The Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. acknowledges the crowd from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial during his “I Have a Dream” speech.

I woke up and read the New York Times and the Washington Post. And, I’m still pissed off. I still think we should march on Washington and demand the resignation or impeachment of Bush and Cheney.

I honestly can’t think of any justification for their continued existence as the leaders of our federal government. They have violated our trust at every juncture. They have ruined our budget, ruined our international relations, lost a war that was waged on a ‘pack of lies’, failed to protect us from terrorism, failed to catch Bin-Laden, lost a major American city, and committed crimes against humanity by authorizing torture. We can no longer tolerate their control of the budget or the Pentagon. We must march.

September 24th, we need to descend on Washington and make our congresspeople tremble. We can no longer wait for our leadership to lead. It’s time for us to lead, and for the Democrats to follow.