This week has been so tragic, I’ve put together an assortment of things that always make me smile…my heart goes out to duranta and all the people of new Orleans and the Gulf Coast.
First, a little poem for y’all:
Come in the evening, or come in the morning,
Come when you’re looked for, or come without warning,
Kisses and welcomes you’ll find here before you,
And the oftener you come here, the more I’ll adore you.
Thomas O. Davis
Every week, I go to the community-supported farm up the road, picking flowers and tomatoes in the sunshine, while children play in the sandbox or swing on swings hung from the trees nearby. It’s beautiful place, and I look forward to it every week:

So what makes you smile when times are tough?
I am so ready for the march in DC…let’s talk plans today!
Thanks for posting the cafe! I feel a little better all ready.
Mmkay: we should try to meet Friday late afternoon or early evening. When are people getting into town? We can still do happy hour or dinner or whatever is y’all’s pleasure. Saturday morning, we should try to meet before going to the rally; it will be madness to try to rendezvous in the crowd. I’d suggest Farragut Square, which is a prominent location close to the WH and very convenient to Metro.
A piece in the Post today about the rally mentions that the organizers have applied for a permit for both the Ellipse south of the WH and Lafayette Square north of it, and the streets on either side (15th & 17th). The Park Service says 100,000 people could fill that space. FWIW, they’re apparently still haggling the details like electrical cords and risers, but the Park Service is not expected to deny the permit. Not that a little permit, or lack thereof, would stop us.
I don’t know about you, but I just haven’t been inspired to work on proposals or planning for the Fair.
Under the circumstances, should we postpone the Fair until mid October?
I know the situation in New Orleans will still be grim in October. But by then we might be ready to think about it again. For now it seems inappropriate and wrong to focus on something so purely fun at this time.
What do you think?
with you. I have just not felt able to get excited about anything.
I keep thinking about that woman outside the convention center holding her curly-haired infant and saying “he’s so hot, he’s not waking up easily!” and she’s jostling him on her shoulder and he seems unconscious. I’ve been thinking about them all night and day.
Let’s do that. It will also give us a chance to have a gallery of peace march pictures then.
Maybe we can start our book discussion instead?
Yes! A very good point.
I’ll put up an announcement diary when I get home tonight.
Thank you to everyone.
Oh, sure, easy for you guys to say!
🙂 🙂 🙂
I concur.
Good morning everyone.
I just figured out how to scan some old pictures and found one of my son, Ben, when he was four years old. I cannot look at this without smiling. We could all use that today, right?
He’s so cute! We just ent through a box of old pictures this morning for a school project, and it brought back so many happy memories…One of our weekend plans is now to go through the pictures and pidk out favorites for framing.
I can’t believe how big my guys have gotten, can you?
It happens way too fast. My youngest boys are 15 and 17 now, with impossibly low voices and facial hair.
When I see these old pictures and their soft skin and happy smiles, I just want to zoom back in time and spend another day with them. Ohhh, this is not cheering me up!
But just think, you’ve raised wonderful young men! You should be proud, not sad.
Mine are still silly people:

How’s your ankle?
hurts like hell. But really, how can you complain about something so trivial? Besides, it means that my husband has “made” dinner a couple times in the past week (Chinese food, pizza etc.)
I guess it’s really just Visa doing the cooking, but the break is nice….I figured that I’ve cooked about 9,000 dinners since becoming a mother (my GOD it seems like more) and I’ve just run dry on ideas or motivation lately.
One of my reasons for living…grandkidlet 1
We are taking a 4 day weekend…with the grandkids tonight. We’ll be going to the mountains and watch the creek and grandkidlet…shown in the picture.
Normally no computer or anything else…this time…laptop and dialup to stay up to date.
Still alternating between numb and outraged….so it’s time to cuddle and love the kid and grandkidlet…
I’ll check in as I can…hugs to all of you…stay safe
I love that picture-GK1 looks like an outdoors girl!
Enjoy the mountains this weekend.
Yes both the grandkidlets would rather be outside and/or with a book!
This one is a fish and wants to be a mermaid. We’re directing towards Marine Biology! <<big grin>>
She asked why…so when she got old like us she could go to work and play in the water too…! At almost 9 it so far a go!
I’ll be checking in this weekend via the internet…
Good morning and lunch, all.
A Puget Sound shore with nature in a peaceful mood. A small wavelet climbs toward breaking on the stony shore. The incoming tide is sweeping in a variety of seaweeds.
I recall hearing that some seaweeds have complete proteins. I love the taste of seaweed so I guess I need to get informed about what’s edible and what can be harvested when & where. There are permits for seaweed harvest hereabouts, along with those for fish and shellfish. Of course there’s also the need to research issues of contamination.
What makes me smile most is the same as for all of you, family. Our best times are never caught on camera of course.
Peaceful waves. What is the pinkish-reddish stuff in there?
It’s another type of seaweed, a purple-red, very coarsely rough type. I haven’t lived near salt water long enough to know all the varieties around here.
Late start today — but will probably be out late tonight so it’s just as well.
It’s been a good vacation, but tinged with tragedy. I’m ready to get back home to the Real World though. The spouse has two more weeks vacation coming up in November, and we’ll probably do some short trips.
I sent him out to play last night — I was physically, mentally and emotionally exhausted. He brought me a banana and a Mickey Mouse cookie; he was going to buy me some earrings but couldn’t make up his mind which ones to get (I told him next time, just get all of them 😉 ).
Hope everyone has a great day…or what’s left of it…
I need an address !! Check will not arrive in time– but you can run up your card to the tune of -what I will tell you in my reply email. painebillAThotmail
When I need to stop and breathe, the Bu girl is always there with unquestioning love…may I always strive to be the person my dog thinks I am…

She’s much wiser than I
Katiebird: I agree, let’s put the photo fair on hold; personally I’m finding it very difficult to think about it at the moment.
She looks like a great companion!
Hi everyone. I just got back from my daughters house after spending some lovely quality time with her where we were talking about all that is going on and are both now going to volunteer for the local redcross. I am checking that out today.
My daughter who has never been able to ‘find a career’ told me yesterday she now know, she wants to work in disaster relief.
Ok the tears are coming now.
I just want to say to all of you, the many, many of you who I have come to know so well and so personally, who are now part of my family, that I feel so much love for you all and for all the thousands who are going through this terrible tragedy.
We will join together, and with the many millions who are now so thoroughly disturbed at this Admin. and kick the whole bunch out. I can feel it and I know it is coming.
I am sending love out in great big waves, reach up your hand and catch a bunch.
One thing I know for sure is that we have to keep this cafe going, because it is a comfort.
Yes, Diane, we’ll definitely keep the Cafe going. It sure is a comfort to come here and connect with all of you guys when I’m feeling kind of isolated and away from my family and my hometown.
This disaster has me wanting to do something besides send money to the Red Cross. I want to find something meaningful, for others as well as myself. I really need some meaning in my life after my kids leave…which is fast approaching.
We love you too.
A preview of what’s to come when I finally have to fill up my tank again! Guess I’ll leave the boys home so they can’t hear my French…
I sent the link to a few friends. You should repost it in the Fwivowwus Fwiday Thwead.
Oh, uhm, yeah–it’s not frivolous.
Bless you, CabinGirl. You turned this into an oasis today. I love everybody’s kid pics, and funny pics, and pretty pics.
I had to leave home to calm down.
Had chocolate.
Slightly less likely to cuss now.
Ahh….chocolate. That makes me smile too!
I went and picked up my new (old) jelly cupboard this afternoon with my brother and mom…a hilarious time…it wouldn’t quite fit in the back of the CRV, so we drove home with the back door fully open, my brother in the back holding on to the cupboard…and it looks great in my living room!
Just stopping in to say hi to all you beautiful people. I have to say honestly I am feeling somewaht alone today. This doesn’t happen often but when there is such tragedy all around us I just want someone to hold me and say it will be ok. This is when being single, living alone stinks. I am grateful I feel safe enough to say that here. I feel so blessed to have not only have the privelage of knowing you all here but now, having met Brinnaine and JanetStrange and adastra in person, so much closer too. Thank you all for enriching my life.
Aloha, you could send me your number and we could talk, I have unlimited long distance so would love to talk.
I have been thinking about doing a diary on having people hook up with email and phone to others that they feel drawn to. I have connected in that way to a lot of you and it has been a great joy for me to hear your voices, see your words, and know you for all the wonderful people you are.
so I really do urge everyone to connect with at least one boo tribbers of village Bluer, and just to remind you when you need a dose of peace and soothing to head on over there to Village Blue.
I would like very much if any of a mind to, would go there and post diaries that are not political (booman is best for that) and full of the love that you all have.
Also I would like to get together a recipe book on that site, to put on c/d and then sell, proceeds after costs going to the relief effort….The site has an ability to easily put together a book.
So what do you all think about my ideas.
Thanks Diane. I will email you tomorrow. Having dinner with the kiddos. Nice diversion from the madness.
((( HUG )))
Have a big cyberhug for all you bring to the community, and most especially just for who you are!
((( HUG )))
Oh you are a good hugger Dem. Thanks so much. Sorry I haven’t responded earlier. Got swamped for awhile with prospective tenants. Keeps my mind off of things anyway. You are too kind!!! Hugs right back at you.
And hugs from me too!
Thanks so much Cabingirl. I feel better already!!
Friday night jazz jam is up; I’m asking for folks to post their memories of the best of New Orleans so that they’re not lost in the tragedy surrounding us. We need to hold tight to our memories and dreams so we have the blueprints to rebuild the soul of the place, when the time comes for that.
Of course, please keep this diary going too; we all need a double dose of comfort tonight.
I’ll have a Southern Comfort on the rocks…
I posted this in the Thursday Dog-Blog, but he’s so exhausted that he hasn’t moved 😉
Hey Man E. I found a pic of my old pal Lynyrd (who Bud reminded me of) when I was looking for my NOLA photos. I used my dig cam to capture his picture to show ya. He was just a baby here – okay, about 9 mos – worn out and doing the lazy thing :o).
He’s been gone a long time. I miss him.
This is just to let you all know and I will post a diary later but I am putting together a Cooking cheap with love and hope book on Village Blue, profits to go to victims of Katrina.
I have posted two diaries on my site, one for cooking and one for entertaining, so please go there and post your food and drink recipes.
I will then put it in a PDF format, or copy to a CD which to sell which can be downloaded and printed out for a great Christmas Gift or just a gift for family and friends.
I know a lot of you posted on my previous diary with that title on this site, so you can just copy and paste your entries on my site. Here is link for previous diaryto go and copy your recipes.
You do not have to join the site to do this, tho it would be nice, but anyone can post comments.
Thanks for your help in advance.
Samwise makes me smile….he looks snuggly, but if you multiply the snuggliness in this pic by about 100 and you’ll have some idea:
Plus, he loves bicycles, which, while not snuggly, are a good source of relaxation!
This always makes me smile. Its a picture of my niece taken by my brother while they were camping in the Apostle Islands of Lake Superior. And yes, she’s a GREAT dancer.
Gorgeous picture!
For dates, do we want:
October 8 & 9
October 15 & 16
Or should I just say Postponed and worry about setting a date later?