I have just completed my second day as a volunteer chaplain at the Austin Convention Center. I have met the most incredible people with indomitable spirits.
I can add to the items which are needed the following:
1. Reading Material, especially large print and other senior adult reading material. Even old magazines are appreciated, especially national geographic, music industry publications, Austin or Texas Magazines, and general fiction. The adults need diversion, and all that is available are large screen TV’s which are tuned to news channels. Religious services and child care provide some diversion, and many are beginning to get their bearings and walk around downtown, but reading material is a plus.
- Underwear.
- Children’s books and simple toys. There are far more children than I expected. Four huge rooms in the convention center are filled with people. There are also an extraordinary number of single men, who fill one large room. Many of these men remained behind while getting their families to safety and are anxious to hear from families.
- Large Size Women’s clothing. Many people have donated clothing but women who need larger sizes have been underserved. I am thinking of one woman in particular who still remains in the clothes on which she camped on the remnants of I-10. I am taking her some men’s tshirt’s in the morning, but she is only one of several.
- Fun. We need some outdoor downtown concerts or some such thing soon.
- Jobs are a critical issue for many people. Most of the men and women whom I have met are proud to be workers, and anxious over accepting government unemployment benefits. There will be a critical need for creative employment counseling soon.
Most of the people who are in Austin were in the Convention Center in New Orleans. Many others were sleeping on the concrete on I 10. Most came here by commercial airliner, some by military aircraft.
The Austin Police and Firefighters have been awesome.
Saw Mark Strama with Will Wynn and Lee Leffingwell as I was leaving. Mark immediately set about arranging a concert.
Here are a few stories:
A most amazing day. The situation in Austin is nothing like it is in Houston, I am sure, but the need for the people with whom I interacted simply to have their basic human dignity returned to them is intense. Everyone is missing someone close to him or her and has no idea how to find the person or if he or she can indeed be found. The loss is staggering, but the spark of human spirit is impressive. I am overwhelmed by a 19 year old pastry chef who waded through water to insure his wheelchair bound grandmother could have transport and that she could live. 7 family members are here, but his own mother, father, brother and sister are missing. His smile is still strong and his spirit unbroken as he talks of finding work, shuffling through his backpack to show me the two books he managed to save from the flood. We talked of my time as a cook during college and law school and what it means to grill a steak Pittsburgh rare for a picky customer on a busy Saturday night. He had saved the tools of his trade, but had to surrender them when transport was arranged by commercial airliner and he could not board with his grandmother and maintain his culinary knives. His grandmother spoke of her church, her pastor, and how she served food to so many in the Church. I affirmed her years of ministry and told her it was time to rest and let others return to her the ministry she had provided to so many for years. The family had survived five days living on the remnants of I-10.
Another woman who managed to hold thirteen family members together in the New Orleans Convention Center, and somehow get them all together to Austin, watching her nine year old grandson play and return to childhood.
A man who operated machinery to fill soft drink bottles, waiting on his first shower in six days and watching his wife sleep and rest at last on the adjacent cot. Wondering when he will work again, when he will again be a provider, but holding his head high.
So many kind words for the people of Austin, who lined the streets and waved as buses brought these folk from the airport.
Do you have an address?
The donation point is Freescale at 3501 Ed Bluestein Blvd. It closes at 5 pm (as I discovered after 5 pm today). The Austin Helping New Orleans website adds this about donating:
Take a look here for photos by Adastra of the donations coming in at the Freescale dropoff site.
Does the above answer your question, or do you need more info?
I’m in Kansas City and will put a package or two together to send downstairs.
I know you do 😉
Found this on the Austin Helping New Orleans site that roses linked above.
adastra, my ex, and I are going down to the Red Cross offices tomorrow to volunteer. Those of us in Austin and other places where the evacuees are arriving can be there in person. For those of you farther away frustrated because you want to pitch in, maybe this computer project is something you’d like to do.
From another source tonight, here’s an update on that project:
You people who want to do this – get on this list so you can exercise those fingers as soon as they’re ready for you!
Nag has a diary up about this. I checked the Wiki link and it looks like they’re back up and running this morning.
Recommend Nag’s diary to get the word out!
Awesome. A terribly overused word but sometimes… still appropriate.
Used clothing can be taken to any Goodwill donation center– just mention it is for the hurricane victims.
Seton hospitals are collecting food and water– drop off at the hospital cafeteria (Seton Medical Center, Seton Northwest, Seton Southwest, etc.).
Capital Area Foodbank is collecting food and water– check their site for details on the specific items needed, as well as more donation sites.
We have a local group of Austin dKos and Booman Trib members that gets together about once a month. We’ve worked on some various projects together, and we’re doing some specific things related to Katrina relief. Let me know if you’re interested. Our (unfortunately non-Scoop) blog is here–lots of recent posts related to our most recent Katrina/Camp Casey III effort.
I was out at the Freescale parking garage yesterday and today. Yesterday– steady stream of cars, large piles of clothing, bedding, etc. Today– miles of cars lined up, four unloading areas running nonstop, 40 cars every 2-3 minutes, ALL DAY FROM 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
All hands on deck– workers needed tomorrow starting at 8:00 a.m. (center opens at 9:00, lots of preliminary work to be done).
By the way, Costco is all sold out of bottled water, peanut butter, and Vienna sausages– everyone has been buying things to donate.
I can verify this. We went to CostCo and there were lots of people filling up carts with things to donate. Also at WalMart (I know . . . but I couldn’t find an air mattress at CostCo, and that’s one of the things desperately needed right now). The line of cars at Freescale was awesome – it took us an hour to get to the drop-off point, which was very well-organized. One young woman who was helping me unload my trunk said, “Love your bumper stickers!” (That would be, “Proud Liberal” and “Left has never been so right”).
Watching local news right now – they just said the line at Freescale was 2 and a half miles long.
More good news – the city is already at work finding apts to get people out of the convention center and into “real housing.” All counties in Texas have been declared a disaster area, so federal funds will pay for this.
Oh my “Angel of Mercy” is still out doing good. You amaze me at every turn J. Miss you. Will email soon my friend.
Donation centre yesterday was fabulous. Very well organized – I couldn’t volunteer yesterday because of my kids but when they’re in school tomorrow I’m going back down to see how to help.
Looking for kids stuff – may hit Costco on the way down for craft stuff for the kids.
Where’s your tip jar, so I can express my appreciation?
You Austinites are awesome! I am in the process of sorting and sending womens clothing Lg/XL, bedding and towels etc. I also will be gathering toys/ girls clothing from my daughter in law. I just have to share how proud I am of my eight year old grand daughter. All on her own she told my son that she wanted to take $50 out of her savings account(birthday money etc.) and send it to the Redcross. Love that girl!
Harry, the New Orleans pastor who stayed with his flock in the New Orleans Convention Center, slowly letting go of his shock and grief as we drove from the Austin Convention Center to a local Austin Church Sunday Morning so he could repair his spirit and return to ministering to to those with whom he he staying at the Austin shelter. This extraordinary man overwhelmed but refusing to give in, caring for the sick, the elderly, the dying, the dead, the children – staring death and collapse in the face and somehow finding his humor and his song, greeting members of other New Orleans churches as we walk back through the Convention Center, affirming life, offering a prayer, a connection to a way of life gone for good, by sharing Stories of the New Orleans that was while he ministers to the Diaspora.
Troy, the former marine, who never got the name of the 16 year old boy who swan 8 blocks to bring a flat bottom boat back to the roof top where he sat watch with three elderly New Orleans folk and his girl friend. Troy tells me how the young of New Orleans helped the elderly, how they retained the lessons of civilization itself by passing the elderly and the infirm forward in the lines for the exodus. His smile when he realized he and his girl could stroll down Sixth Street and breathe and let in some life. The smile on his girlfriend’s face when I gave her a copy of the United States Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, which she clutched to her heart as she held hands with the elderly woman, unknown to her and Troy before the flood, with whom they they survived and who now is their family. She knows she belongs to America, and yearns to reclaim her inalienable right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
Shirley, keeping a silent vigil in her wheel chair, awaiting word from her daughter, describing the okra gumbo she left in her freezer and wondering when and where she will cook again, but knowing she will.
Karen, who arrived with 7 family members form Baton Rouge to join the family of 13 which had made it to Austin the night before. She is a preschool teacher, and accepts a copy of the Wizard of Oz which she will read to the children gathered about her. Where will she teach? Wherever she is, she will teach, she will contribute, she will move the human race forward. She smiles as she realizes her son may be able to play sports in a Texas school this fall. She encourages her mother to rest, she chats with her sister. She holds her head high and embraces life.
The worshippers at the impromptu service, singing again, connecting with their God, with each other, and with Austin at a service led by an Austin Police Chaplain, who reminds of the Covenant of the Rainbow, the symbol of hope after the flood.
The children of New Orleans, playing again at last, laughing, going about the business of childhood, coloring and playing childhood games, tossing toy footballs, running in the aisles and getting in the way, laughing, connecting, socializing, providing the connection among the families, and the assurance of a future and a hope.
The governor of Texas worries that his state may not be able to take many more evacuees from Hurricane Katrina. Governor Rick Perry says Texas is committed to doing everything it can to help, but wants to be sure it can provide the services needed, including medical care and education. Perry says local officials “are beginning to notify us that they are quickly approaching capacity.” Louisiana and the FEMA. have been alerted.
Texas has taken in over 220,000 evacuees, with more on the way. Nearly 19,000 are in the Houston Astrodome. Over 120,000 are in 97 shelters in Houston, Dallas, San Antonio, and dozens of smaller cities. Another 100,000 are in hotels and motels, with still more in churches or private homes.
KSLA News12 – Inside NOLA Superdome
VIDEO News – Unedited Report from Inside New Orleans:
We will bring toys on the 27th when we arrive for my son’s surgery. He has so many toys. I have such a heavy heart. Hopefully some new toys will spark things up a bit after the first toys lose their luster.
the Austin Kos blog. Othniel hasn’t had time to update it here yet today, but he asked me to circulate his update.
I see that he posted the addition above!