I kept thinking someone somewhere should have the information about general resources available. Turns out it’s FEMA. They’ve been posting Situation Reports for the last few days, including the who, what, and where of the relief effort.
Stupid bastards. So much going on, so many resources pouring in, and it’s been happening since last week. My god, why didn’t they just get this out?
Here’s the link: http://www.fema.gov/emanagers/
They also have news releases. I’m beginning to wonder how many people would be alive if the media had just passed this on and asked for calm. No one was on first. That’s the crime.
…wonder why?
Looks like they put it in a press release:
Rapacious, foraging, capitalist swine. No one in New Orleans had the presence of mind to tell people what was going on? Better to show dead bodies and screaming people. For f*ck’s sake don’t tell them how to use bleach to purify even the rancid water at the dome. Don’t drive 20 miles North and bring back hand-crank radios, commandeer the stations, and put out the message.
Common sense has flown. An entire nation suffering under the Stockholm syndrome.
adastra did an excellent diary about the failure to communicate with the victims. Bad enough there was no effective communication between various groups who were, or should have been, trying to help. But as he pointed out, not knowing what is going on can be terrifying when you are caught in a crisis.
Not communicating. Check out duranta’s new diary. Says it all from first-person account.
WASHINGTON – Another 10,000 National Guard troops are being sent to the hurricane-ravaged Gulf Coast, raising their number to about 40,000, but questions linger about the speed with which troops were deployed.
Several states ready and willing to send National Guard troops to the rescue in New Orleans didn’t get the go-ahead until days after the storm struck — a delay nearly certain to be investigated by Congress.
New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson offered Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Blanco help from his state’s National Guard last Sunday, the day before Hurricane Katrina hit Louisiana. Blanco accepted, but paperwork needed to get the troops en route didn’t come from Washington until late Thursday.
Is it because Bush signed a Federal State of Emergency?
My last contribution for the night – it’s late European time …