Katrina has filled our our collective consciousness for 5 days now. It just may be time to take a deep breath… nah, that was a gasp, try again. Now take a long slow deep breath… that’s better. Let’s check on some stories we may have missed in the last day (or so.)
*George Tenet refusing to roll over and be Bush’s (pet) Scapegoat
Sorry, I absolutely could not resist.
This WaTimes editorial tells how Inspector General John Helgersonjust delivered ” A scathing report…” to Congress pointing bony fingers at Tenet and others at the CIA for Al Queda and intelligence failures leading up to 9/11. Thing is, one George promised not to blab and other George promised not to blame. Then they got pinned (Presidential Medal of Freedom). Tenet is fighting back… and he’s blabbing. Other George is going to have a very bad time of it, I’m afraid. (giggle)
*OK, this one’s a bona fide absolute rumour. But I bet it’s true:US Offered USD 75 Million to Iraqi Sunnis for Signature under Constitution
See? Told ‘ya … it’s probably true. The entire news release is one long sentence, but follow the link and you’ll see where the rumour comes from.
*The insurgents are back in Fallujah.
Yeah, this is really bad news. They’re attacking US and Iraqi forces, but may be missing command structure. Not good.
*Rove can’t resist sneaking around Camp Casey
Bradblog has the story, and the pics.
Ah well, sigh, it’s been a horrific week. I just saw on the tube that now they’re turning away buses in Houston. So, you know, I gotta go. Hope you were able to take more than one deep breath.
I could just picture George Tenet bursting into the oval office throwing his medal at Dubya, bursting into tears and running out. I’m fried. I need to turn off the tv and the computer and say goodnight, but I don’t know if I can do that… yet.
I saw the Rove thing on Bradblog. What an arrogant fat jackass fuc…you get the picture.
I’m just waiting to see how turdblossom turns George’s greatest weakness into asset this time. Or will George finally be thrown out with trash as Rove searches for a new piece of crap to spin into golden boy…it doesn’t matter. NOthing can fix what has been done to the people of New Orleans.
Actually “arrogant jackass fuck” could probably describe any one from Bush on down. I don’t think Joan of Arc herself could save Bush now.
I saw thing on Tenet last night. Yet another front in the perfect storm gathering for Bushco. The chickens are coming home to roost.