I swear to God I am going to have to run for President myself to get the Democrats off their asses and to offer a reality-based alternative to the absolutely criminal administration of our government. I’ve had it. I cannot get any more frustrated.
Just put me in the debates and I will eviscerate Hillary, Biden, Richardson, and any other ass-clown that pretends to represent the American people against these thieves, these warmongers, these spendthrift violators of the Geneva conventions and international law. I’ll murdurate them.
I could care less whether we have the votes to impeach Bush and Cheney. I want the Republicans to defend them. This is no blow-job. This is the negligent homicide of thousands of people in New Orleans, Iraq, and our armed forces. If we don’t demand they give us the keys to the car then we will be complicit in the resulting carnage when they, once again, wrap the country’s fortunes around a telephone pole.
Name me one member of the cabinet that shouldn’t be fired and/or prosecuted. Explain to me why Tom DeLay and Dennis Hastert are not being hounded out of office for outright crimes. Explain why Karl Rove hasn’t been fired. Why the hell is Rumsfeld still in the Pentagon? Why is John Bolton at the UN? When will Bremer and Tenet return their Medals of Freedom so we can melt them down and auction them off to help plug the levee break in our federal budget?
Give me one Democratic Presidential hopeful that is willing to say HELL NO to John Roberts and stand up for womens’ rights. Give me one Democratic Presidential hopeful with half the nut-sack of Chuck Hagel. I don’t want to see one more dime appropriated for Iraq until Rumsfeld resigns. If Bush even thinks of nominating Alberto Gonzales for the Supreme Court I want the Dems to threaten to create a Nuremberg court to prosecute the architects of torture. Enough is enough. If we can’t get any spine to stick up for human rights and human dignity, then we’ll have to run primary contenders in every goddamn Democratic district in the country. I’m telling you, I have absolutely had it.
It’s not about policy differences, it’s about criminal responsibility. This is about tolerating wanton criminality. Where are the nine billion dollars missing in Iraq? If we cannot stand up and call a crook a crook and a liar a liar then we are worthless, spineless, lickspittles. Get off your asses and lead, damnit. Call for the resignation of the whole lot of these thuggish, venal, freebooters.
If you won’t do it, we are going to do it ourselves. Starting September 24th.
Despite our varying perspectives on some of the issues, I sure as hell agree with every word of this. And fwiw I’d find it much easier to vote for you than for any other Democrat I’ve had to fucking force myself to pull the lever for. Speaking of which, if those tools don’t rise up right goddamn now, they’ll NEVER get another vote outta me.
There is no fucking hope for any of those Democrats in D.C. None.
Our only hope is a heroic Democratic governor. I wish the governor of Montana, for example, would speak out.
Well, perhaps he has! I’ll go check.
P.S. I’ll murdurate them
I think we just witnessed the birth (it was a difficult breach delivery) of a NEW WORD!
Born feet first, kickin’ and screamin’…
coined that word in the foities. But it doesn’t get enough use.
YAAAA Baby Say it!
Let me be the first to offer a contribution to your campaign. Where do I send it. Can I head your San Diego headquarters? ANd no I am not f’ing kidding.
And a third party is born…The Reality Party!
Reality: what a concept.
Amen, Boo. A-men.
The elemenal answer to all your questios above about why all these crooks and bums and liars are still operating is simple.
It’s because we do not live in a functioning Democracy right now. The amount of power in this country seized by both the Bush regime itself and by the majority party in congress has created a tyranny of fear and intimidation that has paralyzed the cowardly minority party bigwigs ad undermined their ability to perform their democratic duty to act as a restrainng force against the inevitable abuse of power a majority party always engages in.
This is not democracy any more than a constitution that yields authority to religious law is democracy in Iraq.
at Daily Kos.
How can a government be wrong so much. Never a head rolls, always excuses. They paint anyone who opposes them as extremists. If they have to blame the victims no problem.
Democratic politicians have skilled themselves in the art of survival and avoiding labels. We need people to fall on their swords here and fight the good fight without worrying how they are labeled by the neocon mudslingers. Its time for a true leader to fill the void. Someone who dares defy the neocon vision without getting all weak in the knees. Its not about them its about the whole country.
Right on Boo. Yell it from the mountain top! Stand up before we all drown in there toxic stew of lies, incompetence and spin.
Can Kucinich be your VP?
I agree with you about running primary contenders — the debates we could have, omigod! So how do we do this? I’m ready!
The window of opportunity for the democrats to stand up has already closed for me — anything from here on out is too little too late….just like the “relief” for so many people, not only in Katrina, but those who have been left to die in the streets all over this country. If ya’ll need a little more time, so be it, but I am third party bound and if we don’t make it ourselves, I know there are others out there.
Enough has been enough for quite some time now.
— fantasy press conference —
President: Yes, Ms. Hu.
Ms. Susan Hu of the Reality Network News: President BooMan, you have just taken office. We hear reports that Katrina will hit New Orleans soon? What has your cabinet and you done to prepare for this storm? Who will you name to head FEMA? Who will you name to head Homeland Security? How can you get your people in place soon enough to address a potential catastrophe? You’re new on the job. So are they. What are you going to do?
President: [RESPONSE]
Ideally we would have an off-the-shelf contingency plan that would be put into effect for the orderly evacuation of New Orleans. It would have to involve at least a full division of guardsmen, the Corp of Engineers, the Coast Guard, and state and local police to protect property, go door to door both before and after, repair the breech, put swiftboats into the city, and erect temporary camps to house a half million people.
Why this plan didn’t exist or was not used is beyond me. If caught off guard, I’d mobilize available forces to do an airlift, and I’d commandeer anything that was needed.
catnip here from the Herb News Network (HNN): Mr Booman, can you tell us when the criminal trials of the past administration’s war criminals will begin and what do you feel would be an appropriate sentence?
I can get Cicero confirmed as my Attorney General we will begin the trials and investigations.
So, fair warning to all assistants and undersecretaties, start preparing your plea bargains now.
catnip again from the Herb News Network (HNN): Sir, will you be delivering the free cheesecake you promised anytime soon? Thank you.
I’m sorry to be out of the loop, but what is happening Sept. 24? I know there’s something in DC. I’m so frustrated and angry and…I don’t know what else. There aren’t words.
I’m tired of giving money. I’m tired of ranting to my husband. I want to DO something.
March on Washington, rally and events all weekend. Or if you can’t make it, San Francisco or Los Angeles. The websites have lots of info about mobilization logistics around the country: transportation, housing, etc.
Thanks so much!
PS. Like your username. I’m a librarian by education, though I don’t work in one.
Tom Englehardt
He’s already said time after time….Clark. The latest was a screed about the LACK of leadership.
Wesley Clark. The only outsider that can lead the charge in make the charges with nothing to lose.
Because if you are, then I have to say:
oh, really? What has he been doing the past wek? I haven’t heard anything about him leading charges of any kind — guess he still has something to lose after all, eh?
REad the gawddamn article…if you think words have no meaning then stop speaking and be mute.
His greatest ability is behind the scenes getting things actually done not acting for the cameras like all the amatuers want from their leaders.
The answer to who we have is right below this diary.
Fuck Biden, Hillary, and the rest of the DLC.. triangulating, mealy-mouthed Vichy Dems
Fuck,em all
Tell Al to grow his beard, put on The Dead, and keep loading up planes….He’s the only Dem doing anything.
I’m debating going to the Sept 24 demo. I haven’t been this angry at my government since 1994 (Rwanda). I want this goddamn set of murderously negligent bastards out. So why am I hesitating? Well ask yourselves this – just how angry would you need to be to go to a demo – whose main aim you agree with – that had as one of its primary organizers Operation Rescue, or the Minutemen, or the Council of Conservative Citizens (formerly known as the White Citizens’ Council).
Please, lefties, please – I’m not saying don’t let the ugly extremists march, but why do you allow them to play a role in organizing protests? It creates a major problem for moderate liberals like myself and for centrists. I know they’re well organized, but can’t you do without the help of people like that?
And I mean the ones who, as an organized group, have bombed clinic (or other building with people inside), shot at unarmed human beings (and no, the FBI and the ATF do not count)….
And to anwser you question, if the Minutemen and the White Citizen’s Council were helping to organize a march to hold these bastards accountable, I wouldn’t have any problem being right there beside them…if their focus and purposes matched mine, the uglier the better.
I understand and partly agree with your reluctance; in fact the International ANSWER group that organizes here in the S.F. Bay Area has turned off many of my friends to protesting. However if you participate you would find most share your point of view. The main organizer in Washington is a coalition of more than 1300 groups throughout the U.S. that joined specifically to work against the war in Iraq.
Moreover, I personally believe there is an important place for “extremists” in every movement. They make the rest of us look moderate and reasonable, and they point out connections between seemingly diverse issues that may be overlooked at first by thinking sympathizers. Those who are violent are a very tiny minority.
Does anyone here doubt that had this disaster taken place last August, (prior to the election), that the federal response would have been hugely different?
Does any doubt that all the money handed out by FEMA here in Florida to so many people in areas where there was no hurricane damage was part of a political effort on behalf of the Bush campaign?
I meant to say “…all the money handed out by FEMA here in Florida last year…”, (to distinguish from FEMA disbursements this year).
From the FAQ: “this site [boomantribune.com] is committed to building the Democratic Party, raising money for the Democratic Party and its candidates, finding and promoting promising candidates for state and local offices, helping to shape the Democratic Party’s agenda, and holding Democratic office holders to account for their votes and their ethics.”
Since you’re still committed to the Democratic party, you’re going to have considerable difficulty changing things. The party is completely wrapped up in what is going on in the world–on the international stage in Iraq and Africa, on the national stage in Washington and Crawford, and on the local stage in New Orleans and NYC–and until there’s a VERY SUBSTANTIAL change in the fundamental workings of the Democratic party, you’ll be asking us to support an organization that is part of the problem, not part of the solution.
I can only see one way out of this, which is, bluntly, a split in the Democratic party. That’s pretty tough to swallow…
you don’t buy into it, but we are a split in the democratic party. We are not a labor union, we are not a corporation hedging its bets, we are not a community demanding pork, we are not here to advocate for Israel, or Armenia, or Azerbaijan, or Palestine. We are here for a party that sticks up for the little guy and punishes graft, corruption, and incompetence.
We are building our own fundraising mechanisms, we will soon begin drafting our own candidates.
We live in a winner take all system. We can only be effective within the Democratic Party. So, we have no choice but to change it. In the meantime, there is no greater urgency than regaining at least one house of Congress so we can put some of these people in jail.
Sounds good. The fundraising part has been shown already. Problem is that up to this point, the liberal blog movement has simply funded the mainstream DNC party. I welcome an alternative approach and look forward to a platform and some decent candidates.
It will be interesting to see whether this results in a Howard Dean based (stick to the center) or a Dennis Kucinich approach (solid liberal platform)…