[From the diaries by susanhu, with addition below.] After Hastert’s insensitive comments about bulldozing NO, he failed to show up to vote on the $10.5B aid package. Instead he was off to another of those incessant Repub events — fundraising. Then he took the afternoon off to look at antique cars I believe. MoveOn or Louis Slaughter, where are you for one of those petitions for the man to GO! Don’t go away mad and don’t let the door hit you on the butt. Just GO.
(From WaPo: “Hastert Tries Damage Control.”)

In Syracuse, N.Y., former president Bill Clinton was discussing New Orleans’s dilemma when someone described the speaker’s comments. Had they been in the same place when the remarks were made, Clinton said, “I’m afraid I would have assaulted him.” — Same WaPo Story (Thanks to BooMan for e-mailing Clinton’s comment to me.)