Unlike 9-11, there is a clear documentary track record that the Bush Administration can’t run from. After reading major portions of the National Response Plan (NRP), I am beyond outraged. I believe there are grounds charges of criminal negligence being brought against US Government officials. This is not partisan bashing. There are people who are dead who could have and should have been saved. The responsibility for not responding quick enough clearly lies with the Feds. Those ain’t my words, it is their own damn plan.
by Larry C. Johnson
The provocative title is intentional. Why did the Bush Administration fail to act according to the National Response Plan they created in December of 2004 to deal with an incident like Katrina?
What do you do when the words on the paper don’t match the action in the field? People are dying today in New Orleans and who died because of the failure to provide immediate aid are dead in part because of the negligence of Michael Chertoff. That is a harsh judgment, but if you will take time to read the National Response Plan that was signed into effect in December of 2004 there is no other reasonable conclusion.
The current effort by the Bush Administration to blame the victims in Louisiana and Mississippi is bad enough, but they are in big trouble once Americans take the time to understand that they the Administration ignored it’s own plan for dealing with a threat like Katrina. Why did they fail to implement the plan until it was too late to save lives along the Gulf Coast?
Don’t take my word for it, read the plan yourself. You can download it at NRP Base Plan (PDF).
The National Response Plan was accepted and implemented by Bush Administration in December 2004. According to the PREFACE, President Bush, “directed the development of a new National Response Plan (NRP) to align Federal coordination structures, capabilities, and resources into a unified, all discipline, and all-hazards approach to domestic incident management. . . .The end result is vastly improved coordination among Federal, State, local, and tribal organizations to help save lives and protect America’s communities by increasing the speed, effectiveness, and efficiency of incident management.”
Efforts by Chertoff and other Administration spinmeisters to pin the blame on the delayed response on State and local authorities does not hold water. Although the NRP recognizes that State and local authorities have a responsibility to ask for help, the NRP correctly provides a provision to take proactive steps to deal with a threat. On page 43 of the NRP the section is titled, “Proactive Federal Response to Catastrophic Events” (which I have copied and pasted below):
The NRP establishes policies, procedures, and mechanisms for proactive Federal response to catastrophic events. A catastrophic event is any natural or manmade incident, including terrorism, that results in extraordinary levels of mass casualties, damage, or disruption severely affecting the population, infrastructure, environment, economy, national morale, and/or government functions. A catastrophic event could result in sustained national impacts over a prolonged period of time; almost immediately exceeds resources normally available to State, local, tribal, and private-sector authorities in the impacted area; and significantly interrupts governmental operations and emergency services to such an extent that national security could be threatened. All catastrophic events are Incidents of National Significance. Agencies responsible for these assets will keep DHS apprised, through the HSOC, of their ongoing status and location until the JFO is established. Upon arrival at the scene, Federal assets will coordinate with the Unified Command, the SFLEO, and the JFO (or its forward elements) when established. Demobilization processes, including full coordination with the JFO Coordination Group, are initiated either when the mission is completed or when it is determined the magnitude of the event does not warrant continued use of the asset.
Implementation of Proactive Federal Response Protocols
Protocols for proactive Federal response are most likely to be implemented for catastrophic events involving chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, or high-yield explosive weapons of mass destruction, or large magnitude earthquakes or other natural or technological disasters in or near heavily populated areas.
Guiding Principles for Proactive Federal Response
Guiding principles for proactive Federal response include the following:
catastrophic magnitude.
Implementation Mechanisms for Proactive
Federal Response to Catastrophic Events
The NRP Catastrophic Incident Supplement (described in the Catastrophic Incident Annex) addresses resource and procedural implications of catastrophic events to ensure the rapid and efficient delivery of resources and assets, including special teams, equipment, and supplies that provide critical lifesaving support and incident containment capabilities. These assets may be so specialized or costly that they are either not available or are in insufficient quantities in most localities.
The procedures outlined in the NRP Catastrophic Incident Supplement are based on the following:
While the Bush Administration is to be commended for coming up with a plan for dealing with terrorism and large scale disasters, it must be condemned for its abject failure to implement the NRP. And, specific heads must roll, starting with Michael Chertoff and the head of FEMA.
Personal Blog: No Quarter || Bio
Knowing the complete failure of this administration to take responsibility for anything, it seems that there is some wishy-washy language in there that allows for gaping loopholes legally. I doubt very much they can or will be held to account once their pitbull lawyers get on the case.
Yes, thank you for finding the legislation that I knew existed which lay the blame directly back on the feet of the Feds.
Which is not just the rightful heads of FEMA and HS, but with the man who appointed those unqualified idiots and who stood by and commended them while New Orleaners continued to suffer and die… George W. Bush.
They are all to blame and there own Plan tells us so.
I used up my one diary today at Daily Kos.
If any of you haven’t used yours, please take this and run with it over there …
and think of including Patrick Lang’s material below, which is also a contribution from a longtime INTEL expert.
Here ’tis:
appreciate any recommends to give it some legs.
P.S. Add descriptive bio info on Larry .. not everyone knows who he is. Something like “former CIA/State Dept. intelligence analyst and now a counterterrorism expert to the nation’s special forces units …”
And a link to his blog + bio ?
(don’t you love it when people post that it’s already posted at TPMCafe… soooo?)
just added your line ~ I’ll add his bio in a sec.
also posted the same one over at MLW, so I’ll add this info there too.
Also recommended!
Hopefully, you’ll get to be a centipede!
Chertoff and Brown must resign immediately no question. We will not lose a step since they obviously have become a hindrance to our response to this disaster. Please step aside you are killing people.
Extremely important. Thank you for researching and posting this.
Isn’t it amazing that Larry, our dear friend here now is telling the public these things but not one Dem. has come forward with this information? Thank you Larry for helping us to become and remain better informed citizens.
to the ears of the American public, Mr. Johnson.
Oh, may it be so!
I do not know if I’ve ever been so angry, so disillusioned, so filled with helpless rage.
There is no doubt that a number of people dropped the ball here, and now people are dead!
No, we will most certainly not forget.
Thanks so much for getting this out, I’ve been dropping this link everywhere, trying to get someone’s attention. Bush even announced that DHS and FEMA were in charge on Saturday, retro dated to Friday. I couldn’t believe the lack of organization and backtracked to find out who actually was in charge and who was in the chain of command. Clearly, this is criminal negligence, I’d be happy to contribute to someone willing to bring charges. The Fed was in command, they knew it, and they stalled for days after, allowing untold numbers to die agonizing deaths. I want them to pay for it.
From NRO Corner:
From the BBC.
An e-mail:
If Bush was a dictator he could have FORCED residents to evacuate at gunpoint. He would be giving orders to the Governor, not requests. It may come as news to the moveon.org crowd, but BUSH IS NOT A DICTATOR!
Gee… It’s so absurd. How hard did Gov. Blanco have to ASK the prez to provide adequate resourses?
As long as W. is not a dictor, he plays a fool. Two years later, he will say: “Folks, I’m just starting have fun. Let me be your dictator.” Can’t it work?
This is very interesting material. Suddenly one gets the feeling these kids in the WH are just playing around with us citizens. MMMMMMMM now what do we do? Will someone in the congress get a set of them things and give the WH hell? Sure wished they will after all this that has gone down. This information just sealed it for me with their attitude. We need a whole new administration period.
Brenda, I’m posting this because you are a nurse:
Volunteer Site for health professionals
— if anyone else knows other health professionals, or can think of a good place to post this, please do. thanks.
I just want to thank you and Col. Lang once again for stepping up and speaking out. You two add a great deal of experience and knowledge to back up and fill out what so many of us know in our guts and our ability to read between the lines… or in this case and some others… the bald face lies that are proven right in front of our faces.
I am glad you and the others are on our side. Together we will reclaim America and it’s promise.
Very good commentary yesterday by E&P editor Greg Mitchell titled “My Pet Goat-the Sequel”; characterizing the Bush regime’s conduct as Dereliction of Duty.
And another report from E&P that Brown and Chertoff were briefed on the hurricane’s strength before it made landfall.
No excuses for them. None. Nada. Zip.
Now we’ll see if the wingnut slime and propaganda machine goes after Max Mayfield.
If a disaster of this magnitude is addressed in a timely fashion, with the resources needed, then there would be thousands more to care for, thousands more requiring federal funds to care for.
I am beginning to realize that this may be deliberate genocide.
I have a new diary posted in which I note that they are ordering everyone out by bullhorn and guns, even those who don’t want to evacuate the city, those who might help with rebuilding.
This will mean the elimination of citizen observers while the bodies are being “counted”, or destroyed.
We may never know the true tally of dead in this storm, and they may not want us to know.
I’ve been wondering half the day about what a disaster and the dislocation of so many residents could mean in reference to the new ruling by the supreme court on emminent domain? Wasn’t the ruling something to the effect that an individual can’t stand in the way of community progress, etc. Scary thought when you think about it on this level…I’m probably just paranoid, but then again if you think people are after you and they are, you aren’t really paranoid…
Based on the document highlighted here it is even more evident that Chertoff and Brown must go. It was already clear that they must go based on their inaction (with or without a plan) and their bald faced lies on camera to the America people.
What this document tells me is that they should also be charged in a court of law.
However… it is not limited to them. Dereliction of duty is the crime that requires the resignations of george bush and dick cheney… as well as Andy Card and Condi Rice.
I knew before I went to bed Sunday night that this was going to be a serious, serious life taking, infrastructure damaging storm. I stated so on Blog For America and I think on either this one or DailyKos. The National Weather Service posted an even more dire warning (part of why I was convinced of the seriousness of the storm).
I went to bed Sunday night, concerned, worried, but confident that the people in charge were on top of the situation. Had I been one of those people responsible I would have gotten some sleep but it most likely would have been on the couch in my office after having spent the day making all preparations for the worst possible scenario.
I would not have spent it on my ranch and then flown west instead of east, to a birthday party, propoganda blitz, and fund raiser, before heading back to the office for the day.
I would not have spent it and the next 5 days fly fishing in an undisclosed location in Wyoming.
I would not have spent it and the next couple days on vacation in New York City buying shoes so expensive noting but Imelda Marcos and Marie Antionette come to mind prior to enjoying a Broadway comedy.
Had I done those things while an entire American city drowned on my watch I would at least have the dignity and honor to resign immediately and hand over the reigns to someone competent.
Then I might well have gone home to commit seppuku.
Last Wednesday Chertoff was asked specifically how the chain of command worked under the National Response Plan.
Under the National Response Plan, all the departments of government play a role in the federal response to a disaster. DHS has the coordinating or the managing role to individual efforts that have to be undertaken — public health efforts, transportation efforts, energy efforts are led by the individual departments of the federal government that have expertise in that area.
So it’s a team effort. And like any team, everybody has a position to play, and the head of the team is the President. And the President has, of course, the ultimate responsibility for all of the federal effort here. I can tell you the President is very deeply and personally involved in the details of what we’re doing. We’re going to be meeting with him later today. And, of course, again, I want to emphasize, the federal government does not supersede the state and local government, we fit with the state and local government in a comprehensive, response plan.”
[emphasis mine]
All the lying the man did this week is breathtaking. I love how he pushes blame on the state and local authorities when a storm “of this kind” hits. Seems as if a storm “of this kind” is exactly the kind where the fed is OBLIGED to take charge proactively. Now I know why they threw that word proactive around all week… what they did do was anything but proactive. They were covering their asses. “The president has ultimate responsibility for all of the Federal effort here.” Oh yeah. No wiggle room this time.
(pictures are links)
Josh at TPM points out that the same bullshit story that appeared briefly in WaPo, about how Blanco supposedly didn’t declare a state of emergency in a timely manner, is now appearing in newsweek:
Let’s squash this meme, folks!
No humanity for the innocent – just collateral damage – the dead need not be counted. The poor and elderly of NOLA have no homes, who will miss them, who will collect their body when they pass away?
New Orleans Left to the Dead and Dying
Hurricane Katrina victims rest as they wait for evacuation at Algier's Point in New Orleans, La. AP Photo/Rick Bowmer
NEW ORLEANS AP – 1 minute ago — Thousands more bedraggled refugees were bused and airlifted to salvation, leaving the heart of New Orleans to the dead and dying, the elderly and frail stranded too many days without food, water or medical care.
No one knows how many were killed by Hurricane Katrina’s floods and how many more succumbed waiting to be rescued. But the bodies are everywhere: hidden in attics, floating among the ruined city, crumpled on wheelchairs, abandoned on highways.
And the dying goes on — at the convention center and an airport triage center, where bodies were kept in a refrigerated truck.
Gov. Kathleen Blanco said that she expected the death toll to reach the thousands. And Craig Vanderwagen, rear admiral of the U.S. Public Health Service, said one morgue alone, at a St. Gabriel prison, expected 1,000 to 2,000 bodies.
[…] Nearby, a woman lay dead in a wheelchair on the front steps. A man was covered in a black drape with a dry line of blood running to the gutter, where it had pooled. Another had lain on a chaise lounge for four days, his stocking feet peeking out from under a quilt.
By mid-afternoon, only pockets of stragglers remained in the streets around the convention center, and New Orleans paramedics began carting away the dead.
A once-vibrant city of 480,000 people, overtaken just days ago by floods, looting, rape and arson, was now an empty, sodden tomb. The exact number of dead won’t be known for some time. Survivors were still being plucked from roofs and shattered highways across the city.
“There are people in apartments and hotels that you didn’t know were there,” Army Brig. Gen. Mark Graham said.
The overwhelming majority of those stranded in the post-Katrina chaos were those without the resources to escape — and, overwhelmingly, they were black.
You believe Bush | Cheney will make an effort to make their true failure known to the nation? Due to Health hazard, damaged blocks of NOLA will be razed to the ground :: Nero loves to see Rome burn.
A U.S. Coast Guard vessel heads south on the Mississippi River past a fire on the east side of New Orleans, La. In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, firefighters say they will let the fire burn itself out. AP Photo/Eric Gay
Thank you for putting this out there — this is EXACTLY what my husband’s uncle, who works in the toxic releases section of the CDC (bet he’s been busy this past week) told me about at a family reunion this past June. I was asking him about what had been done since the anthrax attacks to better coordinate the federal response.
He told me that they had been doing exercises almost non-stop since the plan been put together. In the exercises, he represented the feds and he said that he was continually reminding people (loca, state, etc.) in the exercises that they HAD TO incorporate a federal presense into their plans because THEY WOULD BE THERE NO MATTER WHAT. I was reassured by what he told me because he said that the new way of doing things would streamline the process of resource mobilization, present a clear chain of command and save lives.
Yeah, too bad they didn’t follow thier own plan. And you are right, Larry, this is NOT your middle-level people like my uncle-in-law, this is negligence at the very top.
Now, calling all lawyers, who will write up the charges?? Negligent homicide, manslaughter, crimial neglect — the whole nine yards.
I posted this list on my blog:
8/26/05 LA Gov: Blanco Declares State of Emergency
8/27/05 White House: Bush acknowledges Declaration of State of Emergency – puts FEMA in charge
8/28/05 White House: President Bush reiterates his acknowledgement that FEMA is in charge
8/28/05 LA Gov: Blanco formally requests that DHS take charge, according to the National Response Plan put into effect December 2004
8/29/05 FEMA: First Responders Urged Not To Respond To Hurricane Impact Areas Unless Dispatched By State, Local Authorities
8/29/05 FEMA: Cash Sought To Help Hurricane Victims, Volunteers Should Not Self-Dispatch
8/29/05 FEMA: President Declares Major Disaster For Louisiana
8/30/05 FEMA: Evacuees Cautioned Not To Re-Enter Damage Areas Prematurely