On a hot summer’s day, and the heat so overwhelming you could not catch your breathe. The stench in the air is so strong that you feel you cannot take another breathe. The stagnate and contaminated waters are rising around you, and you see everything you have worked for in your life being swept away in front of your eyes. You are hopelessly lost in grief and dispair.
A trembling voice cries out towards the sky in desperate hope for some help, some releif, from this devastating hell your caught up in, but alas, there is none.
A worn and cracked hand reaches out for something to hold onto, to grasp at the last chance for life. Your very existance itself is in one final trembling muscle tearing clasp, that you know is the only bit of life left in your body.
The fear inside you is greater than anything you have ever known. An overwhelming desire for one last chance at life itself, and you cry outloud, please do not let me end this way.
This is not only the ominous fate of so many caught in the wake of the devastating hurricane that has claimed so many lives, but for all of us in everyday life.
There has been an unnatural pehnomenon that has swept over this counrty and the world and it is having the same effect on all of us, just as those caught in the wrath of the hurricane.
We see and feel the effects of this in our very own lives. Watching helplessly our future, and oncoming generations being destroyed for the greed of the very few.
However, even the hurricane force can only last so long. After the storm, there is always that light that comes as the skies clear, and lets the rays of sunlight into the darkened, and weakened area of impact.
Then at that moment, you will feel the wind, that cools, and soothes that overwhelming heat, and moves the stench away. It is a feeling of releif, for the wind whisps these destructive elements away, and as if the nuturing of mother earth herself wraps you in her arms, and cradles you.
You find yourself holding outstretched arms welcoming the cooling wind. It lifts your spirits up, and a sigh of releif is expelled by your soul.
Your eyes are lifted to the skies, and a thanks is given, even knowing the hard task ahead of rebuilding your life, and your futures.
In light of all that has happened under this administration, their shortcomings are showing, and very blatantly to even a larger number of the most afflicted by the disease of greed. For greed equals power in every sense. One begats the other, always.
So people I say to you now, be the wind that cools, and soothes. That dries out the soaked soils of contaminated waters. That blows away the stench of the lives and souls left in it’s wake.
This is the prime time to be the wind that will not bow to the spin of whitewashed lies any longer. Now is the time to be the wind of force that will finally change the direction of the storm we are in.
For a long time I have watched, listened, and participated in the voicing of our woes. We must not let this pass us by like a gentle summer breeze.
We must gather our forces at every waking second to accumulate a wind that has such force to clear the storm of greed in which we are caught.
Not only online blogs, but at every given chance to speak, place a thought in someone’s mind. If the opportunity is there, take it, even better, make it
At the store, work, play, any chance to make a statememt, we must do so.
I will not ask you, and I will not beg you to do so.
I CHALLENGE YOU to do this.
Make it clear to both sides of the isles, regaurdless of race, religion, or politics. Our message must be absolutely clear.
With the price of living, fuel, food, pure existance rising beyond the reach of any common person, it is time. Like we have not had since this storm started.
There is no need to make a list of all the things we know are wrong today. We’ve been doing that for 5yrs now. We know them by heart.
So this is all I have to say to you, I Am the Wind
will you join me to become the wind of change, or will you be content in just a passing breeze…..
One voice, can become a force……let it be so
I will only be able to respond for a very short period because I will not have net acess after this afternoon for a few days.
I will do what I can to check in.
I don’t know about you folks, but I for one, have been doing this voicing daily, and taking every opportunity to speak with people eveywhere about the current state of affairs we are in.
I am really seeing some change out there, so therefor we must not relent in our duty to further the changes desperately needed for our survival.
If you don’t respond to this diary, it’s not important. What is important, that we move swiftly, and forcefully at this moment in time, or it will truly be lost.
We cannot afford to relent, we must become a force that will be heard.
May we all be the force….may we all be the Wind of Change
peace be with you and yours always…..
I am with you infidelpig —
I will be the wind that cools and soothes
that lifts up and carries
I will be the wind that rages
that storms and wails
that sweeps clean
let us be swift, anf forceful.
thank you
I’ll blow with you! Always!
good stuff here IP!
many thanks rosee, I hope your wind will carry you where your dreams finally come true dear lady.
for I will be part of the wind in your sail…; )
peace lady
“Time is for careful people, not passionate ones”
your sig has never been more appropriate than now. The time for action is upon us and the purpose is clear…We must become the wind of change for if we do not, the America we/I grew up in and loved will cease to exist.
iPig, my friend, beautifully said. I am honored to know you and the kindred souls in this very special community that Booman has created.
Peace Brother
My sig is from the honorable infidelpig! I ‘took’ it from him months ago because it says it all to me and he graciously let me have it.
dada, you have become a special person, and I’m sure your life has forged you that way.
the honor is all mine sir, and it is great, with much respect
peace brother…may we make that change so needed
When ‘your’ words spring forth they are both mighty and moving, thank you for blessing us with these words today, dear friend.
I am the wind also.
I just posted this at your site diane….; )
thanks for your comment friend….peace
Thank you for this, infidelpig. I am so enraged by the massive clusterfuck of this government that at times all I can do is sputter. I am trying to put information out where it can be heard and where it can provide some leverage.
Glad to hear from you. You’re one of the ones I was worried about. Although I gather you’re somewhere between Pensacola and Apalach, perhaps, so it was mostly rain and wind?
yes, I am closer to Panama City Beach…I was here during the storm, as I have been hous sitting for a friend, that returns today.
thank you…and we must remember, while this administration is at it weakest point, NOW is the time to strike, and NEVER back off…we must tell the worlf the truths for all their lies, not just this last one…
but it’s the weakest link in the chain right now, and there is so much doubt in people’s minds, and with the prices rising at the pumps,,,even the right wingers are pissed…IT IS TIME TO STRIKE..AND STRIKE HARD…
I agee, hand these idiots the anvil. now!!!
of this Potemkin Presidency!
absolutely brother, we must stand strong, but most importantly, united.
make it a wind felt around the world
peace bro
A great wind rushes under all of us.
The bigger the window, the more it trembles.
From a poem by Ted Kooser
It is hard to be here and be a distant bystander. For now, there is nothing to do but help the Red Cross, and try to talk with people and try to make some sense.
The amount of information and opinion is overwhelming.
But, iPig – whenever you get back on line – you know I am with you. Because this dumbfuck administration that you’re stuck with (for now) doesn’t only affect you and all Americans – it affects the whole world. George W Bush ís a planetary disaster. If there is to be an Anti-Christ, a Horseman, a Harbinger of Evil – let it be Bush – because he can and will be removed.
But he is just the soft empty meringue on the top of a toxic cake of blind bigot Fundamentalists who have lost any touch with any reality except the masturbation of their own power trip. They are poison. This is a cake that needs to be buried so far underground that they will never be found in 10,000 years. They are the Fourth Reich.
September 24th will be a watershed. You need millions there. Millions who will march on the White House and take it back. In real freedom, the power of numbers will defeat the power of deceit and greed.
“Anyway the wind blows….”
Beautiful. Thank you.
You can either be the wind or a windbag.
Sorry – if I don’t keep my sense of humour, I’m going to evaporate into a huge pile of useless dust and I don’t want to get blown away.
Oh that was so bad. I’ll stop now.
Hi IP,glad you are well and your writing as lyrical as ever.
I’m hoping this wind of change will turn into a wind of epic proportions to touch people who had opted out of being involved and informed citizens to raise their voices and sweep out the toxic brew that has become the republican mindset…at the local/state and federal levels of government.
I want to hear people say that we are the richest country in the world not for our monetary value but for the way we care for and lift up the least among us..only then can we claim we are the richest country in the world.
You are and have always been an inspiration!
This morning, when i looked out at the sunrise, and reflected on my great, good luck for havinig the life I have, I said to hub—-aren’t we lucky?
Nother room on me on fri the 23rd -in Janet’s name- go for it people
Shycat, you are a doll! Can I email you the invite to out Bootrib DC march yahoo group?
I just do what I can-and I can do this.
To paraphrase Hugh Latimer, we shall this day in America cause such a wind to blow as shall never be calmed.
I just hope that fifty years from now when some neo-neocon runs for Congress his opponent can point to the tragedy of New Orleans and say to the people he (or she) hopes to represent, “Do you want this to happen again?”
I hope this is studied in history books for centuries to come as a prime example of how to run a country into the ground.
But most of all, I hope it ignites people in the here and now to see what’s been taken from them, and maybe, point a way to get it back.
Thank you IP. Once again, words of power, wisdom and healing. I will not relent – I will work and hope!!
I think we all have to become even more vocal and make sure this isn’t one more thing bush gets away with.
It’s already starting. A poll from ABC says it’s a 50/50 split for NOT blaming bush and instead the local/state government-surprise surprise.
I already posted elsewhere my story of woman right here in my apt. building-nice little old lady, church going(no doubt bush fan)who is saying that the criticism for slow response is completely unfounded, that people are to blame for not leaving, that local and state response are at fault then of course there was the people looting tv’s ya know…and how wonderful that Wal-Mart is such a charitable organization(she must listen to Hannity).
We have to combat this kind of false information as much as we can. I did try to break in and mention how the Red Cross was not allowed in etc etc but I don’t think she believed me.
excellent diary
and the wind beneath my wings Infidel. You and everyone that participates and contributes to this loving, compassionate, respectful community. We have each other and it is time to help pick up our brothers and sisters and carry them with us.
I have been more vocal this week(and no one has ever told me I have ever been at a loss for words)than ever in my life. I have, for far too long, allowed society, fear of having a job and a roof over my head to stay the status quo and go along. Those days of apathy and fear are over. There is a bed of coals leading to DC and we must commit to walk over it together and be afraid no longer.
I am the wind, infidelpig, thank you.
I’m with you brother, all the way. I just gave another newspaper interview today and hopefully it will reach some locals here and get them to think about going to Washington at the end of the month. When it comes out I will post both of them.
Peace brother
Super, I tried to send you an email, but got bounced back…
can you try again? I haven’t had any problems lately with my mail. Here are two more email addresses:
colorsplash62@hotmail.com and….
Between those and the original address below, I would think that somehow you can get a hold of me lol
last week. People killed, assets wasted and ignored, I had to disconnect for awhile. This administration has brought so much wreckage to my life and I felt so abandoned. Now I look around and I see that all the rest of you have joined me. I wish that it would have never happened, I wish I was still alone knowing in my heart that I mean nothing to those in power and if my life is squashed by their decisions I will deal with it alone. Today all of my friends at Booman have joined me. We all know it in our hearts now don’t we? We can feel it right to quick of our bones. We are all in the same boat now. I am the wind!
We’re all in this together, aren’t we? (Check your email; Brother Feldspar just set up a yahoo group for the DC march plans and I sent you the invite to join)
Category 5 of positive change, here we come! Thanks, IP!