It’s no secret I’m not a fan of Wisconsin’s senior Senator, I’ve even filed a Declaration of Candiacy to run against him. but when he gets it right, as in his release today, I’ll give him full credit.

Is this impeachment talk?

Keep it up, Herb, and I’ll drop out.

Sen. Kohl’s remarks on the Federal response to Katrina below the fold. Emphasis mine.

“Like anyone who has heard of the horrific destruction in New Orleans and the gulf coast region and of the deteriorating and dangerous conditions of the hundreds of thousands of refugees, I am stunned and sickened that such a scene could unfold in the United States. Reports of an uncoordinated, insufficient, and often completely absent federal response has compounded the national tragedy.

Officials at highest levels of government will have to answer to how this could happen in a country as rich and supposedly well prepared for disaster as the United States. Those questions will be asked — and there will be accountability — but, right now, the focus must remain on saving lives and housing refugees in sanitary, humane conditions.”