Starring: (Bill), [GWB], and {GHWB}
“We just spent some time talking about…”
[ Jesus Christ, I sure hope this works out….]
(Damn, his dad sure looks old…
On his suit…is that mold…)
{Fuck! This boy has become such a lout…}
“…close contact with Secretary Chertoff.”
[Photo-op… working hard with shirt off…]
{The risk Carlyle’s takin’,
Fucking savin’ his bacon…}
(“Watch this drive!”… c’mon Dub, let’s play golf…)
*(Continued… plus Today’s Topical Limericks and eye candy!)
“… priority, of course, is to save lives.”
(Jeeze, his polls sure have taken a nose dive…)
{Barbara paid the damn bail…
Shoulda’ left him in jail…}
[Karl was right! I think they’re buying this jive!]
“… repair the breeches in the levees.”
[These guys sure do help me look heavy…]
{…since he was a young tyke…
Always messing with dykes…}
(First time… in the back of a Chevy…)
“…hard to get gasoline to some markets.”
[Did they fill up my truck `fore I parked it?]
(For folks driving the hummers…
It’s an end to their summers…)
{Venezuela… damn Robertson narced it!}
“… the money raised is money needed.”
[Damn, Poppy’s hairline has receded…]
{The whole friggin Gulf Coast….
Guess, the party is toast…}
(Damn, but Al should never have ceded…)
“… help the victims of the Tsunami relief.”
{Did he just say that? Oh my God… oh good grief…}
(Seems like this apple to me,
It don’t fall far from the tree!)
[It’s going great! We should play “Hail to the Chief”…]
{Damn but George Junior’s so dim…
This whole thing… it fucking looks grim.}
[Its “balls to the wall”…]
“May God Bless you all.”
(May God save us all just from him…)
Admitting that it’s not enough,
Ol’ Dubbers just trys to hang tough.
Lambasted by Newt,
Ol’ Mitt follows suit,
DeLay plays his lies in the rough…
Draining New Orleans could take eighty days,
Followed by anti-bacterial sprays,
When the whole city’s deloused,
And law and justice espoused,
Who’ll be left there to enjoy the beignets?
The season is so far from over,
They say it will stretch through October.
With Maria appearing,
And more hurricanes leering,
Safe place? How about maybe Dover?
Has Kyoto returned home to roost,
In giving Katrina a big boost,
Euros point out the looters,
And the anarchic shooters,
As reason for assistance induced.
Miss Liberty?
My photoshops may go on hiatus,
In protest of the “one diary status”.
Armando’s too heavy,
Repairng this levee,
To stop the flood of “one liner Kos dross”…
Didn’t you just love how he even knew the NAME of the pipeline and gave us all a little explaination of what gets piped in a pipeline… ACK
It’s all about the oil.
“Temporary Disruption” till he and Halliburton can make a crapload MORE money.
Today while he was on the CLEARED streets of Mississippi he said he had GOOD NEWS! That the pipeline was getting repaired. Oh brother.
Totally love your work! Thanks for the smiles and dimples even though there are salt trails along em. salt W
it’s about all that keeps me going…; )
I send your stuff to a friend. He mishmashes lyrics and such for fun. Dude even has an Emmy or two around his house. 🙂
I know that when I send him a link to your stuff (A Clockwork Orange stuff was fantastic) he’s never seen anything like it before.
we need you more than ever ’round here!!
I have been meaning to ask you — have you ever visted a site called
Clinton Fein helped me keep my sanity after 9/11 and I think you and he would get along quite well (that link there takes you to one of his photshopped pics, but do enter the site as well).
Let me know what you think!
that guy is a real artist… head and shoulders above me!
yeah, he’s good, but he doesn’t post here! And your limericks are better [grin]
Did you explore around the site? I try to turn people on to that site, some like it tons, others find it a little rough (to which I always say: DEAL!) — did you see his “It Takes a Prick” spoof on Sanotrum’s book? Brilliant ! I love that guy!