Before Grant and Sherman
came along to perform
the hard task
of annihilating
their fellow countrymen
the US military leaders
in the civil war
were nothing but
a succession of
political bureaucratical
who knew not
how to fight
the confederacy
except with words

The US Military
poorly led
finds its
Shermans Grants
and MacArthurs
only when
the handpicked leaders
have proved incompetent
at their call

The true leaders
tend to be drunkards
dreamers and losers
in the bureaucratic games
They emerge only
after many have been led to slaughter
by official nitwits
and phonies
on the battlefield
but not in the politics
of Washington DC

George W Bush-
His leadership skills
possess the lasting
of a sound bite
in the best of times
During the moments
of crisis
he is befuddled
disappeared from view
for long stretches
while the suffering
of the people
by his absence

As we have seen in Iraq
the US generals
are empty suit
chests filled
with ribbons won for
out ass kissing
their competition
at the Pentagon
which itself
not so long ago
was breached
rather easily
by a few committed
out for a joy ride
in American airspace

The student of
cannot be surprised
by the response
of our political
military leaders
to the suffering
of the people
in New Orleans
and along the gulf coast

Already the fables
have started
ribbons soon fixed
upon proud chests anew
Rewarded for failing

the people
