Take your mind off the tragedy on the Gulf Coast and talk about something frivolous. Do you need a haircut? I do.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
I just got one for a job interview. I hate cutting my hair!
I’m getting ready to eat birthday cake with my co-workers. They are trying to be sneaky and disappear one-by-one so they can “suprise” me in our lounge. It’s hilarious.
Happy Birthday Man!!!
That’s really cute. I hope you have fun. Are you drinking dinner again tonight?! :):)
Enjoy the ‘sneaking’ and the cake…
I’ll have a glass of wine in honor of your birthday when I finally get home from work!
We also had a cake for a colleague today…
Happy Bithday dude
Nice to be able to say Happy Birthday ManE…(instead of wtf, wtf)and not that I needed an excuse for pouring myself a shot of Kaluha but here goes…salut.
and everybody else, I just got back from the pseudo-celebration. Hilarious tidbit of info:
They weren’t able to get anything written on the cake, so they took three paper plates, wrote the following on each, and stuck them into the frosting:
Plate #1: Happy Birthday M—-!
Plate #2: Feliz Cumpleaños M—-!
Plate #3: This has been a bilingual message
I love working at a bi-cultural agency.
and I will take some bday wishes too, I turned 18 on wednesday, 18 years in recovery. Lets celebrate, I will have martinelli’s sparkling cran/grape please.
I’ll toast you with a Virgin Mary.
Happy Birthday and many more…spank! 🙂
Happy Birthday, ManEe!

Man this reminds me of a really horrible joke I played on some friends at a halloween party…
A half hour before it began I loaded the toilette with ice and put shrimp and a bowl of cocktail sauce in the middle of the bowl.
It was a joke, that no one really forgave me for.
I’ve got a bowl and scissors! Come on over!
I think we need a swearwords diary. Just one big disposable diary that we could all virtually shout obscenities at BushCo. Then delete the diary to protect the innocent.
HORSESHIT! I say we plaster every fuckin’ diary and story by all the cocksuckah hoopleheads here with every goddamn, mothah-fuckin’ expletive we fuckin’ want.
These small chuckles keep me from the edge of despair.
make yourselves fucking feel better, go see The god-damned Aristocrats.
(if the previous post didn’t offend you, neither will the movie)
Agree susan, although I’ve alternated with turning the air blue here in my little apt. and just so depressed I couldn’t even cuss and for me that’s damn near fuckengoddamnmotherfukencocksuken impossible.
I was this close to posting a diary yesterday entitled:
THIS is a F*CKING Mojo thread
Where people could come, get mojo, and swear their heads off. But there were so many great news diaries (well, terrible news, but great diaries) that I didn’t want to waste the space and potentially knock one off the rec list.
Needless to say, I support your idea 🙂
Or you can do it in Finnish and noone is the wiser ;.)
Sven, you’d have to give us non-Finnish speaking people lessons. I’m all for learning how to swear in foreign languages. 🙂
I’m kind of depressed because my usual frivolous Friday indulgence, Battlestar Galactica on Sci Fi, is off this week. Looks like I need to find something else to take my mind off things…
And after just watching the second half of “Battle of Algiers”, that certainly ain’t it.
too bad the US-Mexico game isn’t until tomorrow night. we can wrap up the World Cup berth, possibly even if we lose depending upon the other results.
(soccer is the only sport that I support the US team. I hate the so-called “Dream Teams”. the reason is probably because it’s the only main international sport where we’re the underdog)
The gray seems to have come back this week….
But then again – enough good stories of good people helping others has kept me from pulling it all out!
Say, don’t you know me? I’m your native son!
I’m the drain they call the City of New Orleans.
I’ll be drowned 500 days ‘fore the water’s gone.”
Apologies to Arlo Guthrie and tears for New Orleans.
Not so frivolous I guess.
with virtually the same lyric goof has been tossing around in my head for days…; )
Can you photoshop George and Condi as Ferdinand and Imelda Marcos? With Condi’s shoe fetish and George’s lack of compassion for suffering, I think it would be aprospos.
Feel free to put your spin on it.
but I’ll see what I can do…; )
Weird Wisconsin
Remember how we were going down to Atlanta this weekend for the final move-out from our house and how I was sent by Hubby to buy gas containers and fill them up just in case there wasn’t enough gas available on I-85 to get us there and back again?
Welllllll. The closing got postponed until the 15th so we postponed the move-out until the 12th. In the meantime, we’ve got three 5 gal. containers full of gas. What to do? Can’t leave them in my car and drive around with them because the fumes were making me want to vomit.
So, we thought we’d move them into the apartment. Gag! It only took about 15 minutes before our eyes were watering and flicking a Bic to light a cig seemed more suicidal than usual.
Sooooo we took ’em out and put ’em in Hubby’s car. Took about two hours of open windows and running the fan to get the fumes out of the apt.
Next day, Hubby leaves for work and comes back in about five minutes. The fumes in his car were making him see spots. So he takes my car which still reeks 36 hours later but not as badly as his car.
So here we are with one car being used as a toxic storage unit (I half expect a boom any moment in the parking lot) and another car barely tolerable and 15 gals of gas to hoard until we need it in 10 days. Jeez, folks, there’s a lesson here like, I dunno, you can have too much of a good thing. We’re feeling pretty stupid.
I’m thinking I should sidle up to some neighbors and whisper, “Hey, man, wanna buy some gas at yesterday’s price?”
Well to answer your seriously frivolous question, Boo as a matter a fact I do need a haircut. My hair worn in a continual pony tail has really gotten shapeless-all you women know what I’m talking about in particular.
As for something else that’s delightfully frivolous-Jane Fonda’s acting in the otherwise really lousy movie-‘Monster-in-Law’. She hit just the right note and it was great fun watching her act and made J-Lo look even more insipid than usual(hard to do I know).
Just got home from my LAST DAY OF WORK at a job where I gave notice to accept another position. First time in my life this has ever come up and I feel like I just stepped off the deep end into limbo.
Course the minute I got home I rushed to my computer to see what’s going on with the Katrina victims. Not great news and where is our fucking AWOL government!!!!
And then I saw this thread where I can take my mind off Katrina for a sec and be frivolous. Thanks, Boo!
So if you have a story about leaving a job for another job and it really worked out better, the way you thought it would, please tell me now, I need tyour story!
That’s the name of your anxiety — the fear that somehow that next job won’t be there or will be suckier than your last.
So here’s my good outcome story: I was working for an SOB who forced me back to work three months after a car accident that required six months of physical therapy. I’m suffering, wearing a back brace, and get a call from a headhunter. I’m making $25K and he offers me a$36K. I haggle for a $5K sign-on bonus and a month before I start claiming the current boss needs that much consideration. He agrees. har. I get the bonus check, give the old boss 1 minute’s notice of my departure, indulge in a month of massage and therapy, show up for the new job all healed and rested. Instead of making $36K — because of bonuses and commissions — I made $64K in the first six months. Then I quit and started my own business where I made $125K the first year.
It is always good to leave bad for possibly better than to settle for the same-old-same-old.
Sounds like you could write a book a book about it!
ass haircut, it is only down to the small of my back, damn it. I will cut it when it exceeds my belt line, like I did when I got drafted in 72 and joined the freakin navy to keep off the ground. Only the Navy in their infinite wisdom made me a Corpsman and attached me to a Marine company.
When I went to boot camp, my hair was below my belt, the barber asked me if I wanted to keep and I said yes and sent it to my girlfriend, only she was no longer my gf. lol
Anyway, I don’t need no stinkin haircut.
First herding cats
Looking for my leopard
Excellent links. Deeply disturbing but… excellent.
I need a haircut, I think. But do I really? I mean, I don’t want my hair to be shorter. I don’t want it styled in the latest, or any, fashion. I just have this idea, learned where I don’t know, that you have to whack the ends off, now and then, or it won’t be ‘healthy’. Is this true or is it… misinformation? Does anyone know?
I realized I was obsessing about this whole New Orleans situation, and there wasn’t really anything I could do right now that I haven’t been doing, and my granddaughter wanted to go to the zoo one last time before she has to go to schoool on Wednesday . . . so we went. I’ll go unload the camera and maybe I’ll post some pictures later.
I got one last week, right before a job interview back in Denver. I just got the offer today, and I can’t believe how much they are going to pay me. I sure pulled the wool over their eyes! Plus, its my first position with the word ‘Senior’ in front of it – that’s pretty cool.
Now I have to get ready to make the move from ND back to Denver and I only have 3 weeks.
Congrats on the job! Don’t you love it when they offe you way more than you expected?
It’s the first time it’s ever happened; I’m still a little shocked.
Congratulations on the new job! Hope your new salary will cover the cost of gas for a moving van. By the time you move, it’ll cost ya $6/gallon! 😉
My BF and I are in discussions to move from the DC area to Seattle. I’ve got to find a job there first.
They are going to help with that too. I was going to need a loan to pay for the gas if they wouldn’t have helped:)
We need to write kellogs and beg them for a Fruit Cake flavored Pop Tarts…
And while we’re at it we need to organize a group of people to hound Coca-Cola for the New Coke recipe…
I’m tired now.
I got a haircut today. Tomorrow we’re heading off to the Oregon coast for a family funeral and so I decided I needed a haircut because, well, I was starting to look like Lassie. Cute for a dog, but not for a 53 year-old woman. Anyway, I walked in to a “walk-in” haircut place that shall remain, here, nameless. So, as to my haircut…um… symmetry isn’t important, is it?
The Theory of Why Males Trim Locks:
To lighten the load on their rocks.
When females seek neat,
They don’t look at feet.
See: Hens checking combs on a cock.
I’ve got about as much enthusiasm for hair cuts as Dennis the Menace has for baths.
And speaking of swearing;
What I’d call Bush, in ND-Norske, (phonetic spelling);
“dreet sac”
What I’d say to Bush, in ND-Norske, ( also phonetic);
“nay sa phon”
OK you Sherlocks please interpret…
(I know the former, but not 100% sure of the latter.)