[From the diaries by susanhu w edits.] The Interdictor (home page) blogger is a former soldier who he says he put himself in military mode to secure the building where he is holed up with his girlfriend, Crystal. The blog begins Sunday, 28 August and continues today.

He keeps his generator going with fuel in the basement. Each morning he does a recon of the building. Included in the blog are a live feed and many photos taken from his apartment window. It’s very real. FROM TODAY’s ENTRY:

Good morning, world.
Team Alpha is back online. Glad to see Outpost Crystal is still connected to world.
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Cannot Confirm
One of the first things I do in the morning after my intitial security sweep of the building is check my messenger programs, email, and the comments section of this blog for the latest situation reports.

I cannot confirm the Superdome “chemical plant” explosion you guys are reporting. When Bravo Team becomes functional this morning, we’re going to do a Medium Range Recon Patrol around our section of the CBD. We need to access the area for potential human threats, situational threats (burning buildings, etc.), flooding, potential evac routes, military and civilian authority presence, etc.

We bring the camera with us everywhere we go, whether it’s to empty fuel into the tank or perform personal hygiene.

Everyone has secondary responsibilities. Crystal, for instance, has the secondary responsibility of organizing physical assets. Sigmund’s secondary responsibility is photography. Donny’s secondary responsibility is inter-team communication. My secondary responsibility is first aid. And so on.


MORE of today’s entry:

Just because we’re doing a security sweep, for instance, doesn’t mean we can’t also be doing something else.

Sig’s got a ton more pictures to post today.

This just in: Team Bravo reports no fire visibility from the Dome, but there is smoke — and where there’s smoke…

We’re headed to the roof to investigate.

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The City is ON FIRE
Teams Alpha and Bravo finished the medium range recon and there are 3 separate locations on fire. We have pictures coming shortly.

During the recon, I spoke to some Federal Marshalls and NOPD. Morale is LOW. Very low. They’re not seeing the military presence they say they were promised. I told those guys they can’t possibly imagine how much we (the world) appreciate their dedication. I asked what civil rights the citizens have and the US Marshalls looked at me like I just fell off the turnip truck and chuckled. I asked if citizens can have guns for protection and he said if someone thinks he needs a gun, he should have already evacuated. He also said they are setting the city on fire.

The NOPD wants to know where “the two active duty brigades” were that he says they were told were supposed to arrive today. When I asked him what he would want to tell the world, he said Everyone keeps talking about the military presence in the city, and then asked me,” Do you see any military around here” in dusgust.

We reconned our roof also, to get a better view of the city and took… I hesitate to call them “amazing” pictures. My city… it has been punched in the face and is on the canvas being counted out.

And yes, that’s smoke you see out of the windows. The city is under a haze from the fires. Smoke and ash are floating miles away from the fires.
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Cam Feed
Reset the feed. Here are the addresses:


The first two are being hosted by the great people at The Ludwig Von Mises Institute.

The third one is being hosted by the generous people at space.net
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If you’re watching the feed, it’s incredible. Hard to believe the fire department is still viable. God bless them. I’m no expert on conflagrations, but I don’t think they’re gonna win this one. Hopefully they can contain it.

It takes a spectacular kind of asshole to set a fire in this environment.

A lot of people are asking about our fuel situation. We have some, but we need more. We have a few days worth. We desperately need more. We’re coordinating now.

By the way, here comes some military on cam.

I tweaked the feed to try to help the people restreaming it.

The building you’re watching appeared to be some small hotel right behind Mother’s.
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Cam Feed Mirrors
We are getting thousands of request to mirror the feed. Right now mises alone has 4000 or so viewers. My IMs are blown up out of control, no way I can filter them at this point. I sincerely apologize. If you want to mirror the feed, please go to the IRC chat on irc.freenode.net in #interdictor and announce your intentions to the admins and they will get you set up. Huge thanks to all of you stepping up to help bring my city’s deterioration to the world.

I think it finally hit me when I was on our roof 27 floors up looking down at my city. This place will never be the same — and I don’t mean in that “can’t step into the same river twice” philosophical sense. I mean in the “We won’t even recognize the place” sense.

This place is completely coming apart. The hopelessness on the street breaks the heart. The old, the tired, the sick seem resigned to their presumed fate. Death.

I’m pretty much running out of words for my commentary. I’ll try to stick to just the facts.

Thanks so much for the moral support, guys. I only wish we could pass it on to the people who need it more than we do.
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Here Come the Troops
Just saw 2 CH-53E Super Stallion Helicopters pass by overhead, and now on cam you can see what looks like a whole batallion of troops roll toward the Convention Center.
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This convoy coming down the street is loaded with supplies. I see MREs and water and I assume ice.

Ok, so the troops used to restore order went in first and now the supplies are coming for orderly distribution (I hope).

Hope is on the way for the people at the Convention Center. Finally.

Check the cam

READ MORE and VIEW THE PHOTOS at The Interdictor