FBC Bulletin Board
Kansas announced the launch of the Powell’s/BooTrib Book Club. The first book on the reading list is Bayou Farewell by Mike Tidwell. The Book Club will meet in late October, tentatively October 22nd.
Katiebird announced in a diary last night the postponement of the inaugural Froggy Bottom Photography Fair due to exigent circumstances until October, tentatively the weekend of the 8th-9th.
If anyone is planning to go to Washington DC for the march and rally on the 24th of September, please comment in the East Regional thread so we can begin to coordinate arrivals, places to stay, schedules, meeting places, etc.
If anyone would like to add a “note” to the bulletin board, let me know & I’ll add it above.
Gosh, it’s quiet in here…
So what your suggestions for a Friday happy hour/dinner-type get together in your fine town?
I expected it to be quiet: there’s far too much else going on.
As for HH in DC, I’ll PM you & DJ ASAP with some 411 WRT locs. & acts. WTFOMGBBQ.
SGTM (sounds good to me). How do you set up a yahoo group? Is it fairly easy? I’m thinking it might be an easy way for us to plan as a group with some privacy…
Done & done. I’ll send you an invite post-haste.
You rock (pun intended!)
I forwarded the invite to the rest of the folks; if anyone else here is interested, let me know!
<sigh> yeah, I hear that at least once a week. Anyhoo, I’m eager to see a head-count of DC marchers.
Guilty… too much. Just too fucking much. But it’s good to see you here – I’ll try to pop in more today, it’s strangely calming to be here….
I hear you completely. By now I don’t trust myself to say anything reasoned or coherent. So this Café is for everyone with nothing left to say.
That’s a perfect description of me.
I’m shattered.
Is anyone else already reconsiled to the fact that every single fucking thing we’ve all raged about for years is coming together with perfect precision?????
Max Cleland is scheduled to speak Wed. in Bloomington, IN at the Monroe County Jefferson Jackson Day Dinner. More details here. Something for the bulletin board perhaps?
come up with an updated image for the Advertisement for the photography fair?
I noticed katiebird put an updated image in her diary from last night. I don’t know, however, who would have the ability to change the image linked in that ad.
who bought the ad. They can change it.
I think it was Bobaloo, if I have the spelling right.
Yes, And I’ve sent her a message. But, I think she’s off-line this weekend.
I sent a letter to Penny giving her a copy of the gif and asking her to change it.
But, I don’t know what her holiday schedule is.
Morning all. I know its hard for us to talk about anything else but the disaster, it is hard for me.
Listening to the Sunday morn. talk shows makes me even sadder.
We have to, or at least I am trying to, focus on what we can do to help the survivors and also at the same time to kick the #$@%!&&&’s out of Wahington..
My thoughts and prayers go out to all the blessed people who have given their time and energy to helping people all over this country.
This cafe today might be a good place to share our sadness and our hopes and dreams for the future which we will work to bring into reality.
Never has there been a more important time in all of history to bring the force, of ‘We the People’, to bear on this country and make the needed changes.
Diane… I have no words.. but wanted to let you know I was here…. stay tough sweetie… deep breaths. How is Shirl hanging in?
Zander so good to see your words here. We are all in mourning, the whole world I think, and it will take some time to move past this stage.
Shirl is as fine as is possible, but this disaster has taken it’s toll on all of us. I still find it impossible to watch anything but news, even watching the same broadcasts, over and over.
I will stay “tough” my friend, as we all will, cause we surely have to now, there is no choice.
Thanks to you and all of our Canadian neighbors who have put up with the likes of us (US) for all of the years. Could Canada anex us perhaps?
Keep your words coming here please Zander.
If anyone would like a distraction, Shirl has written part 1 of a new story of her life, which I have a feeling will evolve into a book and its posted on Village Blue, which is a good place to go to get a little relief from all the stark reality of our present situation.
Gee I didn’t know this was going to be so long, was just going to write one line.
I also want to remind everyone that Brinnaine has volunteered to be a “point man” for getting some direct help to Austin. I have copied and posted her diary from yesterday on VB(Help Brinnaine, help Austin) and you can go there to find contact info.
It is hard to be a distant bystander-
for “we the people” passed with election 2004.
From that point onward it’s been more of a job than the people can do by ourselves. That was the last moment when the people could have headed off capture of the Court. We don’t have a congressional election for another year or a presidential election for another 3 years. We have very limited access to mass communication.
It seems to me that we need some major societal leadership to stand up and say ‘enough.’ Whether voices from among the people can prod that to happen is a question in my mind. We must do everything we can toward this end, from LTE’s to fact-checking pressure on the media and petitioning sympathetic elected, economic and cultural leaders.
good afternoon folks, just passing through and wanted to say Hey ; )
take some time today, and hug somebody, and it does’nt matter who, just do it….ya never know what’ll happen….hell, I even hugged a gator…that was interest’n…LOL
I’ll be around for about an hour or so,,then outta touch for a few days…
peace be with you and yours always….. ; )
Well here’s a hug for you Ipig, and another for all the bootribbers reading this.
tanky spanky ; )
Just read your diary…highly recommended. Kudos my friend!
Be the wind
to gather all this despair, and pain, into a battle cry that will be heard round the world.
do not let this pass us by, IT IS TIME my friends to become the wind of change
join me, be the wind
shout from every corner, rooftop, courthouse steps…IT IS TIME to gather our forces…NOW
Brother, that was a really nice thing for you to do, to post the bulletins.
I have mowed the front yard, cleaned the first floor, touched up my roots (hair, not flowers :)), written a diary, read and watched so much news I feel numb, and now I’m going to visit my mom. Is anybody besides me feeling as if you’re buzzing AND numb?
I agree, this is a restful place.
I agree — I like it too!
I certainly wouldn’t have gotten the DIVs right without your help (unwitting it may have been)! Well, maybe I should make the “Sunday Bulletin” a weekly habit.
I think it might be a good idea for the first diary of each day.
It would be a good way to sum up some of the previous days’s conversations.
and a call to west coasties who can’t go to Washington but might be able to make it to San Francisco Sept. 24th. Shall we march together?
<click on pic for article>

The woman described by those who should know as the best female hockey player in the world, Alyson Annan, has unashamedly revealed that she has fallen in love with Carole Thate, captain of the Dutch hockey team at the Sydney Olympics. The two are living together in Amsterdam.
The star Hockeyroo had been married to Argentinian national player Max Caldas, but after two years together the marriage fell apart, and the couple officially split just hours after Caldas joined the Hockeyroo gold medal win celebration. The marriage had been in trouble for more than a year, said Annan.
The International Player of the Year added that Carole had nothing to do with the collapse of her marriage, and that while she didn’t believe she was a lesbian, she was really happy in her first gay relationship and hoped her honesty about it would help others..
The Hague world class HCKZ field hockey club– with honorary chairman Ties Kruize– and many friends attended Allyson and Carole’s day of happiness, their marriage in Amsterdam on Saturday.
Alyson is trainer/coach of a talented HCKZ top women’s team, while Max Caldas is employed as overall HCKZ youth trainer and coordiator – if the Netherlands represents a liberal society, then it is a demonstration of happiness and a community united!
Click here for my Katrina collage.