Two of my sons and us are headed for Mississippi. The damage is too extensive along the Coast and dangerous for us to deal with but the damage from the storm goes far inland and people are hurting. We’ll have chain saws, a trailer of equipment, a generator, etc. People need basic repair help to get back into their houses. If we could fund it all ourselves we would but we don’t so if someone has insurance we’ll bill, if not we’ll just do it.

Here’s where the help part comes in. Near as we can tell the Meridian to Hattiesburg, MS area is pretty hard hit without much in support services available. We’re going to need a garage or similar to store plywood, equipment, etc. We could also use an apartment we could rent for a month or so or a lead on a place to stay. We’re taking tents and are ready for most anything tho…..More
Besides the above if you have sites of the storm’s path, blog reports from the ground in that area (NOT the coast), any local contacts to share, please let me know. I leave later today or early tomorrow so respond quickly please. If you’re in the area described (Meridian-Hattiesburg) that would be most helpful to get direct info on conditions. Thanks…oh and for those who say Dems have no family values, I’m twice divorced and technically this is my son and step-son. Values are values. I’m proud they care enough to even try this.

This also means I’ll be offline for a while. I’ve appreciatedthe opportunity to participate in the frog pond and will see you on the flip side. I probably won;t be able to respond to a lot of questions, sorry..too much to do but solid leads would be awesome.