![]() The Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. acknowledges the crowd from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial during his “I Have a Dream” speech. |
I woke up and read the New York Times and the Washington Post. And, I’m still pissed off. I still think we should march on Washington and demand the resignation or impeachment of Bush and Cheney.
I honestly can’t think of any justification for their continued existence as the leaders of our federal government. They have violated our trust at every juncture. They have ruined our budget, ruined our international relations, lost a war that was waged on a ‘pack of lies’, failed to protect us from terrorism, failed to catch Bin-Laden, lost a major American city, and committed crimes against humanity by authorizing torture. We can no longer tolerate their control of the budget or the Pentagon. We must march.
September 24th, we need to descend on Washington and make our congresspeople tremble. We can no longer wait for our leadership to lead. It’s time for us to lead, and for the Democrats to follow.
I wasn’t going to go. Daughter’s birthday that weekend. But, this outrage, on top of everything, has made me want to stop being so damned apathetic.
I hope that the world is rocked that day.
Rachel Madow says on Air America.
It is also international. I am thinking of the Iraqi people who are occupied by the military of the US government. The US is there to guide them and show them the way to democracy and order. This government that cannot even bring IMMEDIATE help to its own citizen victims of catastrophe. Think of how little confidence will remain in the minds of the few Iraqis who actually had some faith in the US government.
This is not a reflection on the American people. I believe they will survive this as heroes.
but Crawford was the best I could do for him and all those beaming faces in his classroom. I came home so happy too, I was a happy happy mommy. We’ll throw her the greatest B-day party. We’ll take photos! We’ll make a B-day sign and jump in front of the CNN cameras. This is really about the world she will inherit from us.
We need to surround the White House and the Capitol and not leave until Bush and his cronies resign.
We need to be in it for the long haul.
The people stuck in New Orleans are, and not by choice!
Now that I’ve seen what I’ve seen over the past few days … may need to make the special effort to go.
2000 miles, but I’m furious.
This is the leadership shown the day after the disaster:
Righteous outrage Boo. He will go down in history as the most incompetent and corrupt idiot that ever led our country. His stifling of dissent, his tunnel vision have all added to our misery. He’s truly destroying us in so many ways.
I’m there too with my son Daniel. I’m going to post a diary a day until we leave on the 23rd encouraging people to go.
I agree 100%. The time to demand action is now–from the complacent, passive Democrats, from the vile Republicans, and from an apathetic public that has, thus far, failed to stand up against the systematic looting of the United States by Bush and his criminal gang.
If the unfolding disaster in the Gulf Coast states, along with price gouging for gas, along with the economic recession that is almost certain to hit the United States, is not enough to move the American people to revolt against the current regime, then…to hell with “the people”. Americans have got to stand up for themselves…now or never.
Explosions Fill New Orleans Sky With Smoke.
And for those that cannot possibly go to DC organise a unified march in YOUR city. I found out yesterday that San Diego will have a march on the 24th at 4th and Balboa at 2pm. I will ost as more info becomes available. I was going to go to LA but this will save on gas. I invite anyone in the area to join me.
Boxer wrote a letter to George and it can be linked to in my diary.
Alohaleezy. If gas prices are still stratospheric by the 24th, as is almost certain, is driving to DC really the best move now? Maybe this needs to be rethought as a nationwide action that does not involve travel by car or air. Burning scarce fuel may not only send the wrong message, but become easy attack-bait for the other side.
In addition, the suffering in the Gulf region will still be tragically intense by that time. Maybe we need to focus on that and wait awhile with the politics. It’s hard to hold off on trying to act on the anger, but going off in the wrong way at the wrong time may just sideline the cause instead of helping it. Just something to consider. (Damn, it hurts to try and be a voice of moderation–don’t care for it at all.)
Appreciate your concerns and reluctance to express them.
Dave – there is NO MORE TIME LEFT.
The horror occurring to our fellow citizens right here only emphasizes the total callousness of this administration. The question gets broader: Why, oh why, are Americans being sacrificed?
It doesn’t matter how the “other” side uses this – what matters is standing up.
and this perky little gal answered and cheerily said that the senators couldn’t do anything that it was Bush who had to do something. I asked if he was even going to hold a hearing as to why nothing has been done for five days and she perkily said that the first priority was to save people’s lives. Then she left the phone for a minute, probably to keep from throttling me, and came back and said she had relatives in LA and no she hadn’t heard how they were. Good grief! I could not understand how come she hasn’t throttled her boss and Bush if she was that close!
I’ll be there too. I was planning on going all along, but now I think even more people will be there after this calamity of crisis management.
A lot of us were already planning on going: me, Damnit Janet, Militarytracy, Supersoling, mlk19569, BrotherFeldspar, to name a few. Now I’m even more motivated to be there.
These federal-level criminals must be stopped.
I’d love to be there.. but the gas cost puts it beyond me if I go alone.
I don’t suppose there’s a chance we could organize Boo centered car-bus-van pools?
(psst im in Dallas in TX)
about 40 miles west of Kansas City, on I35.
May i send you an email? We could organize something
please do
I’m along I-35 also near Okla City. Pooling makes sense, I could not have easily afforded to drive alone, much less fly, so I had not really seriously considered going.
Will it matter? I don’t know. The huge protests prior to the Iraq invasion made no difference. but perhaps, with the Katrina debacle so fresh in the minds of a restless media and the electoral middle-third, this time will be different. Maybe we can figure something out for the I-35 contingent?
can you get to OK city, if so, we could take I 40 across to DC. I have a van, if but can’t afford the gas costs by myself. Or if someone else has a vehicle we can use that will work also.
email is in sig line Okie
syniel, I got your email will respond soon
I think I could if i could leave my car someplace. I don’t trust it too much further than that, though. And Okie.. if you can make it GREAT. I may have a friend who could ride up with me too.
Well let us see if we can work out logistics with Okie and meet in OK City. Let me know Okie,
this shit.
Done, Boo, and I want to insert in here to Alhoa that my daughter is probably going to join us (LA rally), if you have a car full we can caravan up there, so that we can be together. Is there anyone else in socal area, or orange county, who is planning on going or wants a ride. Not sure if her kids will go, which will fill up her car, but you never know how things will work out.
I have found there is a march here in SanDiego on the 24th. I will be staying here to support locally. ANyone wanting to come to San Diego on the 24th I may be able to help with accomodations, etc. Diane has my email.
Got your message Aloha, and I am going to check and see if there is a local one here for my daughter and I to attend, I think by the time the 24th rolls around there will be demonstrations in many more cities.
I cannot go, but I think it is has the potential to be the finest moment of democracy in this new millenium. It could be as grand as the Ukranian revolution as gas price soar and other things get worse.
For example, hust now someone on MSNBC reported tens of thousands of refugees are on their way to the Astrodome. USA Today posted an AP story in the middle of the night:
“Astrodome declared too full to accept more people
HOUSTON (AP) — Katrina refugees who had finally arrived by bus from the steamy Superdome were left in limbo for more than two hours after officials suddenly announced that the Astrodome was too full to accept them.”
The media is training us to use the term “refugee”. I’ve used it also. These are American citizens, as the black Caucus pointed out today, not refugees.
I didn’t realize until I looked it up that the word refuge had such implications [the three below are from dictionary.com].
“One who flees in search of refuge, as in times of war, political oppression, or religious persecution.”
“an individual seeking refuge or asylum; especially : an individual who has left his or her native country and is unwilling or unable to return to it because of persecution or fear of persecution (as because of race, religion, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion)”
“an exile who flees for safety”
Now I see it more clearly: The poor are oppressed, persecuted, and unsafe. Yes, at some level I knew that, but those still dying in New Orleans are a stark example of how far our country has fallen in such a short time?
How does this jive with out constitution, which says the federal government will “provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare,” etc.
Or the declaration: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, ….
I do not consent to this government.
Thank you for opening my eyes, duranta. I was watching part of the Congressional Black Caucus on MSNBC, but they interrupted it when one speaker started reading from the Bible, “I was hungry, and you took me in …. What you have done unto the least of these you have done unto me.” MSNBC just cut him off. Is Bible-reading on TV banned now, too? Where would we be without MLK and his Biblical references?
Oh, I forgot. “Christians” are in control of the US government. Will they ever get to the New Testament?
I saw the entire press conference on Cspan. They’ll probably show it again.
online on c-span’s front page. Hope they rebroadcast, too.
on the 24th, if there is anyone coming through the KC area on their way to DC, I could use a ride. Sharing gas expenses on the way. I have talked to my wife and this abomination of an administration needs to know that WE the American people are no longer willing to accept this destruction of our country for the benefit of fascistic corporations who deem profits above people. She understands that this is what I need to do to help take my country back from these criminals, so that our children will have an opportunity to grow up in a society that is civil and is willing to take care of those unable to care for themselves.
Any Democrat that has sided with this rogue regime in its criminal enterprise should not be too surprised to see their dumb asses sitting on the curb, come the mid term elections.
We should all start writing letters to our congressional representatives to repeal the bankruptcy bill today. These people will lose any money for their losses to the mindless, thoughtless and non feeling corporate raiders who have systematically raped, pillaged and plundered our country.
I’m in the KC area and would like to cadge a ride as well and certainly share expenses. I wouldn’t even mind driving. Email is glitteryscale at yahoo.
I have been saying for weeks that 9/24 is an opportunity to demonstrate that the momentum is on our side. it’s time to stand up and be counted, and make this the biggest demonstration in US history.
Asswipe is being breifed live by FEMA asswipe. I am so appalled. His body language is so obvious…arms crossed in a defensive stance.
I suppose it’s too much to hope that FEMA asswipe is chewing pres asswipe out during the ‘briefing.’ FEMA has good reason to be pissed off..being forced to give so much time, effort, and money to the uber effective homeland defense fund.
The 24th march is, in and of itslef, meaningless unless there is a Continuous Implanting of IMAGES! Try this idea on for size. Remember the pictures of the Veterans Tent City from way way back in our history? Now picture those images popping up ALL OVER THE COUNTRY AS WELL AS ALL OVER THE WORLD!
A Giant Tent City!
These two headlines really really piss me off.
Bush Says Relief Results ‘Not Acceptable’ (AP)
Congress Rushes Hurricane Aid to Bush (AP)
First off, Bush is unacceptable, but before I fly into a rage – we all know that and why.
Secondly, Congress didn’t send aid to Bush… they sent it to the victims AND those people had to be called and hollered at to even do that. They were going to do it today and thousands called and asked “but what about TONIGHT”
I have never been more ashamed of my country than this fucked up war, torture, abuse and now New Orleans.
I have a voodoo doll from there my old boss went and got for me. She’d go every damn year. Maybe we can start declaring VOODOO “war” on this, as Booman declares, ‘ASSWIPES’.
Boo, read and rec’d
hey Dj, I want to give you a call later…when’s a good time?
Hello, anytime before noon PST. I’m been glued to the house few days and need to get out and get some school supplies, shoes and all that jazz today before I run down to San Jose tomorrow. Little Dude’s 13th bday tomorrow… ACK! 🙂
Hey, my big dude’s 13th birthday was LAST Saturday…I’ll call you in a bit!
Sorry, my phone has been ringing off the hook. Tried to ring you and left a message. I have to take off to town (40 miles away) and get school supplies and try and get a few prezzies WITH the little dude WITH me. ACK.
I’ll be home later… call me tonight if you want/can.
BTW, my brother is wanting to get another room in the same hotel. And stoked to meet others that are as concerned as he is. 🙂
I left you a message too-I’ll call this evening…
Should I try to book another one?? I still have freebies.
Thinkin they may be full already but I can check.
If Bush thinks the aid is unacceptable, he has exactly one person to blame: himself.
Fucking pissed off. Fox is showing a huge convoy of trucks, boats, helicopters, all arriving in N.O. right now. . .as it just so happens Bush arrives in the area. So what a coincidence, eh? They couldn’t get in until he was choreographed to lead them.
It is so outrageous!
They just said on Fox that the convoy looks 8 miles long.
The mayor just released a heartbreaking statement and one of the things he said is that there are 250 National Guard in N.O.
I have to leave this computer. I’m too upset. It helps nobody.
Keep calling the media and keep telling them how pissed off and how phoney this delay till the Bushhole arrives.
People died cuz he lied. More died because he’s a lazy greedy oilfucker.
of trucks ’cause there were no aircraft-carriers around.
ha. (Bitter laughter.)
He thinks this is some kind of fucking game. He’s like Gorbachev after escaping the coup, he doesn’t realize the world has turned. The old bullshit isn’t going to save him this time.
Watched the morning shows this morning – horrified to see that things were worse – little done since last night. the videos are heartbreaking.
Assuming I can get enough gas to fill the Prius, I’ll not only go, I’ll take three others with me.
Right now, I would think we could put enough people on the mall to shock MLK.
We are beggin for leadership from people who are sociopaths and severly mentally ill. Are we the crazy ones?
Yes, keep the pressure on them, as they will continue to try to snake their way out of responsibility. But bear in mind, we’ve had insanity from day one from this administration and it has now worsened. The biggest pile of shit has hit the biggest fan in the world.
THe Congressional black Caucus talked about municipalities across the country to step in with housing, etc. We must organize ourselves and not wait for FEMA, though unfortunately we have no choice right now but to rely on the military and FEMA in this situation.
But this underscores the danger inherent on relying on leadership that has continually failed us. WE should have known this was coming.
I know all this was already put into place for the 24th but do we really want to wait three more weeks? I’m just saying maybe a build up to that march should be people in the streets every weekend until then. What do you all think?
You would be better off marching down to the Emergency Planning Agency for your local area and reading the Disaster Plan for your city, county, and state.
I will bet dollars to a bucket of cow dung the plan is straight from La-La Land.
The Bus tour leading up to the rally may be coming to your town:
When 9-11 occurred, the NFL suspended play for a few weeks to show respect.
Thousands dead in NO?
Oh I have your answer: Are you ready for some football?!
on September 24th Operation: Ceasefire is holding a free music festival at the Washington Monument!
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Hurricane Katrina’s devastation of New Orleans — and the delay helping stranded people get out or even get water and food — is raising doubts that U.S. cities may be ill-prepared to cope with a potentially worse disaster: a major attack.
Four years after the September 11, 2001, attacks, the storm disaster marked the first time the federal government has invoked its post-September 11 response plan aimed at enhancing Washington’s ability to deal with national incidents.
But as Americans reeled at images of death and desperation among the city’s refugees, experts on domestic security said a nuclear or biological attack on a big U.S. city could cause greater mayhem, and unlike the storm, come without warning.
<click pics to enlarge>

Left Behind Under Bush’s Watch :: 2001 – 2005
It’s Worse Than 9/11, Bush Says
People left to die on streets - Snipers shoot at hospitals - Evacuees raped, beaten - City issues 'desperate SOS'
The New Orleans disaster is already viewed as an illustration of what can go wrong in an American city under siege. “In many ways, this is a test of our national capacity,” said James Carafano, senior research fellow at the conservative Heritage Foundation. “If we can’t do this 24-7-365, we aren’t doing our job for preparedness.”
New Orleans’ emergency responders were plagued by communications trouble, that raised comparisons with problems faced by the police and firefighters, who responded to the 2001 attack on New York’s World Trade Center.
When Katrina roared ashore, it downed transmission towers needed to maintain radio and cellular telephone contact between emergency crews. Many have had to get by with walkie-talkies.
“What were they thinking? You know a hurricane’s going to knock down cell phone towers,” said Paul Light, professor of public service at New York University.
This disaster is a sad result of years of neglect. To continue the War in Iraq, the Bush administration had reduced the funds for upkeep of the leevees in New Orleans and to do the necessary planning for hurricane flooding.
The Bush presidency is in a crisis, even his speech to the nation lacked a sense power. Based on wishful thinking no administration can establish policy.
I do like their choice of the front page photo! Must be Dutch bloodline – Oui
but I believe it would be a waste of time.
I’m extremely proud of the very small part I played in ending the Vietnam war. Marches and rallies and passionate speeches had a cumulative effect on the American public because they were covered (although not supportively) by the mass media.
When 400,000 ordinary citizens marched in the streets of New York City against the invasion and occupation of Iraq, the motherfuckers in the media just pretended it didn’t happen.
With the press corps either cowering in fear or actively licking Bush’s ass there is no point getting a million people to march on Washington.
Even if they did cover it, they’d find some knucklehead throwing a rock and the whole story would be about anti-war “violence”.
In the sixties, the message seeped through. Today, the conservative hold on the media is watertight.
wasn’t exactly water tight in Crawford. I know how you feel, halfway there when I woke up at the Waffle House in Lafayette LA that probably isn’t there anymore I thought to myself Tracy, you have lost your mind girl! I got back on the road driving and Stevie Nicks came on the radio and called me a Gypsy. Okay, I can do “Gypsy”. Then Rod Stewart came on and sang “Someone like you, makes it hard to live with somebody else” and I stopped caring if I was I fucking crazy and I put the pedal to the metal.
CNN is reporting “lots of success stories coming up.” The photo-ops, sound bites and press releases have resumed flooding the nation.
The reason these people are in charge is because they represent the owners of almost all the economy, including our news and information systems. There’s no protest movement if there’s no news of it; there’s no leadership incompetence if the news is contrary to that idea. There is nothing remotely democratic about news or information.
This is literally their country.
The task isn’t impossible, but regardless of Bush’s record or ratings it’s going to be difficult for us to retake elected office and even more difficult to do anything meaningful with it.
Personally I don’t believe a march is going to accomplish anything because I don’t see our society having the kinds of mechanisms and culture any longer that would allow a popular movement to either grow or else to spark a signficant course change in management.
I have to agree with you Gooserock,this will not make the impression that it did in the 60’s/70’s,
BUT– big BUT
It will encourage people to speak out and stand up, to see so many people there and that is a big plus.
According to the Huffington Post George Bush actually said:
That bastard is psychotic.
In European 24 hr period, BooMan Tribune will top 30,000 page views and 10,000 visits!
Excellent result with many BooTribbers publishing diaries – keep the emotion and the anger through the March on Washington on September 24.
There are debut diaries out there – visit and contribute.
Link to Sitemeter
I will need a name to put reservation under- because even Damnit Janet , marvelous as she is, cannot be in two places at the same time.
Assuming I can find space,that is.
oh yeah- and an email address – so they can send confirmation
right here in this thread you can see it growing. There are people here in this thread who have decided to go to DC because they won’t stand for this bullshit anymore. I really do believe that something extraordinary is going to happen in DC this month. Even the press is in a bit of a revolt over what they are seeing in New Orleans. We’re getting there. All you folks on this thread who’ve decided to get out to DC, make me proud to know you and give me great hope.
I should be back in the US at that time. I live in Charlottesville, VA – about 2 to 2.5 hours from DC. I have a house with lots of space (if you have bedrolls, sleeping bags, etc.). I can transport 4 bodies in my Jetta. Just need help with the petrol