraq and upon the finest people of this nation is


Unfortunately in this nation of “freedom” and democracy, pay back time is in Election 2006 and 2008.

I hope some of the scum have left at their own free will. I have no hope for the people’s representation in Congress to stand firm. In 2006 there must be clean-up time among Republicans and Democrats alike, for any meaning to the word


Bush takes the fight to his enemy – the Americans should march on Washington with Cindy Sheehan and we’ll take the fight to the nation’s worst enemy – this corrupt and pathetic administration from Texas. The US deserves better, Texas deserves better.

US Relieve Aid Arrives in New Orleans :: SWAT TEAMS!

More to follow below the fold  » »

Iraq and Fallujah Tactics to be Used in New Orleans?

Troops deployed in anarchic New Orleans with SHOOT TO KILL orders

NEW ORLEANS, United States (AFP) Sept. 2, 2005 — New Orleans was primed for all-out combat, as Iraq-tested troops with shoot-to-kill orders moved into the hurricane-devasted city to quell rioters and looters. The deployment of 300 members of the Arkansas National Guard came ahead of a tour of the affected region by President George W. Bush, who vowed “zero tolerance” for the armed gangs terrorising the flooded city.

Louisiana Governor Kathleen Blanco said the guardsmen had been authorized to open fire on “hoodlums” profiteering from the destruction wrought by Hurricane Katrina, which is believed to have left thousands dead. “These troops are fresh back from Iraq, well trained, experienced, battle tested and under my orders to restore order in the streets,” Blanco said. “They have M-16s and they are locked and loaded.

The body of a victim of Hurricane Katrina floats in floodwaters in New Orleans. Iraq-tested US troops with shoot-to-kill orders were deployed in New Orleans to restore law and order after days of chaos and looting in the hurricane-devastated city. AFP/James Nielsen

While the troops are parading with their M16 – perhaps they can offer some bottled water to the people?

Blanco also angrily demanded an immediate apology, after House of Representatives Speaker Dennis Hastert questioned whether flood-wracked New Orleans should be rebuilt. “I demand an immediate apology: to kick us when we are down, to destroy hope, is absolutely unthinkable.”

Around 200 frightened Japanese, European and American tourists, who had been thrown out of their hotel on Thursday morning, told how police fired over their heads as they attempted to get to buses to take them to safety.

New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin issued an urgent plea for help for up to 20,000 refugees stuck in the convention center which he said was “unsanitary and unsafe” and running out of supplies. “This is a desperate SOS,” Nagin said in a statement released through CNN television.

Blanco said up to 300,000 survivors may still be stuck in disaster areas in the state and at least 40,000 uniformed troops were needed for New Orleans alone.

Leadership in chaos – read the devastating stories of New Orleans residents left to die.


Interview Mayor Ray Nagin with WWL-AM radio

City officials were seething with anger about what they called a slow federal response following Hurricane Katrina.

“They don’t have a clue what’s going on down there,” Mayor Ray Nagin told WWL-AM Thursday night.

“They flew down here one time two days after the doggone event was over with TV cameras, AP reporters, all kind of goddamn — excuse my French everybody in America, but I am pissed.”

Mayor of NO goes Ballistic on Bush ◊ by alohaleezy


New Orleans Police With Own Families Barricaded In Police Station
… with snipers on rooftop for protection against sporadic arms fire targeted at the police.

Some police districts, up to 60% of force has left!

Reported by Jim Spellman of CNN, who is on the scene at police HQ in New Orleans French Quarter.

No response to emergency calls for the sick, injured or dying. There is hardly any communication possible, just some walkie talkies are operating.

Shame FEMA : shame DHS : shame Bush | Cheney administration!

Where have all the $$$ billions of US taxpayers gone?
Where are the basic services for the people starving and dying!
Where is the call on UN logistic support, honed for these emergency relief aid operations – heh JB!

Americans, now your eyes have been opened, don’t you dare to forget the Katrina Disaster of 2005. I’m hopeful the MSM have turned a knob and will do their task for the mass of viewers and help democracy oust this wretched regime of secrecy, lies and deceit.

I don’t often rant, I like to add some positive elements, but the circumstances of leaving thy brother and sister, children and elderly, the poor and helpless to die in such misery is just beyond believe and humanity.

Thanks to all bloggers for their search of the true story and not listening to the official bs qualified as dung coming out of this White House. Gheez what a sacrifice, cut his vacation of five weeks short two days, or it won’t look too good with the hurricane aftermath of New Orleans.

Bush has learned one lesson, better do a fly by and not perform a landing among his military cheerleaders on the ground in an Army camp of Louisiana or Mississippi. When will the nation’s military wise up to this miserable, worthless being. What a piece of shit this SC has installed, Justice O’Connor included.

Bush, Cheney, Rice & Rumsfeld :: your time has run out – best arrange your escape from Washington, to pre-empt the people’s Orange Revolt and regime change.  

Support Cindy Sheehan – the best defense and Homeland Security policy – is to take the fight to Washington.

In further developments, I will try to focus in this diary on International Support and offering of AID to the poorest and society’s unfortunate, left to die in New Orleans :: Anno 2005 in the USA.
