The mayor of New Orleans has finally had enough of the incompetence from this sham of an administration.
AP article here.
A day before President Bush headed to the hurricane-ravaged South, Mayor Ray Nagin lashed out at federal officials, telling a local radio station “they don’t have a clue what’s going on down here.”
“They flew down here one time two days after the doggone event was over with TV cameras, AP reporters, all kind of goddamn — excuse my French everybody in America, but I am pissed,” Nagin said.
I was wondering how long it would take for this mayor to call these boobs out for their total lack of reality.
And we will continue to see headlines with the following words in them, looting, lawlessness, sniper, unsafe so that this so called democratic government can continue to turn their backs and keep their pockets full on these starving people in the worst disaster in our nations history.
Hello Halliburton no bid contracts.
[Update]Barbara Boxer responds with a letter to George.Boxer
I’m listening to it on Air America. I hope this keeps getting played on TV, on Radio and on the Internet until time immemorium. This is a powerful indictment of the Bush Administration.
City officials were seething with anger about what they called a slow federal response following Hurricane Katrina.
“They don’t have a clue what’s going on down there,” Mayor Ray Nagin told WWL-AM Thursday night.
“They flew down here one time two days after the doggone event was over with TV cameras, AP reporters, all kind of goddamn — excuse my French everybody in America, but I am pissed.”
I made it part of my diary ::
The Disasters George Bush Wrought
Still trying to find an audio link to
WWL-AM radio.
So sorry about the link to the story. What can I do to fix it?
Oui…I just clicked on the link in diary and the AP story came right up?
Works fine for me now also!
Unbelievable that the mayor and governor are not using any power to make use of private trucks and busses to move goods, supplies, gas and evacuate the poor from New Orleans and disaster areas.
In the past, the US was the best to get supplies moving anywhere in the world. I am referring to WWII and breaking the Soviet blockade of Berlin and use of Tempelhof airport. Logistics was America’s strength and specialty – men and women with perseverance. Now all we got are wimps staying the course – for eight long years.
That is more than 50 years ago – what is wrong with US leadership?
What is wrong with the leadership? EVERYTHING!!!!!
This link comes from WWL AM’s web site:
It appears to be some kind of pooled broadcast, IDing as the “United Radio Broadcasters of New Orleans” but it ID’s as WWL and they just finished running the CBS news broadcast at the top of the hour.
It’s also a bit bassy and distorted on my system but hey, at the moment it’s not so much that the bear dances well as that it dances at all.
Just said that he’s going to play Mayor Nagin’s interview at the top of every hour on Air America. I strongly recommend everyone listen to it. It will break your heart.
The first time I went to the download site, servers were busy, but I tried again and it’s downloading to my computer now.
yes. We must spread the word on this to the media: the help is not getting there fast enough. Thank you all for your efforts. It counts so much right now.
Is that’s the best we can expect from the democrats?
I understand that long-term issues are important not to fuck up as badly as they have fucked this up, but I want to hear democrats, oh, hell, ANYone, outside of the mayor of NO, tearing Bush several new assholes, calling for investigations, not giving advice and lessons learned that will be fucking ignored anyway.
Nice try, Barb, but lame.
Timid and lame beyond belief. If this were San Francisco she would be singing a different tune. The time for politeness and diplomacy has long since passed.
Morning Cat! Absolutely agree! When are the Dems going to step up to the plate and take over the country. There is no leadership anywhere!
I am ready for a military coup — led by mid-level officers and enforced by enlisted — this government has GOT to go.
Time for the Second American Revolution. Past time actually, way past time.
Sign me up girlfriend! I think of you everyday Cat!!!
Big Deal.
It was the Mayor of NO that waited until 12 hours before the hurricane to evacuate the city.
It was the Mayor of NO that established a shelter of last resort with no fucking supplies.
It was the Mayor of NO that ran like a little bunny rabbit from his responsibilties.
It was the Mayor of NO that failed to ensure NO had an adequate Disaster Plan.
It was the Mayor of NO that failed to ensure NO had an adequate Disaster Response Plan.
And I could go on and on and on.
This thing has moved from a disaster to a catastrophe because the City of New Orleans, despite having 50 years to get its act together, simply didn’t prepare.
There is no doubt that the city council and the mayor has responsibility too. The point right now is that people are dying while we all including me are laying blame.Let’s forget for a second even what the mayor said. The Pleas of the people for help alone should have been enough. Now they are not letting the National Guard in with supplies because it is too dangerous? They can be sent into Iraq in harms way to free the Iraqis but they cannot “risk” a handful of bad guys in NO to save thousands of people? Please!
This is not directed at you at all. I am just venting.
Only the Federal Government has the resources to handle a disaster of this size. I thought that was one huge reason why we wanted to be the UNITED States of America…. The mayor could not build the levies, the mayor could not make the Corps of Engineers budget big enough to do the job properly, the mayor could not order up a few thousand buses for an evacuation, the mayor could not order up a few dozen C-130’s for an airlift, the mayor could not build wider interstate highways, the mayor could not provide an extra forty thousand troops.
Blame the victims if you want – I don’t buy it.
You are right…and he is paying the price because now he has to be the captain of a sinking ship. But the people of New Orleans are paying with their lives. There will be comeuppance for all of these officials who failed to care and failed to heed the warning, not wanting to sacrifice their political capital for the safety of the people.