G’morning all, and I hope you take the time today to feel the wind that is amongst us.
That wind has a stench coming from the south, and heading towards DC, and I will do everything possible to make sure they can’t turn their heads, from it.
It is time to make the changes we’ve been ranting about for so long, on both sides of the isle.
Now is the time to clean house’s and stop the corruption, and it can only be done, if…..
That wind that carries the stench, also carries the loudest battle cry ever heard….
Stop the Greed now all you politicians, get a good smell of what is to come.
Do not let them pull out the whitewash, and the air freshener, to avoid the reality of the wind of change…the smell that it brought, the sound of the screams, or the sting of the hard reality of truth.
longtime sailor and storm reporter Geraldo Rivera, who did a brilliant and moving job yesterday introducing reality to the population America and the rest of thee world most need to become familiar with it.
Even this morning on the Fox business program they’re using terms such as “disenfranchised” and talking about ways to economically “empower” this population so they won’t be politically vulnerable again.
“Now the man at the wheel was said to feel
contempt for the wildest bloh-oh-ow,
Though it often appeared when the storm had cleared
that he’d been in his bunk below!”
–From “A Capital Ship for an Ocean Trip,” Charles Edward Carryl.
And soon to be sneaking off for a quick 12 mile walk (I’m desperately trying to lose X pounds by my brothers Dec. 10th wedding):
I know that because of the excellent Disaster coverage here at the BoomanTribune (I refuse to blame it all on Katrina anymore) we’ve had a lot of new visitors the last week. And I hope some of them find their way here.
If you are a new visitor, this is the place to introduce yourself. A virtual cafe, nothing is Off Topic here — we like to talk about everything. Anything. So don’t worry about just jumping in to any conversation, or starting your own!
Well, that’s weird, that your first diary didn’t vanish into this one. Is there a mechanism for deleting a diary, or would Susan or Boo have to do it for you?
Our first book, by a bare majority, will be BAYOU FAREWELL by Mike Tidwell. If you’re going to buy a copy, please use the links on this site so it will benefit BooMan Tribune.
The day of the week for our discussion will be Saturday, according to our vote. (It’ll be it’s own diary.)
We weren’t real clear about how often we want to do it, so I think we should go for the once a month for now.
Allowing time for ordering, delivering, reading, is Sept. 24 too soon??
I think we all need to devote some time to the outdoors (hike, bike, something!) this weekend so we can re-charge a little. I got away from anything Katrina-related for a few hours last night, and I’m feeling much better this morning. Although I kept dreaming about rising water last night. Ugh.
Yup, outdoors, away from the TV, away from the computer, sounds like a great idea. Going to do that myself… in fact, gotta go. Have a happy, all… catch up later!!
Ah, my post below was done before I saw this post…so never mind. I think Sept 24 is a great day to begin.
Anyone come up with a name yet? I can’t wait to start.
OK by me, although the weekend after would be OK, too. Just ordered it (along with a few used math books . . . free shipping for orders over $50, y’know) . . . and then realized too late that, of course, free shipping might be a little slower. ETA: Sept. 15. But I should be OK for the 24th.
Hi Katiebird, As excited as I am about the Photography Fair, this past week I’ve not been able to tear myself away from Katrina long enough to focus on anything else. If you still need any help, just yell. As for the bookclub, I don’t even know which book was decided on or when we’re going to begin, everything just flew right by me. I do think the bookclub should be seperate from the cafe, with major discussions on Saturdays… more traffic for our beloved Boo. Powell’s was a wonderful addition to the site!
InfidelPig is so right… now is the time. We have to go right on pointing out the horrors of the class war waged by the Republican party. We need to pound on the systemic incompetent behemoth our government has become under Bush. We need to scream and holler and point at the cronyism when they attempt to give Halliburton another no bid contract for Katrina aftermath (oh, I think that is likely). See? I can’t even walk in the cafe door for two minutes and my mind and heart is on the Gulf coast.
Unless there is a huge outcry today, I think the decision is to postpone the Froggy Bottom Photograpy Fair. It just doesn’t feel right to make that a priority this week (and it would have to become that for at least several of us).
I’d like to do it October 8 & 9, what does everyone think? I’m hoping we can switch the graphic on the ad once we make a decision.
Please, please both photographers and not-photographers, let us know what you think!
That sounds great. If you do it that weekend, then Sept. 24 should be our book club date.
Insert expletives here. Powell’s is currently claiming they have never heard of the book! Even though it’s pictured on this page. If they keep saying that all day, I’ll contact them.
I am off to the beach for a weekend with no TV or cellphone. I have mixed feelings about that…I haven’t been able to tear myself away from Katrina coverage, but I think I need to for a day or two.
Here’s my whole crew during a sudden storm
Here’s me spending quality feet-on-the-railing time
Hope you all have a peaceful weekend. Enjoy your families. Remember: breathe.
as i told ejmw on the phone last night — please enjoy the vacation that you have worked you ass off for — the world will still be just as fucked up when you get back.
Hold those beuatiful people close and come back strong. There is much to do and we all need our strength.
I am hyperventilating after watching the Fox video and I am going to go finish cleaning my ‘fridge — it will be the cleanest its been since it came off the store floor.
Sanity in scrubbing.
Safe travels and fortunes blessings go with you and yours.
Everyone here has spent the morning scrubbing, lawn mowing, weed whacking, dishwashing…whirling dervishes we are! When times get tough, clean and organize.
groceries away right now — I’m breathing a bit better but I still haven’t stopped shaking…
We are having a few people over this afternoon/evening for a barbeque (the spouse’s idea, we’re going to eat and play cards he said, more on how I feel about his reaction to all of this later) — I keep telling myself, don’t judge, don’t get hysterical if they seem to not care, not want to talk about it, just try to enjoy and afternoon and don’t judge them, just enjoy them….it is very hard, but I will do it. even if I have to take break to come here and vent…wish me luck.
I will have some free tea, if you don’t mind.
Gee you early birds have all the fun it seems, by the time I get here the place is empty.
Hi everyone, good morning, just getting up and tuning in and trying to catch up.
Katiebird, how are you, still blogging from your patio, which looks very pleasant by the way.
For the bookclub (Kansas I think you are doing that,right), you might want to schedule that for end of Oct. rather than beginning. Time to order, get books, read, and I for one am pretty distracted by the “situation” in NO.
Yes I think you are right!
It would help to try to turn it into play for the sake of your children. I would sure like to hear an interview with the family when they get rescued. When do you think that will be, btw. I don’t know how they could be so calm or at least have the appearance of that with all that they must have been through.
R&R today. No cable in this house, just a funky old portable TV that we haul out of a closet every once in a while. I couldn’t watch. Just couldn’t. Read the updates from NOLA and then figured I shouldn’t take up bandwidth when someone who might need it more could log on.
A friend at work with family near NO didn’t hear anything until Thursday night. Family couldn’t leave because one is disabled. They rode out the storm, the house OK, but running out of food and water. Trees down all over, no way to drive in, no gas, no relief in sight.
Other friends reporting family OK but homes gone. Some in Texas now, and other places far from their ruined homes.
So today I pick tomatoes and apples, put up chutney and freeze gallons of tomatoes. In between rake the yard and deadhead dahlias, wash windows, sweep the porches.
We display a small American flag on the front porch. For one brief moment today I thought about taking it down. But I couldn’t, because while I am past disgusted with this administration I still believe in the goodness of the American people. All of the people there, who helped or tried to help and were turned away, all of those who are forming relief caravans, who are volunteering at the shelters, who are taking people in, who are organizing, who are filling the vacuum. Here, thousands of miles from the disaster zone, people are starting to organize. We’ll participate any way we can. We have to, because even though our government has failed us we understand that these people are our families, these lives are our lives and all of us are our country.
You said that well Bwren. We have now found out that our government cannot protect us or help us when the need comes so we have to do it ourselves, one by one, neighborhood by neighborhood.
All areas of this country will be affected by this, and I expect survivors to be sent to many states so maybe now we can begin to prepare for that to come and we will all be able to help in a more direct way in days/months/years ahead!
G’morning all, and I hope you take the time today to feel the wind that is amongst us.
That wind has a stench coming from the south, and heading towards DC, and I will do everything possible to make sure they can’t turn their heads, from it.
It is time to make the changes we’ve been ranting about for so long, on both sides of the isle.
Now is the time to clean house’s and stop the corruption, and it can only be done, if…..
That wind that carries the stench, also carries the loudest battle cry ever heard….
Stop the Greed now all you politicians, get a good smell of what is to come.
Do not let them pull out the whitewash, and the air freshener, to avoid the reality of the wind of change…the smell that it brought, the sound of the screams, or the sting of the hard reality of truth.
I Am the Wind (diary to follow)
Looking so forward to that diary, iPig.
Can’t wait to read it!
longtime sailor and storm reporter Geraldo Rivera, who did a brilliant and moving job yesterday introducing reality to the population America and the rest of thee world most need to become familiar with it.
Even this morning on the Fox business program they’re using terms such as “disenfranchised” and talking about ways to economically “empower” this population so they won’t be politically vulnerable again.
“Now the man at the wheel was said to feel
contempt for the wildest bloh-oh-ow,
Though it often appeared when the storm had cleared
that he’d been in his bunk below!”
–From “A Capital Ship for an Ocean Trip,” Charles Edward Carryl.
And soon to be sneaking off for a quick 12 mile walk (I’m desperately trying to lose X pounds by my brothers Dec. 10th wedding):
I know that because of the excellent Disaster coverage here at the BoomanTribune (I refuse to blame it all on Katrina anymore) we’ve had a lot of new visitors the last week. And I hope some of them find their way here.
If you are a new visitor, this is the place to introduce yourself. A virtual cafe, nothing is Off Topic here — we like to talk about everything. Anything. So don’t worry about just jumping in to any conversation, or starting your own!
Well, that’s weird, that your first diary didn’t vanish into this one. Is there a mechanism for deleting a diary, or would Susan or Boo have to do it for you?
LOL…it’s magic… ; )
Thanks to the early-morning brilliance of kansas!
I wouldn’t have thought of it until too late….
(if at all)
(funny — kansas got caught by the spell check)
Well, somebody needs to check her. She put an apostrophe in the possessive “its” below. Shame and scandal in the family.
I deleted the old one — now there’s no proof that it ever happened.
And if asked, I’ll deny it!
hmmmm,,you might be eligible for a political office…LMAO
Actually if I was really a politician, I’d find a way to brag about it, while taking no actual responsibility.
Katiebird, where did you twin sister go? I swore I saw her in the other Cafe.
She’s gone poor girl. The first person every banned from the Froggy Bottom Cafe!
The first person every banned from the Froggy Bottom Cafe!
lol! She was a mere shadow of your former self.
If anyone wants to join me — I’m going to stomp around the middle-level of Metcalf South.
And then go to the Jones Store.
Our first book, by a bare majority, will be BAYOU FAREWELL by Mike Tidwell. If you’re going to buy a copy, please use the links on this site so it will benefit BooMan Tribune.
The day of the week for our discussion will be Saturday, according to our vote. (It’ll be it’s own diary.)
We weren’t real clear about how often we want to do it, so I think we should go for the once a month for now.
Allowing time for ordering, delivering, reading, is Sept. 24 too soon??
Let’s figure out a name for it later. I don’t know about you guys, but I don’t have the energy for it now.
I think we all need to devote some time to the outdoors (hike, bike, something!) this weekend so we can re-charge a little. I got away from anything Katrina-related for a few hours last night, and I’m feeling much better this morning. Although I kept dreaming about rising water last night. Ugh.
Yup, outdoors, away from the TV, away from the computer, sounds like a great idea. Going to do that myself… in fact, gotta go. Have a happy, all… catch up later!!
Ah, my post below was done before I saw this post…so never mind. I think Sept 24 is a great day to begin.
Anyone come up with a name yet? I can’t wait to start.
September 24 this the day of the DC march. I’m thinking we need to start a week later, as many of us are going there. What do you think?
Slaps forehead. Thank you, CG!
Okay, neither of those dates will work, and I’m not going to be around the first weekend in Oct. or the weekend of Oct 15.
So we’re now looking at Oct. 22.
OK by me, although the weekend after would be OK, too. Just ordered it (along with a few used math books . . . free shipping for orders over $50, y’know) . . . and then realized too late that, of course, free shipping might be a little slower. ETA: Sept. 15. But I should be OK for the 24th.
Dang — I just placed an order last night for 2 books. I didn’t realize we had made a decision on the title.
Can you combine orders at Powell’s?
Hi Katiebird, As excited as I am about the Photography Fair, this past week I’ve not been able to tear myself away from Katrina long enough to focus on anything else. If you still need any help, just yell. As for the bookclub, I don’t even know which book was decided on or when we’re going to begin, everything just flew right by me. I do think the bookclub should be seperate from the cafe, with major discussions on Saturdays… more traffic for our beloved Boo. Powell’s was a wonderful addition to the site!
InfidelPig is so right… now is the time. We have to go right on pointing out the horrors of the class war waged by the Republican party. We need to pound on the systemic incompetent behemoth our government has become under Bush. We need to scream and holler and point at the cronyism when they attempt to give Halliburton another no bid contract for Katrina aftermath (oh, I think that is likely). See? I can’t even walk in the cafe door for two minutes and my mind and heart is on the Gulf coast.
Hi Nag!
Unless there is a huge outcry today, I think the decision is to postpone the Froggy Bottom Photograpy Fair. It just doesn’t feel right to make that a priority this week (and it would have to become that for at least several of us).
I’d like to do it October 8 & 9, what does everyone think? I’m hoping we can switch the graphic on the ad once we make a decision.
Please, please both photographers and not-photographers, let us know what you think!
I think that’s an excellent idea… to postpone it. Oct 8&9 sounds great. People will be better able to focus by then.
That sounds great. If you do it that weekend, then Sept. 24 should be our book club date.
Insert expletives here. Powell’s is currently claiming they have never heard of the book! Even though it’s pictured on this page. If they keep saying that all day, I’ll contact them.
More expletives.
CabinGirl reminded me that sept 24 is the March.
Oct. 22? (I can’t do it earlier)
I am off to the beach for a weekend with no TV or cellphone. I have mixed feelings about that…I haven’t been able to tear myself away from Katrina coverage, but I think I need to for a day or two.
Here’s my whole crew during a sudden storm

Here’s me spending quality feet-on-the-railing time

Hope you all have a peaceful weekend. Enjoy your families. Remember: breathe.
Cheers, Laura
Lovely, lovely. Have a wonderful weekend!
Your family is beautiful. And I wish I was going to the beach with you…sigh!
The wind was blowing about 35mph when this shot was taken, so there was sand pelting us like needles.
I wish you guys could join me there too. I would really love if we could arrange a meetup sometime…sigh
as i told ejmw on the phone last night — please enjoy the vacation that you have worked you ass off for — the world will still be just as fucked up when you get back.
Hold those beuatiful people close and come back strong. There is much to do and we all need our strength.
I am hyperventilating after watching the Fox video and I am going to go finish cleaning my ‘fridge — it will be the cleanest its been since it came off the store floor.
Sanity in scrubbing.
Safe travels and fortunes blessings go with you and yours.
I’m off now…thanks brin. I just watched the Fox video. Shep was amazing and disgusted with Hannity. I wouldn’t be surprised to see him leave Fox.
Have a peaceful weekend all.
Sanity in scrubbing…
Everyone here has spent the morning scrubbing, lawn mowing, weed whacking, dishwashing…whirling dervishes we are! When times get tough, clean and organize.
The fox video made me want to scream too.
groceries away right now — I’m breathing a bit better but I still haven’t stopped shaking…
We are having a few people over this afternoon/evening for a barbeque (the spouse’s idea, we’re going to eat and play cards he said, more on how I feel about his reaction to all of this later) — I keep telling myself, don’t judge, don’t get hysterical if they seem to not care, not want to talk about it, just try to enjoy and afternoon and don’t judge them, just enjoy them….it is very hard, but I will do it. even if I have to take break to come here and vent…wish me luck.
Wow, What did I miss?
We were all doing a little bit of stress-relief, homekeeping style!
And now I have to go pull my broccoli chicken casserole out of the oven! 🙂
I will have some free tea, if you don’t mind.
Gee you early birds have all the fun it seems, by the time I get here the place is empty.
Hi everyone, good morning, just getting up and tuning in and trying to catch up.
Katiebird, how are you, still blogging from your patio, which looks very pleasant by the way.
For the bookclub (Kansas I think you are doing that,right), you might want to schedule that for end of Oct. rather than beginning. Time to order, get books, read, and I for one am pretty distracted by the “situation” in NO.
On FOX their helicopter just flew over a family in NO playing in an inflated pool in their back yard.
It is WEIRD. The pool is surrounded by flood water — but it looks like they somehow cleaned the water in the pool itself.
They’re playing with noodles and jumping off the porch into it.
Just like any Saturday afternoon. Mother, Father and little kids.
In the middle of a flood.
They keep coming back to it & the Family waves every time.
Strange site to see, but I am thinking they are in the pool to keep cool. Strange, very.
Well, maybe to keep cool. But they were playing. Kids laughing and playing with their parents. With pool toys.
It looked like fun more than therapy. Of course fun can be therapy.
But, I saw it as an example of the indomitable human spirit.
Yes I think you are right!
It would help to try to turn it into play for the sake of your children. I would sure like to hear an interview with the family when they get rescued. When do you think that will be, btw. I don’t know how they could be so calm or at least have the appearance of that with all that they must have been through.
R&R today. No cable in this house, just a funky old portable TV that we haul out of a closet every once in a while. I couldn’t watch. Just couldn’t. Read the updates from NOLA and then figured I shouldn’t take up bandwidth when someone who might need it more could log on.
A friend at work with family near NO didn’t hear anything until Thursday night. Family couldn’t leave because one is disabled. They rode out the storm, the house OK, but running out of food and water. Trees down all over, no way to drive in, no gas, no relief in sight.
Other friends reporting family OK but homes gone. Some in Texas now, and other places far from their ruined homes.
So today I pick tomatoes and apples, put up chutney and freeze gallons of tomatoes. In between rake the yard and deadhead dahlias, wash windows, sweep the porches.
We display a small American flag on the front porch. For one brief moment today I thought about taking it down. But I couldn’t, because while I am past disgusted with this administration I still believe in the goodness of the American people. All of the people there, who helped or tried to help and were turned away, all of those who are forming relief caravans, who are volunteering at the shelters, who are taking people in, who are organizing, who are filling the vacuum. Here, thousands of miles from the disaster zone, people are starting to organize. We’ll participate any way we can. We have to, because even though our government has failed us we understand that these people are our families, these lives are our lives and all of us are our country.
You said that well Bwren. We have now found out that our government cannot protect us or help us when the need comes so we have to do it ourselves, one by one, neighborhood by neighborhood.
All areas of this country will be affected by this, and I expect survivors to be sent to many states so maybe now we can begin to prepare for that to come and we will all be able to help in a more direct way in days/months/years ahead!
May this help everyone find some solace and hope:

Night all, be well…
Gorgeous sunset…I’ve been having Boulder cravings lately…
Thank you!