How do you spell the end of this lying administration?

Try Cindy, Valerie and Katrina.

Bush had assumed that the invocation of terror as a political weapon against his enemies would cow them.He was right until a meek looking, but inwardly strong mother stepped forward to ask him a simple question.Like the coward that he is, he ran and hid behind his courtiers.

He did the same thing when he unleashed his dogs to tar and smear Ambassador Wilson and tried to intimidate him by disclosing his wife’s name to the Press.

Now, as his acts of commission and omission have resulted in the deaths of thousands of innocent people in New Orleans just as his actions did in Iraq,his bills are coming due.

It is now, as Paul Krugman, predicted three years ago, our Collective Moment of Revulsion, equivalent to the question Mr.Welch asked Joe McCarthy ” Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last?”

I see the denouement of this story will be in the hands of Special Prosecutor, Patrick Fitzgerald.Bush has left a rich trail of misdeeds behind him, far worse than Nixon.His rats will now be looking for ways to leave the sinking ship.

Lucky Colin.Got out in time.