Via Crooks & Liars) (with VIDEO) Mary Landrieu to Bush: “I’ll Punch Him”
Sen. Landrieu was on This Week and brought George Stephanopoulos on a helicopter tour of her the damage…
Landrieu: “If one person criticises them or says one more thing –including the President of the US — he will be hearing from me. One more word about it after this show airs and I might likely punch him, literally.”
She burst into tears as she looked at a single crane working to help repair the levees…
Landrieu…”The President could have funded it, he cut it out of the budget. Is that the most pitiful sight you have ever seen in your life?-One little crane.”
Thanks to Crooks & Liars. Unlike MSNBC’s site, I can’t find a transcript at ABC for “This Week.”
I’ve got confidence in her. She’ll avenge our dead. She’s been on the offensive since the Anderson Cooper interview. Mary is pissed.
The Republican senator — sorry, i forget his name just now — was also very good.
(Trent Lott was on this morning and full of shit, per usual.)
that Lott will have an even better house than before, so why should anything else matter to him?!
I like Mary when she’s pissed.
That’s the second Dem politician in 24 hours — the first was Clinton — bluntly expressing their desire to do bodily harm to a prominent Republican in public.
If this keeps up and isn’t just noise from the passions of the moment, it might be a sign that the Democratic Party is regenerating its long-lost spine.
I missed this one. What did Clinton say?
I promoted a diary last night that quoted from the WaPo article in which that Clinton remark is in…. Clinton was talking about Hastert…
It’s down this page, or on the next page.
Bush’s body guards had better be staying real close to him. Dem’s threatening assualts. Who’d have thunk it??
As for Landrieu, it’s about flipping time she woke up and smelled the coffee. Her Bush butt-kissing this past week was absolutely appalling. She owes her people a helluva lot more than that.
It is so much more palatable than what the Democratic gov of LA did yesterday – hugging Bush like he was her dear friend. That was nauseating.
I’ve never seen her in action before but she sure appears rattled whenever she’s interviewed. It seems like she’s barely holding it together. I don’t know whether to feel sorry for her or to wonder why she doesn’t get a grip on herself.
Yup, Mary’s redeemed herself in my eyes after her earlier conversation with Anderson Cooper…
She does seem to have turned a corner since that Anderson Cooper interview. It’s about time some democrats started telling it like it is.
It’s absolutely deafening the silence from the democrats on this whole disaster. I’ve been combing online newspapers etc all week long and there aren’t even any newspaper articles/statements from occasional one maybe like Hilary talking about oil companies and gas price gouging and while that may be important that is not what I want to hear right now.
I want outrage, I want unity from the democrats on their outrage-I want them to be the opposition party and get something done…like calling for ‘Brownie’s’ resignation-all of them at once-that would be a start.
Welcome Landrieu’s recent conversion to human being, following the Andersen Cooper interview, I think I will believe her more when she start’s actually punching people.
She talking the talk. Time to walk the walk.
Also, she could start by quickly rectifying the Bankruptcy debacle that she assisted to enact into law, that will now be fucking the people she is supposed to serve.
Sick of words. Want deeds.
Well, she is in an unenviable situation … it’s tough being a liberal Democrat in Louisiana.
Correct that. it WAS tough to be a liberal Democrat in Louisiana.
Maybe the residents will be radicalized by this (unless they’re too busy pointing the blame at the black mayor of NOLA and that WOMAN governor — which wouldn’t surprise me one bit).
I called her a cold-hearted something-or-other yesterday.
I saw her on This Week this morning. I’m glad I no longer have to think of her that way. If she honestly keeps this up, I might actually have to praise her.
For now, the best I can manage is to wonder if she didn’t just accept the Republican spin version as reality. It’s pretty amazing watching her point out details of the city to George S, and actually feeling what she’s saying.
I wonder if she’ll be dumb enough to accept the Fepublican ‘spun’ version of reality ever again. I hope not.