How fitting that this false President, this false prophet, this man who ran as a God on Earth be undone by what he claims his whole life is:

An Act of God.

This is Bush’s waterloo: his massive spending on the DHS is exposed as an ineffective fraud. His complete lack of understanding of the plight of the poor and destitute is there for the world to see. His lack of investment in our nation’s future, our infrastructure, has become the worst case scenario. His greed and fear have emptied our nations coffers and tied it’s hands with wars of choice and wasteful hand outs.

If their immediate, operational response to 9/11 is any indication of the Administration’s mindset, then there likely WAS a rapid, massive response to the hurricane’s devastation.

After 9/11, Bush ordered the Coast Guard off of normal coastal patrols, out of the ports and cities and into expensive (to us) security duty for oil companies’ tankers.  This exposed a real problem with his Administration: they value the produce of their transnational corporate masters more than the people who consume it or for that matter, national security on an immediate level.

I bet there was an almost immediate response to Katrina. Only problem is that response wasn’t in NOLA.  It was..

It was offshore: the oil and gas platforms and pipelines.

It is totally consistent with the Asswipe’s thinking to protect those above all else. These same oil and gas fields that so degraded the delta and marshland environment of the Gulf Coast that the once ample buffer was disappearing at the rate of one Manhattan Island’s worth every year in the NOLA area.

I wonder if it is even possible to find out when the first ‘rescue’ teams were out there in the gulf, guarding the derricks, how quickly that reconstruction will commence (versus the city’s) and how quickly those private losses will be shifted to taxpayers while the Oil companies charge $5/gallon in at Atlanta (crying their Walrus and the Carpenter tears).

Has the contract with Halliburton to rebuild the oil and gas fields already been signed without open bidding?  I wonder when contract one will be signed to rebuild NOLA. I wonder if they’ve even thought about that beyond an Iraq-esque, “We’ll cross that bridge..”


People are kicking the Dems for not coming out more Left and having stronger leadership. I disagree. This ‘give them enough rope’ strategy is working pretty well. And there are indeed strong leaders in the party. Those leaders are us, the rank and file. That is what makes the Dems great, or at least the lesser evil in this mess we call home. If the people drag them left, then the Dems will move left or be left behind. It is time to stand up to those who lie about the destruction they cause. It’s time to go back to those who lie about the destruction they’ve prevented. At least their hearts are in the right place. Go Dems.

‘If you plant ice, you’re gonna harvest wind.’ – JG