[From the diaries by susanhu, with addition below.] After Hastert’s insensitive comments about bulldozing NO, he failed to show up to vote on the $10.5B aid package. Instead he was off to another of those incessant Repub events — fundraising. Then he took the afternoon off to look at antique cars I believe. MoveOn or Louis Slaughter, where are you for one of those petitions for the man to GO! Don’t go away mad and don’t let the door hit you on the butt. Just GO.
(From WaPo: “Hastert Tries Damage Control.”)
In Syracuse, N.Y., former president Bill Clinton was discussing New Orleans’s dilemma when someone described the speaker’s comments. Had they been in the same place when the remarks were made, Clinton said, “I’m afraid I would have assaulted him.” — Same WaPo Story (Thanks to BooMan for e-mailing Clinton’s comment to me.)
Operation Clean Sweep in in the house.
Hastert has no power in the House. He’s a puppet, like Bush.
Get this straight:
Cheney is the President.
DeLay runs the House.
And if I had been in the same room with Hastert when he spoke those words, I would have punched him, too…but I’m not “afraid” I would have done it.
Besides, I hear the food is very, very good in Guantanamo Bay, and I love tropical weather.
that chickenshit chickenhawk is hiding is some undisclosed area, sipping martini’s and eating caviar, while American citizens die in the most horrendous disaster to strike America in decades.
These foul and despicable animals must be rooted out and dispossessed of their power to destroy america.
Everyone I have spoken with in my small town, with the exceptions of those wingnuts who view this as God’s punishment for the wickedness of NO, are disgusted with the trivialization of those people left in NO and watching them suffer and die has incensend many moderate republicans in my town.
Here is hoping that 2006 midterms finds the neocons on the ropes and the pseudo leadership of the criminals up on charges and imprisoned in Gitmo for a few hundred years.
with the exceptions of those wingnuts who view this as God’s punishment for the wickedness of NO
I wonder how those wingnuts square their wrath of God view with the annihilation of Gulfport, which is hardly known as a hotbed of godless hedonism.
One could just as easily view this as God’s way of revealing the wingnuts for the useless robber barons that they are, though personally, I attribute Katrina to atmospheric thermodynamics, which are not known for their intentional behavior. But I’m just post-medieval that way.
If I were going to ascribe divine purpose to this disaster, I would ascribe it the same purpose that every disaster, man-made or natural, seems to have: it’s an opportunity for those of us who are still among the living to remember what is important, and that is our duty to receive our fellow men with love and compassion. I expect that interpretation will be lost on the wrath of God crowd.
Hastert’s main concern these days must be the revelations that FBI tapes indicate he has been in the pay of a foreign government.
The Bush League had already been distracted by a flood of reality flattening their cheap western movie set. The Islamic Protectorate of Iraq. The gathering voltage of lighting from the Plame investigation. The rebellion among their unpaid supporters.
When the Mississippi River flooded in 1993, I visited friends in Washington, DC. While I was visiting, I happened to see some coverage of the House of Reps. A Rep from Arizona was ranting about how people around St. Louis didn’t deserve any Federal money. Someone from Florida was saying the same stuff.
I’ve never, never forgotten this, and I’ve never given money to support anything in either of those states. It shames me to see a representative of my state behaving so callously. The next time the Mississippi floods or Chicago is devastated by a blizzard, how many people won’t give to help us because Hastert is an asshole??
I’m ashamed of him, and if Illinois Dems have any brains at all, he’ll have a good challenger in 08, with unlimited money and lots of ads about this.
Anyone know what they’re saying about this scuzzwort? Talk radio? Diner/coffee shop gossip? What’s the local buzz?
Frankly, I’d be real curious (all you church-goers out there) what the sermons from the pulpits are about this Sunday.
Scuuzzwort?? That is the funniest insult I have heard since turdflake!!
Just in case you didn’t catch correct spelling:
sorry -I made a typing error-It’s a habit of mine!
You can take the first gut shot…
Naw, fair fight. Hassert may have a slight weight advantage, but Clinton has a sneaky left.
I’d been waiting a long fucking time to here Bill say something like that.