“Out of control”
“Sinking into chaos”
I just watched the CTV news. Holy shit. I thought CNN was showing some strong footage.
You know all those ‘conspiracy nuts’ that said maybe the government doesn’t want any foreign help around to see what is really going down?
Well, I haven’t seen anything on American news feeds (not that I have acess to them all) that equals what I have just witnessed in the last 15 minutes.
(More after fold)
They began with a report from the superdome in NO.
People are crying begging, “We’re dying out here!”
They are lying in sewage. You could see the piles of crap.
A woman, also crying, said, “Look at this filth. Look at this. We’re dirty. We don’t live like this.”
They interviewed a woman in the basement of the superdome. She was in hysterics, frantically searching for food. She cried, “People are going into diabetic shock b/c they haven’t had anything to eat since monday. I have to find food.”
Another woman they were interviewing said, “I don’t want to die like this.” She went into insulin shock while on camera. Another refugee, a woman who is a nurse began yelling, “We need insulin here!” to the large group of people. She found some and administered it to the woman on the spot. She said she has been caring for people because there is no help.
Graham Richardson reported from the Houston astrodome. He said, “We are in the richest country in the world and the people are wandering around looking like refugees.”
They interviewed people coming from the buses. Those people said that the situation they came from is one of all out anarchy.
People are being murdered and raped.
A woman said she was carjacked and then raped.
Dead bodies litter the street.
One young white man said that the guard was not letting them out, which corresponds with what duranta is reporting in her diary, Our Government is Killing the People of New Orleans.
Jed Kahane reported from Gulfport. He talked about the dead. Finally, someone is talking about the dead.
There are 15 coroner’s working now, and they can’t keep up with the bodies.
The coroners are finding the bodies of their friends.
There are 6 refrigerated tractor trailers filling up with bodies. They showed them sitting side by side by side … you get the visual.
Rotten fish and food (pallets of chicken) is throwing off search dogs in their search for bodies.
He also said that looters are walking down the street picking up shampoo and clothing amid the debris – people’s property that has been scattered. They have nothing else, and nowhere to look.
They interviewed a Canadian family here in Canada, whose mother and aunt have been trapped down in NO. They were on a vacation. The mother is epileptic and doesn’t have enough medicine. They received word from the aunt, who told them that there is no help at all. They were in tears.
Plus, there is a fresh report from CTV on Vancouver BC’s Urban Search and Rescue (USAR)team, which arrived in LA Wednesday night “after being asked by state officials for assistance.”
They are describing mass chaos.
Gun fights.
Hostage situations.
“It’s absolutely crazy, the devastation is unreal — the gunfire, the shooting, the looting is like something you see in a movie.”
Acadian Ambulance Service says it was greeted by an armed and angry crowd as it tried to airlift supplies into Kenner Memorial Hospital late Wednesday.
Richard Zuschlag, president of the ambulance service, said his medics were “crying, screaming for help,” and that his pilots “refused to land.”
Although the team is equipped with satellite phones, Inglis says even they aren’t working.
“There is virtually no communications here. We’re using the MCI truck that’s been set up, and using their satellite communications network.”
From their website they are reporting,
“We’ve been attached to the Louisiana State Troopers, and we also have the National Guard assisting us. Unfortunately, from time we were given orders to move from Lafayette at 4:30 a.m. this morning up here, the lid has blown off this place. There’s a lot of gun fire, a number of hostage situations right down the street. So, all search and rescue has been halted in this area for now. We will not be performing any search and rescue operations for at least the next 8-12 hours.
I am shocked anew.
Thanks for the update. The closest I’ve seen the US media come to covering what you’ve described was on MSNBC this afternoon (with the exception of Anderson Cooper, they are doing a much better job than CNN).
The anchor interviewed one of their videographers about what he had seen inside the Convention Center, and he described much of what you just said, repeating over and over that, despite absolutely NOTHING in terms of aid or security present, there was NO danger and the people just needed food and water. He mentioned babies that were dead of dehydration. He was articulate and focused, and visibly upset.
The anchor said something like, “After seeing the footage you sent back, I can understand how upsetting it must be. OBVIOUSLY WE CAN’T SHOW IT.” [my emphasis]
He said, “Believe me, I didn’t even film more than half of what I saw in there because I knew it wouldn’t air. I only sent you the footage I thought would get through.” (paraphrased).
I don’t get MSNBC, so it was very interesting to read your comment.
I think they need to show it. People need to know what is happening. Blinders need to be removed.
If they choose not to show it, then they assume responsibility for holding people accountable – as the only witness.
And they don’t have a very good track record with that.
the “we can’t air it” stuff on his show….
I think the media are getting sick and tired of being told (I’m thinking of Michael Brown here) “I won’t speculate on media reports” in response to their questions about things, so they are showing the actual footage in hopes that these people will get help.
heard some angry outraged anchors on local news last night – in the NYC area.
because, then we would be, like, you know, a news program.
Can we just shoot them now???
First the network heads, then the division heads, then the producers, then the talking heads. The talking heads can do play-by-play until the end.
They will be easy to replace. A lot of folks from New Orleans are looking for jobs real quick like.
Be sure to read the September 1 interview with someone in the Convention Center. The authorities dropped supplies on the people from the bridge, most of it was smashed from the drop.
sybil… I heard someone question someone the other, “You can drop sand bags, why can’t you drop MREs?”
From your link,
Olivia. Going to bed last night, I feared today. But, then I thought maybe FEMA might finally pull it together, realizing the fucking problem.
But, no. Soledad O’Brian on CNN this morning. Ripping Mike Brown a new asshole. This is insane, as a human tragedy, and as an exercise in the U.S. media (at least CNN) developing some degree of cahones.
i went to bed thinking help was finally on the way – was horrified to see the early morning reports
Now giving it to Gov. Blanco. Completely appropriate. When did you ask for 40,000 troops? And, he isn’t letting her off with a non-answer.
Now asking, how many boots are on the ground now? When will the 40,000 troops be on the ground? Answer: Well I think you are going to see it in the days to come (paraphrased)
Follow up: Specifically?
Answer: “You will see them arriving all day today. You are seeing the response now.”
Follow up: Is it too late?
Answer: “It is never too late. We have people in need (paraphrased)”
Finally. Journalism.
Is it Nagin? He just does a audio clip on CNN (not live, I don’t think). And, he has gotten the message. Totally in tune with people now. Pleading. Mad at FEMA. Tired of federal officials saying help is on the way. Talked directly to Bush. Nagin is angry and flustered. Concludes with his response to federal officials. Tired of hearing promises. “Where’s the beef?”
That was the first thing I heard this morning, the interview with the Mayor. Thanks for paraphrasing some of what was said.
Like you said a couple comments ^, I too thought the morning would bring better things, that we had reached the absolute bottom here. That the government had to have been shamed into IMMEDIATE reaction.
So sorry to see this was not the case.
Have you posted this at Kos? I hope so. If not maybe Susan can do it for you.
…Steven, but they’re experiencing acute diary overload right now. A lot of upset coming out in diary form … catharsis and all that.
I didn’t catch it all, but the reporter on msnbc was talking about the dehydration problems and babies and mothers and said “well, this is the original No Child Left Behind”
The Fema director is a useless putz. Fire him immediately; he isn’t doing anything anyway.
From the nature of the fire and the storage tanks visible, it looks to be either a chemical or oil processing plant.
Does anyone know any more about this?
The only thing that can make this worse is if the many chemical plants in the area go. Bhopal can happen here too.
Read just the opening paragraph of their lead news article:
It’s hard to see those words and believe that they are real. It’s really happening. A major American city has been left to collapse in conditions worse than those of any city in the third world. How in hell could anyone be this incompetent?
Every day – every hour – it continues to get worse, doesn’t it?
It doesn’t look like the US. It looks like some bombed out city in a third world country.
Living in New York and having traveled some in less developed countries, I’ve actually been of the belief that the US is both a first AND a third world nation – especially in the cities where certain segments of the population live close by but truly worlds apart. I guess it’s not so far apart now (though of course the first worlders were able to drive their SUVs out of town).
On a related note, I can’t stop thinking about how I’ve also long considered the US to be following the path of latter day Rome. The fact that our beaurocracy is entirely incompetent due to bloating and a near useless political process, just reinforces that belief.
There is a terminal disease in this country and its name is Bush!
I just got back online…
The first thing I heard?
They are begging fellow citizens with buses and gas to go down there to help!
I apologize for yelling, but I can’t speak rationally or sanely about this anymore.
I don’t understand why the federal government has botched this so badly.
Everyone who is supposed to be in authority keeps saying, WE DIDN’T REALIZE THAT IT WAS GOING TO BE THIS BAD.
Don’t let them get away with that shit.
They knew!
Fuck … I’m sitting in my house in Ottawa for Christ’s sake and I knew!!!!!
Sometimes it’s really hard to relate to victims of a disaster. Sometimes they live far away in a place you’re never likely to visit. Or they speak a different language. Or they live in huts with thatched roofs. In those circumstances, you often feel sympathy for people’s suffering, but you can’t see yourself in their shoes.
Forgive me, then, if I post some stories from the foreign media about furr’ners current experiences in NO.
First from AFP:
Second, a story from Australia’s ABC (our version of the BBC):
The themes running through these stories seem to be:
I know that the magnitude of this hurricane tragedy is pretty much unprecedented, but for an advanced industrial country which regularly sees hurricanes, it looks scarily like there wasn’t a plan to deal with this possibility. Or is it just that all those wealthy enough to matter got out in time?
…canberra boy for adding this.
I can’t even imagine the fear of being trapped in another country during something like this.
Those poor people.
Maybe all our individual governments need to go in and rescue our citizens?
Oh, this is so awful…
Australia’s crazed (but poll-savvy) Prime Minister said a year or two ago that Australia would intervene in neighbouring countries if this were necessary to protect Australians. But sending the SAS to the US? I don’t think so… Wouldn’t get invited down to Crawford any more… He’s given AUD 10 million to the US Red Cross.
Update on the story I ref above about the Cdns trapped down in NO with no help,
Cdns stranded in New Orleans want Ottawa’s help
The answer to your question, cb, is yes, that’s it exactly.
The first couple of days of coverage were all about the ‘evacuees’ sitting dry, healthy and in no danger whatsoever. I remember seeing an interview with two Tulane students who had been put up at the UofGeorgia telling their stories and how they had flights out to return to Conn. and Maine and I just though to myself — who the fuck cares, they’re FINE, they lost the contents of their dorm room, so WHAT?!?! There are people fucking dying of thirst in the streets….it took the media about 48 hours to cut that shit out.
Rep. Elijah Cummings, on CNN, quotes scripture to Bush. “When I was hungry, you fed me… etc.” He connects this disaster to race.
It is a clarion call. Eloquent. He said to the administrations statements that they are doing all they can, “I simply disagree.”
Rep. Jesse Jackson, Jr. also spoke. Finally, some Democratic leadership.
Honestly, someone needs to get Cummings down to New Orleans. His leadership would be useful.
News conference ongoing.
…it seems most MSM ignore the Black Caucus members unless it’s a “Black” issues, regardless of issue, with the exception of Rep. Rangel who’s ranking on Ways and Means. Otherwise…nada.
But I’m glad that they are getting attention today.
I was glad to hear them say this wasn’t about race but about class and the poor.
aired last night on PBS’s Newshour.
For what it’s worth.
Thanks for that songbh. Good to see what is covered, and by which news organization.
I can’t fucking believe this. Hundreds of trucks, boats, helicopters, buses, the whole schmear that has been so desperately needed for days is right this minute pouring into N.O. as if there is no problem in the world with getting in there.
And it just so happens. . .Bush is arriving in the area at the very same time.
Did those fuckers put off the convoy until this moment for maximum publicity effect? Did they make those people wait all night, not to mention, all those days, so Bush could lead the convoy?
I am enraged.
doesn’t it.
Me and the two kiddies went to bed in my room. (Dad’s away) and we watched some news late last night hoping for some “news” and see some relief or hope arrive. We saw none.
But I did see more and more reporters are pissed off.
I beg of all of you – you see a reporter doing and saying uncensored stuff. CALL IN and congratulate their newsstation. Keep calling and letting them know we NEED them because our government has totally screwed the pooch.
You see an news station NOT reporting about the levees or Bush’s delay… call em and ream them a new asshole.
My voice is a bit hoarse today… but we have to keep on their asses.
Yes… It looks so staged. Call them and tell em – HEY, THIS IS TOO MUCH OF A COINCIDENCE. THIS IS STAGED!!!
I’ve never sent so many emails to news organizations as I did yesterday.
They need numbers to show them what the public is demanding? They’ll get numbers by god.
My daughter called Keith Olbermann… Keith Doberman. 🙂
Wouldn’t surprise me at all. The government’s management of this has smelled like a publicity stunt from the start. First with the looters, then with the National Guard (which has to prove that it’s not crippled by the men and materials fighting the Pointless War in Iraq), and now with the aid arriving at the same time as Bush.
I think this caught them flat-footed, and now they’re trying to turn it into a PR coup, rather than actually help people. They’re going to try and paint it as Bush arriving at the head of an “invading army”, brushing aside the ineffectual bumblers who were there before and delivering the people of NO.
I hope it fails.
This article gives an apt description of many of us, World stunned as US struggles with Katrina .
I said somewhere else that if they thought by refusing aid they would not appear weak, they’ve seriously bumbled here.
No pun intended, although it would be apt. The press has willingly obliged WH demands not to air unflattering stories for years.
Now it’s PAYBACK TIME. Please join me in demanding that the press self-censor any and all VIDEO and AUDIO of Bush until every possible survivor is safe.
In fact, ask them to PULL THEIR REPORTERS traveling with the fuckhead evildoer who DARES – I just saw this on my muted TV – put his arms on the shoulders of young black women. Metaphorically, it works; he’s on the backs of far too many people of a color and class he will never know. He does not deserve to touch a single one, but I fervently hope he will get to watch thousands of them pass easily through the eye of a needle his pinky won’t even penetrate.
It’s too much to expect us to stomach; to watch him strut and smirk and feign concern while thousands gasp their last breath and thousands more wait for a lifesaving drink of water and thousands more – including once again our first responders, Guard, and military – breath the toxic soup of what was once air. It’s just far. too. much.
FAIR Media Contact List
Thanks very much for that link..I think it should be on the front page here.
CNN reports timeline of conflicting comments…
This administration is DAMNED!
Andrew… Isn’t it interesting (in a disgusting way) to see the detached responses from the ‘authority figures’ and the emotional and passionate reports and pleas from those on the ground.
Especially Brown/FEMA. He should be fired immediately.
They don’t get it. They just don’t get it. You cannot spin something of this magnitude… Not when it involves the absolute destruction of entire cities, and deaths of American citizens.
Thanks for pointing out this stuff guys. It’s coming so fast and furious it is really hard to make note of it all.
Just flipped to O’Reilly on Fox. Shepard Smith and another guy on the ground reporting. Smith was on fire. He refused to be drawn in to blaming an individual and O’Reilly seemed to be trying to get him to blame the black mayor or the white governor but Smith simply hammered home the incompetence of the whole issue and particularly went on about the buses diverted from the Superdome to rescue the people at the Hyatt. He made it clear how poorly he thought of that and he stated straight out that “all things are not equal here.”
I think that was when O’Reilly tried to get him to pin it on the black Mayor and when unsuccessful tried to get him to pin it on the white governor. He never tried to get him to pin it on anyone at the federal level.
Interestingly the best O’Reilly could do… before heading off to unrest in Aruba… was to point out that we didn’t seem to have a strong leader like Giuliani in charge.
This AFTER his boy bushie had been there to save the day.
Can we say that this disaster has actually kicked some Fox news reporters into telling the unvarnished truth?
Chertoff at Homeland Security too.
They both go immediately.
Bottom line however is that this whole administration is done.
Photo ops of bush “let them eat cake” with McCain while the poor of New Orleans and Mississippi are starving and dying of thirst and bush “fiddlin” a guiter with some country pop guy while an entire major city in this country drowns.
bush and cheney must resign now.
There are no excuses. Anyone defending them is a “dead-ender”
EVERYthing I am seeing is of the SuperDome….what is going on over there?
The people on the bridge where Sheppard Smith was for two days are STILL THERE — they can see the SuperDome from where they are, but the can’t get there and the buses keep driving by….
The fucking incompetence spreads to Texas….
There are huge amounts of people standing around outside in the HEAT again — and an anchor just said, people are looking for their loved ones, they think they may be in the AstroDome, but they can’t get in to see if they are there …
HELLO?!?! The Dome has a public address system, fucking USE it!
have to endure? How much more?
Does anyone have any gut feeling about who would get help to the most desperate refugees faster?
I’m in Urbana, IL. I’m planning to do a fundraiser tomorrow at a local market I have a booth: my SO is making a sign for me that write check to Red Cross or Second Harvest gets one of popular item I sell as a “thank you” gift. If I “sell” 10+ I could raise $200-$300+ .
Anyway, I plan to do this again when (in near future) I can identify efficient groups helping the former minimum-wage/no insurage/lost homes to ReDevelopment refugees, but right now I’m looking for quickest action. Most action alerts & blogs I’ve seen have Red Cross at the top, but I’ve gotten local input, wary of RC, that’s campaigning for Second Harvest. I’ll take checks for either (I’ve called and gotten addresses for both) but I’ll probably perfer one or the other to my customers.
Thanks! (This thread seems more active than the first place I asked)
upset in illinois
PS: This is cost effective vs. me making a direction online donation: booth rental is already paid from previous sales; most of the purchase price is labor; it’s time and money already spent, and I have plenty of materials to make many more before I have to restock.
No matter how bad it is in the Superdome or Convention Center, I can’t blame them (spoken safely from more than 2,000 miles away). The poor and lame and halt, who couldn’t get out before, herded into a closed building intended for only occasional use. No AC, no lights, no water, no food, no toilets. For 4-5 days, and counting.
And some of these people have been watching for years as they have been pushed farther and farther down the economic ladder, with resentment and anger festering.
Some are undoubtedly bad, but others are probably trying to get food and water and protect families.
I want to see the top layers of the Cheney-Bush administration dropped into the Superdome. And left there to fend for themselves.
I was thinking this morning, as I drank my coffee … that many of these people are probably, no undoubtably, suffering from caffeine withdrawal, nicotine withdrawal, hell hard drug withdrawal.
Think about how that might play into the behaviours we have been hearing about.
Not only are they dying of thirst, hunger, suffering heat stroke, traumatic stress, fear …
These people are suffering.
Exactly Also it has been brought up that people on pycho. meds, all meds and people who do not even know what they are taking so that when they are rescued (and even getting any treatment), medical personnel cannot provide the proper medications These things are going to be very difficult to deal with and will only add to the mess that will ensue.
I am going to once again urge everyone to prepare their own disaster pack, know their meds, have emergency supplies, all these things we should all do now. I have done a diary reg. this on this site and have more info on my site. Also have id that can be carried in you escape pack.
Where ever you live, you do not know when a disaster will strike. Start now to be prepared.
diane, I read those diaries. Really appreciate them. I have a small pack – like a car trunk emergency pack, which is really not sufficient.
You’ve got a lot of information though, really good stuff. Like the importance of having copies of important papers and personal details.
air conditioning withdrawal…
I have posted a letter to Congress for bankruptcy relief for all the victims of hurricane katrina.
Please take it, modify it and send it to your reps and senators.