I swear, the scales are falling from their eyes! Even in a week when the MSM is pounding on the incompetence of Bush and his henchpersons,
this AP story
deserves more attention than it’s getting. Ron Fournier lists the things Bush and Cheney have said that, um, turned out to be–well, not exactly true.
As New Orleans descended into anarchy, top Bush administration officials congratulated each other for jobs well done and spoke of water, food and troops pouring into the ravaged city. Television pictures told a different story
And according to Fournier, this serial not-exactly-truth-telling is beginning to have consequences. Do read it yourself. And while you’re at it, rate it up.
Read. Rated up. Thanks.
Well Jesus, I should hope so. It makes me scream everytime I see his ‘trustworthy’ poll numbers. I mean what does he have to do before people discover that he’s a lying fuck? Kill their mothers?
Americans have no discernment. None at all. It’s like they get lost in the lies they’re constantly bathed in and all common sense goes right out the window.